* Professional Development needs survey * Marzanzo’s 9 Best Practices will be reviewed * Building Professional Development Calendar review Data Binder Questions One article from a professional journal related to the focus of the month * Grade levels will draw names to present at monthly staff meetings ( Marzanzo’s 9 Best Practices or Research Based Intervention) * Monthly video recording schedule Ensure parental permission for recording Venice video library District website Learning Opportunity
Used to drive instruction Grouping Intervention Shared with parent at mid term and quarterly Differentiate Instruction Teachers will come up with a list of questions they ask or should be asking while reviewing student testing data.
All teachers will administer a learning style assessment of their choice to all students. Students will be required to go home and administer a learning style assessment to a parent or sibling at home. Parents can use the information to help students learn at home. Teachers will use the information for lesson planning.
Create a schedule with common planning times Provide resources Monitor progress Problem solve Listen Collaborate