You are very good in English but I am here to help you to talk in English Do not be shy!! Make new sentences Talk much in English Talk in English with your friend
Who am I? I am Hanneke Qua I am from Holland
China Holland
Holland Amsterdam is the capital
canal bicycle
Windmill (old)
Windmill (new)
Things we do during the day We will talk about Things we do during the day From morning till evening
Before school: What do you do? Get out of bed? Wash yourself? Brush your hair?
Before school: What do you do? Have breakfast? bread cheese jam English breakfast bacon eggs
Also before school Dress yourself? Put your clothes on? T-shirt Sweater Trousers Coat Dog with a sweater and a cap
How did you go to school? By boat / ship? By space rocket?
After school: What do you do? Play?
After school: What do you do? Help your father/mother? Your homework? Cooking Do your homework
When it is dark? In the evening: What do you do? Reading a book? Watching T.V.? Go to sleep, go to bed