Population: 4,234,925 (119 th in the world) Area: 70,273 km²(117 th in the world) Irish shores border with the Atlantic Ocean, Irish and Celtic Seas In Ireland, people speak Irish Ireland is an island country The Irish coastline is 1,448 km long Basic Information
Ireland's capital city is Dublin In Ireland there is Christian (catholic) religion other large cities are Cork (174,000 inhabitants), Galway (population 50,900), Limerick (75,400 inhabitants) Irish national sport is Rugby
Rugby Rugby is a team ball sport that has evolved in the early 19th century in England. There are playing 2 teams playing against each other.Every game is 80 minutes long in 2 parts in 40 minutes.On each side of the course is gate in shape letter H and the goal of game is take the ball to enemy's gate
Interesting facts Shannon is the longest river (386 km) in Ireland and springs in the Cuilcagh Mountains and runs through the center of the island On the island there are many small rivers and lakes In Ireland there are not any snakes In Ireland we can find lots of Swamps and peat- bogs The Highest mountain is Carrauntoohil (1,041 m) Ireland lies in the temperate belt Minerals: zinc, natural gas, lead, limestone
Irish Sights and Attractions County Kildare Wicklow, Carlow Kilkenny Waterford Wexford Castle Kildare Castle Kilkenny Hills Wicklow Mountains (National park)
County Kildare Castle Kilkenny
Wicklow Mountains Pavel Hančík, Filip Czekaj
Quiz Connect the couple of good words Hello Slán agat How are you? Oíche mhaith Good bye Do fáilte roimh See you later Féach leat níos déanaí Thanks Go raibh maith agat Your welcome Dia duit Good morning Maidin mhaith Good night Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú ag