Placement by Simulated Annealing
Simulated Annealing Simulates annealing process for placement Initial placement −Random positions Perturb by block exchanging If Δcost < 0, accept otherwise, may still accept if const increase is not too much −Too much increase? −Depends on the algorithm stage 2
3 Search Space Cost Avoids getting trapped in local minimum
4 Input: set of all cells V Output: placement P T = T 0 // set initial temperature P = PLACE(V)// arbitrary initial placement while (T > T min ) while (!STOP())// not yet in equilibrium at T new_P = PERTURB(P) Δcost = COST(new_P) – COST(P) if (Δcost < 0)// cost improvement P = new_P// accept new placement else// no cost improvement r = RANDOM(0,1)// random number [0,1) if (r < e -Δcost/T )// probabilistically accept P = new_P T = α ∙ T// reduce T, 0 < α < 1 Simulated Annealing – Algorithm
Temperature Reduction Function 5
Cost Decrease 6
SA Parameters Quality of result depends largely on parameters: Initial Temperature Final Temperature Stop Criterion Cooling Schedule Move (Perturb) Function Cost Function 7
VPR Package V. Betz and J. Rose, “VPR: A new packing, placement and routing tool for FPGA research,” International Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, J. Luu, I. Kuon, P. Jamieson, T. Campbell, A. Ye, M. Fang, and J. Rose, “VPR 5.0: FPGA CAD and architecture exploration tools with single-driver routing, heterogeneity and process scaling,” in Int’l Symp. on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Feb. 2009, pp. 133–142. VPR 5.0, VPR 6.0, Beta Release, May 30,
Placement can Make A Difference MCNC Benchmark circuit e64 (contains LUT). Placed to a FPGA. Random Initial Placement Final Placement After Detailed Routing 9
TimberWolf Package Based on simulated annealing Handles both placement and routing Design styles: gate-array, standard-cell macrocell 10
TimberWolf Gate-Array Placement State: An assignment of the gates to the gate positions. Move Interchange 2 gates, OR Move a gate to a vacant position. Cost Function Total wire length estimation Congestion 11
Cooling Schedule Initial temperature: 4x10 6 Final temperature:
ITools Variable die 33% smaller Translator, Floorplanner, Standard Cell Placer, Gate Array Placer, Global Router & Detail Router 13
TimberWolf for Standard Cell Perturbs: Move Swap Mirror around y-axis 14
Range Limiter What pairs of modules can be interchanged? Range Limiter for Move: At the beginning, (W T, H T ) is very large −big enough to contain the whole chip. Window size shrinks slowly as the temperature decreases. −Height and width log(T). Stage 2: window size is so small −No inter-row module interchanges are possible. 15
TimberWolf for Standard Cell Stage 1 (at high temperature): Move cells between different rows as well as within the same row. Allow overlapping of cells. Minimize the total wire length, cell overlapping, and differences in row lengths. Stage 2 (at low temperature): Remove overlapping from the solution of Stage 1. Exchange adjacent cells. Minimize total wire length. 16
Cost Function xspan yspan 17
18 Advantages: Can find global optimum (given sufficient time) Well-suited for detailed placement Disadvantages: Very slow To achieve high-quality implementation, laborious parameter tuning is necessary Randomized, chaotic algorithms - small changes in the input lead to large changes in the output Practical applications of SA: Small placement instances with complicated constraints Detailed placement, where SA can be applied in small windows FPGA layout, where complicated constraints Simulated Annealing
Tabu Search From a solution s, find a set of solutions in this neighborhood N(s). Tabu List (T): Recently tried movements −To avoid loop. Select a solution from N(s) – T with minimum cost. 19
Probabilistic Congestion Estimation M. Saeedi, M. Saheb Zamani, A. Jahanian, “Evaluation, prediction and reduction of routing congestion,” Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier,
Channelless Standard Cell 21
Probabilities The probability of a v-bend path from bin (i, j) to bin (n,m) to pass through the horizontal/vertical track (x, y). 22
Stataistics 23
Congestion Estimation The number of all possible paths from bin (i,j) to bin (n,m) which pass through the horizontal/vertical track in bin (x,y) : The number of all possible paths from bin (i,j) to bin (n,m) 24
Congestion Map 25