SO4063 Lecture 14 Collecting Data
Lecture Objectives To outline the requirements of assessment 2: create a data collection instrument To continue questionnaire design workshop
Priority readings Alan Bryman (2008) Social Research Methods, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 9 OR Nigel Gilbert (2001) Researching Social Life, 2nd ed., London: SAGE. Pages 99-105
Data collection Research topic Research questions Research methods Now collect data? First prepare and follow guidelines The following procedures are recommended for a survey/structured interviews: Determine the major questions Draft questionnaire items/questions Design the questionnaire/questions Pilot test the questionnaire/interview Develop a data-collection strategy Develop a cover letter and send the questionnaire
Cover Letter/Information Sheet Introduce the research Written rationale identify yourself, your employer, purposes of research and procedure of interview ethical issues: anonymity, confidentiality, right to withdraw opportunity for interviewee to ask questions
Collecting the data know your way around the interview schedule/survey keep to the schedule: even small variations in wording can affect responses recording answers: write exact words used by interviewee, or use fixed choice questions. clear instructions filter questions question order every interviewee must get questions in the same order general questions before specific questions earlier questions may affect salience of later ones first questions should be directly related to the topic potentially embarrassing or sensitive questions towards the end
In Interviews probing when respondent does not understand question or gives insufficient answer non-directive probes: “mmm”, “can you say a bit more about that?” repeat fixed choice alternatives prompting interviewer suggests possible answers show cards leaving the interview thank the interviewee
Research Training Exercise Each question must have its own answer space: a tick-box, a space for writing, a set of categories For this project, use closed questions: a fixed set of options AND instructions (i.e. tick one, tick all that apply or rank by importance) Usually allow for ‘Other’ and a space for people to write ‘If other, please specify’ Why closed questions? quicker and easier to complete (better response rate and less missing data) easy to process data (pre-coded) easy to compare answers (intercoder reliability)
Closed Questions Disadvantages restrictive range of answers: no spontaneity difficult to make fixed choice answers exhaustive respondents may interpret questions differently Closed questions can take a number of forms Two options, tick one Many options, tick one Many options, tick zero or more Many options, rank by importance Likert (agreement scale) The practical organisation of the questionnaire must take question structure into account: easy to answer and easy to process.
Simple closed questions Example questionnaire extract Gender: Male □ 1 Female □ 2 Age: 18 or under □ 1 19-23 □ 2 24-30 □ 3 31 or older □ 4
More complex closed question Marital status Single □1 Married □2 Divorced/Separated □3 Other □4 If ‘Other’ please specify:_______________
4. How often do you read newspapers? Tick the category that is closest: Never □ (Skip to question 6) More than 1 per day □ 1 every day □ 2-4 per week □ 1 per week □ Less than 1 per week □
Variable number of answers Where do you eat out? Tick each one that applies Restaurant □ Café/cafeteria □ Pub □ Other □ If ‘other’ please specify:_____________
Types of Questions personal factual questions factual questions about others informant factual questions attitudes beliefs normative standards and values lay knowledge Attitudes: questions have already been piloted known properties of reliability and validity helps you to draw comparisons with other studies bias: some positively phrased and some negatively phrased
Measuring Attitudes Measurement of attitudes often uses “Likert” scales: a set of statements relevant to the attitude being measured with options indicating agreement: Disagree Strongly disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Likert Scales 6. People have different views about women's role in society. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of the following things people might say, using the categories provided: Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree A woman's place is in the home □ Young children suffer if the mother works outside the home Women are entitled to the same pay for the same work as men
Open Questions Advantages respondents answer in their own terms allow for new, unexpected responses exploratory - generate fixed answer questions Disadvantages time-consuming for interviewer and respondent difficult to code more effort required from respondent interviewer variation in recording answers
Pilot Survey Check that the research instrument works gain practice at using interview schedule does each question flow smoothly on to the next? identify vague or confusing questions remove any questions that received uniform responses- no variability open questions can generate fixed choice answers to include in the final study pilot respondents should not be in final sample.
Assignment 2 Ask yourself: Are the questions comprehensible? Are the categories in closed questions adequate? Do they cover everything? Make the right distinctions? No very unlikely ones? Will they make sense to the respondent? Is the structure okay? Not too complicated or illogical? Is there anything likely to confuse the respondent or interviewer? Exactly how long will it take? If too long, shorten it now! Piloting will also allow you to create closed categories for questions, using real-world feedback rather than your imagination
Example Information Sheet Survey of Students views on SULIS Dear Student, The survey is part of a research project for my course of study in U.L. The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess how often you use SULIS and for what purposes. The survey will take no longer than 5 minutes. The information provided by you in this questionnaire will be used for research purposes. It will not be used in a manner which allows identification of your individual responses. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at anytime. If there are any other concerns or questions please feel free to email me at _______________ or my lecturer Dr. Carmel Hannan( Thank you for your cooperation.
Example Survey Please tick in the appropriate box Do you consent to take part in this survey? Yes □ No□ Are you Male□ Female □ Which age group do you fit into? etc Thank you for participating in this research.
Assignment 2 Worth 10% Due beginning week 10 Your individual Project The sample Propose mode of delivery (email, internet, phone etc.) Your research collection instrument/s Introductory paragraph A pilot test report/noting any changes
Essential you all attend Lecture Plan Introduction to SPSS Labs begin next week Essential you all attend