Michelle Green Project Manager Thursday 1 March 2012
W HAT I S ? SMILE - S aving M oney through I ndustry L inks & E xchanges Free service for business encouraging the sharing and exchanging of resources “One businesses waste could be another businesses resource or raw material”
F UNDING P ARTNERSHIP Nationally Environmental Protection Agency Cork Cork County & City Enterprise Boards Cork County Council Cork City Council Limerick/Clare/Kerry Limerick/Clare/Kerry Regional Waste Management Office Clare County Enterprise Board Limerick City & County Enterprise Board Kerry County Enterprise Board Project Managed by Macroom E
A IMS Save Money – Waste Costs and Purchasing Costs Divert Waste from Landfill - Enhance the Environment - Identify Economic Opportunity – turning waste into a resource
H OW ? Networking Events Online exchange facility – Support team to assist members
B ENEFITS TO B USINESS Save Money on Waste Disposal Costs Save Money on Purchasing Raw Material Create Links & Partnerships with other Businesses Divert Waste Destined for Landfill Identify New Business Opportunities Enhance the Image of your Company
H OW TO ENGAGE ? Attend Events Register on Browse the Resource Database Post Items Upload a Company Profile Join us on LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter for regular updates E-bulletins
B ACKGROUND Initial set up of online waste exchange Survey of business members expressed need for support in making matches Research pointed to a successful model called NISP in the UK and Northern Ireland
C ASE S TUDIES E XAMPLES Upcycle – Remake Design Plastic Bottles to Skipping Ropes Jam Jars to Light Fittings
C ASE S TUDIES E XAMPLES Rothar – Community based initiative in Dublin Worn Again - Airline & Train Companies
C ASE S TUDIES E XAMPLES London Underground & GLASSeco: Johnson's & TerraCycle;
C ASE S TUDIES E XAMPLES IKEA – Dublin Take back furniture/mattress scheme Make new products out of waste resources Torpey Wood Products, Co. Clare
D EVELOPMENT OF SMILE R ESOURCE E XCHANGE Pilot in Cork Expansion into Limerick, Clare and Kerry 500 Members and growing
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS Collection & Storage of items SMILE Resource Exchange is an online platform to facilitate matches & provide contact details. We don’t store or collect your items. Is there a charge to use the service? No. The service is free and is supported by the EPA, local authorities and enterprise boards. Are the items free? Mostly. Some items may be offered for below market value.
T ODAYS E VENT Business Case Studies International Example Facilitated Networking Informal networking – Stay for lunch!
T HANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME Michelle Green Project Manager SMILE Resource Exchange Macroom E Macroom E Environmental Industrial Park, Bowl Road, Macroom, Co. Cork Tel: