TSI EXEMPTION CRITERIA Checklists 10th Grade Checklist Spring: _____ Take TAKS Test – English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies _____ Make course selections for junior year _____ Apply to work program if applicable _____ Investigate college requirements (online, college catalogs, Go Center) _____ Begin a resume of activities, awards, community service, & etc. _____ Begin talking to people about various career &college options _____ Take THEA Test if taking any college classes during junior year (note exemptions) TSI EXEMPTION CRITERIA ACT: 23 or higher with minimum of 19 on both tests, English and Math SAT: 1070 or higher with minimum of 500 on both tests TAKS: 2200 on Math and /or English Language Arts with a 3 on the Writing, on the Exit Level TAKS test or the 10th Grade TAKS Test
11th Grade October _____PSAT Test November _____College Fair at high school January _____Review and update 4-year graduation plan _____Make course selections for senior year _____Register for ACT/SAT _____TAKS Exit Level – English Language Arts _____Continue research on colleges February _____TAKS Exit Level – English Language Arts _____ Plan spring college visits to more competitive colleges March _____Job Shadowing April _____TAKS Exit Level – Math May _____TAKS Exit Level – Science and Social Studies _____AP test for AP English III _____Summer school notification if needed _____Take ACT/SAT June _____Take ACT/SAT _____Take THEA if not exempt _____Summer school _____View perspective college campuses _____Improve reading and vocabulary skills ______ Start working on a personal essay for college applications _____Plan fall college visit(s) July _____TAKS exit exams for retesters
More Information about College Admissions and Testing By review – for applicants not in the top ten percent. The entire application will be reviewed to consider: college preparatory course work, class rank and SAT/ACT scores, extra curricular activities, leadership qualities, community/volunteer service work, awards and achievements, employment and/or internships, and family educational background and household income. Also, the student’s freshman admission essay is very important. ALERT!! TSI test scores are required before enrollment in any Texas public college or university, unless the student is exempt.
Dual Credit Information Dual credit refers to courses taught by NCTC in which students are eligible to receive college and high school credit simultaneously. Eligibility is determined by test scores and: -minimum of a “B” (2.0) high school grade point average -must exhibit maturity and social behavior necessary to be enrolled in a college level course -must be at least a junior in high school (12 credits) To apply, follow these steps: Complete a “Dual Credit Agreement” form. It must be signed by a parent, the student and a H.S. counselor or designee. Complete an Application for Admission, available on the website, www.nctc.edu or at www.applytexas.org. Send an official high school transcript to NCTC admissions. See Mrs. Iltis at GHS to request a transcript. Pay for tuition and fees. ( NCTC does honor free/reduced lunch qualification with free/reduced tuition waivers.) Pay for books. (You may be able to buy a used book to cut costs.) Apply for the Mabel & Leo Scott Dual Credit Scholarship online, or pick up an application in the GHS Counseling Office. It is a good idea to go to the NCTC website and read the dual credit information section before deciding to take dual credit courses.
General Test Information for Dual Credit Test score requirements are: THEA – Math 270, English 220 & 5 Essay, Reading 230 COMPASS – Math (Algebra) 63, English 59 & 5 Essay, Reading 81 TAKS – Math 2200, English 2200 & at least a 3 on the Essay (10th grade scores expire at date of high school graduation) SAT – 1070 and 500 in Math and 500 in Verbal ACT – 23 Composite and 19 in Math and 19 in Verbal How the test scores fit to the dual credit classes offered: You must pass Reading to take history, government, psychology or literature classes. You must pass Math to take any college level math class. You must pass Writing to take any college level English class. By taking college classes during your junior and/or senior year of high school, you could graduate from high school with 24 or more hours of college credit! Watch for a mandatory evening presentation on dual credit in February at NCTC! Students who qualify for free lunches need to submit a letter (free lunch waiver) from the high school at the time of registration.
Important Websites 4/21/2017 Career and College Planning: www.tbecachievetexas.com Password: “Steers” unless you specified something different Login is specific to you. If you are new, register as a new student. School Access Code: N3282367BWR School Zip Code: 76450 Career Projections through 2016: www.twc.state.tx.us Where the Jobs are: www.workintexas.com College Planning: www.collegefortexans.com www.GenTX.org College Planning in and out of state: www.collegeboard.com - go to the college search, also helpful with test prep www.act.org - also helpful with test prep and college searches www.ycg.org - lots of information and personal stories Free Test Prep for ACT/SAT and others: www.number2.com www.march2success.com - for the military tests, but other tests as well Free Scholarship Searches: www.fastweb.com www.scholarship.com
Yes, you can. Remember that there will always be obstacles, but there are always people and resources to help overcome the obstacles.