Diversity in Driver Training Wendy Forbes Driver Training Ohio Department of Public Safety
Safe Environment The Ohio Department of Public Safety feels strongly that the driver training environment needs to be a safe place for the student to learn and the instructor to teach. Complaints will be taken seriously and may result in an investigation.
Diversity in Driver Training Our differences are strengths, not weaknesses. Differences include: gender, race, culture, age, religion, sexual orientation and physical and mental abilities. Also includes workplace relationships such as management/non-management, headquarters/field office, techies/non-techies and employees with families/single employees.
Diversity in Driver Training Changes over the past several years: Having more women in the workforceHaving more women in the workforce Working with people with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Working with people with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Utilizing the skills and talents of an aging workforceUtilizing the skills and talents of an aging workforce
Diversity in Driver Training The U.S. population is changing from a “melting pot” into a “salad bowl.” We need the skills to work in and adapt to a changing world and workforce. There is no single perspective, interpretation, standpoint or reality. There are many bodies of knowledge and ways of knowing about the world.
Diversity in Driver Training We each have unique and special qualities. Some like their eggs scrambled, some like them sunny-side up and some like them poached. Diversity is not about becoming like one another. It is about recognizing, valuing and respecting differences.
Diversity in Driver Training Contributions are worthwhile from everyone. Each of us is unique with a variety of cultural and biological distinctions. Diversity makes the world a special place. By valuing each human life and each of our differences, we make the world stronger and a better place in which to live and work.
Diversity in Driver Training Important skills to maintain in a diverse setting: Important skills to maintain in a diverse setting: Listening Listening Respect Respect Openness Openness Language Language Communication Communication
Avoid generalized language. Try to be sensitive to how what you say may be interpreted. Be sensitive to others. If you offend someone, apologize immediately if you know about it. Listen more – people like people who listen to them and appreciate those who do. Diversity in Driver Training
Humor – don’t forget to consider how off-the-wall comments or jokes hurt others. Gestures in one culture may mean a different thing in another culture. (Example: the “okay sign”) Diversity in Driver Training