A Primer on Literary Theory
Freudian Psychoanalysis Explores and analyzes literature in terms of mental processes Psychoanalysis is a long and complex process in which the patient and psychoanalyst meet in one-on-one sessions to explore and discuss the root causes of the patient’s problems. This is what you would do – for your character
Freudian Psychoanalysis Four Things to Look For: “Freudian slips” reveal unconscious thoughts Puns and jokes lend expression to unconscious sexual and aggressive impulses Neurotic and even psychotic symptoms reveal unconscious compulsions Dream communicate unconscious desires
Feminist Criticism With each wave, feminism has (despite the assumptions of its detractors) resisted not so much men as patriarchy, the system of relations that presumes the authority of men.
Feminist Criticism Three Approaches That Guide What to Look For: First Wave: How does patriarchal society repress women? Second Wave: How do women attempt to rise up from this repression? Third Wave: How do we reconcile the two?
Marxism A type of criticism in which literary works are viewed as the product of work and whose practitioners emphasize the role of class and ideology
Marxism What to look for? Who has the power? How is power transferred? How is there a ruling class and a working class? How does this system perpetuate power for the ruling class?