Novel Wire Density Driven Full-Chip Routing for CMP Variation Control Huang-Yu Chen †, Szu-Jui Chou †, Sheng-Lung Wang ‡, and Yao-Wen Chang † † National Taiwan University, Taiwan ‡ Synopsys, Inc, Taiwan
2 Outline CMP Introduction Previous Work Wire-Density Driven Two-Pass Top-Down Routing Experimental Results Conclusion
3 Outline CMP Introduction Previous Work Wire-Density Driven Two-Pass Top-Down Routing Experimental Results Conclusion
4 Cu Damascene Process The Cu metallization (Damascene) contains two main steps: electroplating (ECP) and chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) ECP: deposits Cu on the trenches CMP: removes Cu that overfills the trenches Great interconnect performance and systematic yield loss are observed after CMP ECPCMPOpen trenches
5 CMP Process CMP contains both chemical and mechanical parts Chemically: abrasive slurry dissolves the wafer layer Mechanically: a dynamic polishing head presses pad and wafer Schematic diagram of CMP polisher Slurry Polishing pad Polishing head Wafer
6 layout pattern density Post-CMP topography strongly depends on underlying layout pattern density Uneven layout density leads to metal dishing and dielectric erosion after CMP Layout-Dependent Thickness Variations Oxide polishing pad slurry dielectric metal Post-CMPPre-CMP metal dielectric dishing erosion
7 Layout Pattern Density Control wire dummy density rulesdummy features Foundries have set density rules and filled dummy features to improve CMP quality Disadvantages of dummy fills: 1. Changes coupling capacitance of interconnects 2. Leads to explosion of mask data, putting heavy burdens to following time-consuming RETs Routing Routing considering uniform wire density helps control the layout pattern density Avoid aggressive post-routing dummy fills
8 Outline CMP Introduction Previous Work Wire-Density Driven Two-Pass Top-Down Routing Experimental Results Conclusion
9 Minimum Pin Density Global Routing minimum pin density Cho et al. [ICCAD’06] selected paths with minimum pin density to reduce maximum wire density in global tiles Paths with lower pin density tend to have lower wire density and can get much benefit from optimization p1p1 p2p2 2 possible 1-bend S T pathsPath a with lower density S T S T Select path p 1 with lower pin density p1p1
10 Wire Density-Driven Cost Function Li et al. [TCAD’07] set the cost function of a global tile t to guide a wire density-driven global router: : capacity of t : demand of t : parameter of target density (=4 for 25% target density) 1
11 inside Both approaches only consider the wire density inside a routing tile inter-tile It may incur larger inter-tile density difference results in irregular post-CMP thickness variations Limitations Post-CMP Thickness Density = 0.4Density = 0.1 Need to minimize the density difference among global tiles
12 Outline CMP Introduction Previous Work Wire-Density Driven Two-Pass Top-Down Routing Experimental Results Conclusion
13 Multilevel Routing A modern chip may contain billions of transistors and millions of nets Multilevel routing Multilevel routing has been proposed to handle large- scale designs Already-routed net To-be-routed net coarseninguncoarsening ‧ global routing ‧ detailed routing ‧ failed nets rerouting ‧ refinement Λ-shaped multilevel routing
14 high low Two-Pass Top-Down Routing Framework G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 Planarization- aware top-down global routing 1 st Pass Stage Top-down detailed routing and refinement 2 nd Pass Stage Voronoi-diagram based density critical area analysis (CAA) Prerouting Stage uncoarsening G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 Density-driven layer assignment and Delaunay-triangulation track assignment Intermediate Stage To-be-routed net Already-routed net
15 Top-Down Routing Approach 1.Planarity is a long-range effect 2.Longer nets shall be planned first greater impacts/determination for density usually hard to predict paths 3.Bottom-up routing easily falls into local optima over density may occur among subregions ? ? ? Bottom-up routing Over density among subregions G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 ?
16 Density Analysis Prerouting G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 Planarization- aware top-down global routing 1 st Pass Stage Top-down detailed routing and refinement 2 nd Pass Stage uncoarsening G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 Density-driven layer assignment and Delaunay-triangulation track assignment Intermediate Stage To-be-routed net Already-routed net high low Voronoi-diagram based density critical area analysis (CAA) Prerouting Stage
17 Density Critical Area Analysis (CAA) Performs density analysis to guide following routing pin distributionVoronoi diagrams Given a routing instance, we predict density hot spots based on the pin distribution by Voronoi diagrams
18 Voronoi Diagram Voronoi diagram Voronoi cells The Voronoi diagram of a point set decomposes space into non-overlapping Voronoi cells If a point q lies in the Voronoi cell of p, then q would be close to p than other points q p
19 Observation of Voronoi Diagrams Non-uniform distribution leads to large area variation among Voronoi cells Non-uniform distributionUniform distribution
20 Density Hot Spots Identification If the Voronoi cell of a pin has more adjacent cells, density hot spots may occur around it pin density Define pin density of a pin p as # of adjacent Voronoi cells completely sitting inside a range from p p pin density = 3
21 Global Tile Predicted Density Map pin density to global tiles to guide global routing The predicted density of a global tile t: Pin densityPredicted density of global tile = max{ pin density | pin locates within t }
