Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) Curriculum and Instruction Southwest R-V School District August 28, 2009
Take a moment… Think about something in your life that you have had to change or have wanted to change. What steps did you go through or would you have to go through in order to be successful at making that change? Is it easier to be successful at change in large organizations or as individuals? Why?
REAL Change…What does it take? Reflection (take a good look in the mirror…recognize that change is necessary!) Experimentation (IMPLEMENT a plan - try something!) Analysis (study the data and draw conclusions) Lesson Design (develop a plan) *These stages may occur in any order but must all be implemented in order to be successful at change.
OUR DATA ANALYSIS… MSIP Findings 2007 MSIP Findings 2009 High Schools that Work Report 2009 High Schools that Work Report MAP Scores MAP Scores Instructional Practices Inventory (IPI) Data Instructional Practices Inventory (IPI) Data District Walk-Through Observation Data (IPI and Blooms) District Walk-Through Observation Data (IPI and Blooms) ACT Test Scores ACT Test Scores CONCLUSION DRAWN FROM THE DATA: Student achievement and engagement is improving but is still not at the desired level. Student achievement and engagement is improving but is still not at the desired level. DETERMINATIONS BASED ON THE DATA: The district’s curriculum is lacking rigor. The district’s curriculum is lacking rigor. The effective usage of research-based instructional strategies to promote student engagement and student achievement is not yet at the desired level. The effective usage of research-based instructional strategies to promote student engagement and student achievement is not yet at the desired level.
OUR REFLECTION…. During the and the school year, professional development was provided and the process of implementation began in the following areas: Writing effective learning goals Writing effective learning goals Utilizing research-based instructional strategies Utilizing research-based instructional strategies Utilizing methods of increasing student engagement Utilizing methods of increasing student engagement Utilizing formative and summative assessments in order to make informed decisions about instruction Utilizing formative and summative assessments in order to make informed decisions about instruction Writing effective lesson plans Writing effective lesson plans
OUR PLAN (Lesson Design)…. #1 We plan to: Utilize research based instructional strategies Utilize research based instructional strategies We plan to accomplish this is by: Identifying three research-based instructional strategies to focus on this year. Identifying three research-based instructional strategies to focus on this year. Building a capacity of knowledge around these three strategies. Building a capacity of knowledge around these three strategies. Utilizing the three strategies Utilizing the three strategies
OUR PLAN (Lesson Design)…. #2 We plan to: Modify curriculum to address identified areas of concern Modify curriculum to address identified areas of concern We plan to accomplish this is by: Revising pacing guides to ensure that all GLE’s/CLE’s are being taught as well as to make modifications based on analysis of MAP data Revising pacing guides to ensure that all GLE’s/CLE’s are being taught as well as to make modifications based on analysis of MAP data Implementing the usage of lesson/unit plans that include all necessary elements. Implementing the usage of lesson/unit plans that include all necessary elements. Revising and maintaining working curriculum notebooks in all courses. Revising and maintaining working curriculum notebooks in all courses.
OUR PLAN (Lesson Design)…. #3 We plan to: Effectively Utilize Formative Assessment and Differentiated Instruction Effectively Utilize Formative Assessment and Differentiated Instruction We plan to accomplish this by: Building a capacity for knowledge concerning formative assessment and differentiated instruction. Building a capacity for knowledge concerning formative assessment and differentiated instruction. Utilizing formative assessment and differentiated instruction. Utilizing formative assessment and differentiated instruction.
What are each of us going to do to ensure our plan is successful and our goal of increasing student achievement is reached? ….It’s all about what is best for kids!
Answer the following: WWhat is curriculum? WWhat is its purpose? WWhat is the most effective means of developing curriculum? WWhat are characteristics of good curriculum?
What is curriculum? Curriculum is not only what is taught and assessed in each specific course (outline curriculum) but how it is taught and assessed (working curriculum). IT’S A YEAR LONG LESSON PLAN!
What is its purpose? The purpose of curriculum is to guide instruction.
What is the most effective means of developing curriculum? The most effective means of developing curriculum is by utilizing the Backwards Approach. Identify the objectives for the unit of study. Develop or analyze assessments to ensure that they are assessing the objectives of the unit. Develop learning activities utilizing a variety of instructional strategies that will compliment what is being assessed.
Characteristics of good curriculum include: The fact that it is easy to follow and understand! Unit objectives that are written in specific language, are of varying DOK levels, and are aligned to the GLEs/CLEs. Assessment activities that assess the identified objectives, demonstrate student achievement, and assess at the same DOK level and manner as the MAP or EOC test. Learning activities that explain and implement the identified objectives, utilize Bloom’s to vary activities, require student engagement, and provide practice for the assessment Instructional methods that vary to allow for differentiated instruction. A resource list that details the specific resources required for each lesson.
Working Curriculum should include… Copy of outline curriculum for the course (found on the district home-page under curriculum) Current pacing guide - Make necessary revisions based on information gathered during the previous year and MAP data (found on the district home-page under curriculum) Working curriculum should be divided into units/chapters of study Each unit/chapter should include: - Unit Title Page (including course name, name of unit, approximate length, and objectives taught and assessed in the unit. - Unit Assessment (including scoring guide/rubrics) - Summative and Formative Assessments (including scoring guides/rubrics) - Lesson Plans - including necessary elements (templates and examples of four different unit/lesson plans are available on the district home-page under curriculum > templates) - Any materials or resources not part of series
Southwest R-V School District Teacher: Hendrix Week of: January 15th Subject: Communication Arts Grade: 5th Grade Unit Title: Meeting Challenges Unit Length: 6 weeks Learning Goal(s) GLE( s) /CLE (s) Assessment Plan - Formative and Summative (The students will…) Learning Activities/Student Engagement (The students will…) Instructional Method (The teacher will…) AssignmentResources Monday Identify cause and effect. R1H a Formative: Answer questions independently on slate boards and participate in mix-pair-share activity. Complete practice book pg. 17 (guided practice). Summative: Complete practice book pg. 18 (independently). Using white boards, answer both oral and written questions identifying cause or effect. With a partner, read textbook pg 42 defining cause and effect, and discuss how to identify them. Participate in mix-pair- share activity answering both oral and written questions related to cause or effect. Independently complete pg. 17. In groups of four, discuss and compare answers. As a class, discuss answers. Complete on page 18 independently. After teacher checks, complete the remainder of page 18. Ask students, who will be answering on white boards, both oral and written questions related to cause and effect while monitoring student responses. During reading, walk the room directing students as well as listen to conversations to determine level of understanding. Ask students questions, who will be completing mix-pair-share activity, related to cause and effect. During completion of pg. 17, walk room checking level of understanding. Lead discussion of answers. Check 1-3 on page 18. Monitor as students complete pg. 18 independently. Practice Book pg. 17 and 18. Scott Foresman Practice Book and Student Textbook
Again…What are each of us going to do to ensure our plan is successful and our goal of increasing student achievement is reached? What commitment will you make in regards to curriculum? What commitment will you make in regards to implementing the three instructional strategies? ….It’s all about what is best for kids!