22 high low Voronoi-diagram based density critical area analysis (CAA) Prerouting Stage 1 st Pass Top-Down Global Routing Top-down detailed routing and refinement 2 nd Pass Stage uncoarsening G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 Density-driven layer assignment and Delaunay-triangulation track assignment Intermediate Stage To-be-routed net Already-routed net G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 Planarization- aware top-down global routing 1 st Pass Stage
23 Objectives: 1. Encourage each global tile to satisfy density upper- and lower-bound rules 2. Minimize the density difference among global tiles Planarization-Aware Global Routing Post-CMP Thickness Density = 0.5Density = Wire density map Density =
24 : predicted density of t (prerouting density CAA) Planarization-Aware Cost Function Planarization-aware cost of global tile t with density d t : : positive penalty (> 0) : average density of tiles around t : user-define parameter : negative reward (< 0)
25 G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 Planarization- aware top-down global routing 1 st Pass Stage high low Voronoi-diagram based density critical area analysis (CAA) Prerouting Stage Intermediate Layer/Track Assignment Top-down detailed routing and refinement 2 nd Pass Stage uncoarsening G0G0 G1G1 G2G2 To-be-routed net Already-routed net Density-driven layer assignment and Delaunay-triangulation track assignment Intermediate Stage
26 Density-Driven Layer Assignment Goal: to evenly distribute segments to layers panel densitylocal density Minimizes the panel density while balancing the local density of each layer local density: # of segments and obstacles in a column panel density: maximum local density among all columns Chip layout (aerial view)
27 s6s6 o1o s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 s5s5 o2o s1s1 s2s2 s4s4 s5s5 s6s6 o2o2 o1o1 s3s Density-Driven Layer Partitioning horizontal constraint graph Builds horizontal constraint graph HCG(V,E) Node: segment and obstacle Cost of an edge (v i, v j ): maximum local density of overlapping columns between v i and v j max-cut, k-coloring Partitions layer groups by max-cut, k-coloring algorithms
s1s1 s2s2 s4s4 s5s5 s6s6 o2o2 o1o1 s3s Minimum-Impact Repair Procedure For the fixed-layer obstacle which is not assigned to the correct layer Exchanges its layer with the layer of a connected segment whose edge cost is the maximum s1s1 s2s2 s4s4 s5s5 s6s6 o2o2 o1o1 s3s3 Exchange layer of obstacle O 1 with that of S 6
29 Density-Driven Layer Assignment Result Layer 1 Layer 3
30 Density-Driven Track Assignment Goal: to keep segments spatially separated in a panel Delaunay Triangulation Uses good properties of Delaunay Triangulation (DT) Represents each segment by three points, two end points and one center point, and analyzes the DT Non-uniform segment distribution large area difference among triangles in DT Non-uniform distributionUniform distribution
31 Artificial Segment artificial segment Model the density distribution of each neighboring panel into an artificial segment lying on the boundary Length: the average occupied length per track Center: the center of gravity of all segments and obstacles susu sbsb
32 Delaunay-Triangulation Track Assignment flexibility Define flexibility of a segment s i, t i : number of assignable tracks for s i l i : length of s i Insert segments in the non-decreasing order of flexibility Each segment is assigned to the track that minimizes the area difference among all triangles of DT s2s o1o1 sbsb susu ξ (s 3 ) = 3+1/8 = ξ (s 2 ) = 4+1/1 = 5 ξ (s 1 ) = 4+1/2 = 4.5 s3s3 s1s1
33 A Density-Driven Track Assignment Example o1o1 s3s3 ξ (s 2 ) = 4 ξ (s 1 ) = 4.5 s2s o1o1 s3s3 s2s o1o1 s3s3 s1s1 sbsb susu Segment Artificial segment Layer 1 obstacle
34 Outline CMP Introduction Previous Work Wire-Density Driven Two-Pass Top-Down Routing Experimental Results Conclusion
35 Experimental Setting C++ language with LEDA library on a 1.2 GHz Sun Blade-2000 with 8GB memory Compared our two-pass, top-down routing system (TTR) with MROR [Li et al., TCAD’07] Λ-shaped multilevel router considering balanced density Compared the density-CAA guided global routing of TTR with CMP-aware minimum pin-density global routing [Cho et al., ICCAD’06] Minimum pin-density global routing + TTR detailed routing
36 Routing Benchmarks Academic: eleven MCNC benchmarks Industrial: five Faraday benchmarks MCNC benchmarks Faraday benchmarks
37 Comparison Metric Comparison is based on the same metric used in the work of MROR [TCAD’07] #Net max : maximum # of nets crossing a tile #Net avg_h : average # of nets horizontally crossing a tile #Net avg_v : average # of nets vertically crossing a tile σ h : standard deviation of # of nets horizontally crossing a tile σ v : standard deviation of # of nets vertically crossing a tile Reflects the wire density distribution for a routing result
38 Experimental Results (MCNC) All three routers achieved 100% routability TTR reduced #Net max by 43% than TCAD’07 and 11% than ICCAD’06 #Net avg_v by 34% than TCAD’07 and 5% than ICCAD’06 #Net avg_h by 36% than TCAD’07 and 11% than ICCAD’06
39 Vertical Wire Crossing of S MROR [TCAD’07] GR [ICCAD’06] +TTR framework TTR (Ours)
40 Experimental Results (Faraday) MROR [TCAD’07] cannot run designs where pins are distributed between layers 1 and 3 TTR reduced #Net max by 25% than ICCAD’06 #Net avg_v by 2% than ICCAD’06 #Net avg_h by 2% than ICCAD’06
41 Horizontal Wire Crossing of RISC1 GR [ICCAD’06] +TTR detailed routing TTR (Ours)
42 Outline CMP Introduction Previous Work Wire-Density Driven Two-Pass Top-Down Routing Experimental Results Conclusion
43 Conclusion Proposed a new full-chip density-driven routing system for CMP variation control 1. Voronoi-diagram based density CAA prerouting 2. Planarization-aware top-down global routing 3. Density-driven layer assignment + Delaunay-triangulation based track assignment 4. Top-down detailed routing Reduced 43% and 11% maximum wire crossing on density tiles and achieved more balanced wire distribution than state-of-the-art previous works
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