International Telecommunication Union 3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 3 rd Summer School in.


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Presentation transcript:

International Telecommunication Union 3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy Mitaka, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June 2010 National and Regional Regulatory Structure – I (APT, RAFCAP) Wednesday, 2 June 2010 HyunSoo Chung KASI

3 rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy Mitaka, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June 2010

International Telecommunication Union 3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Before Presentation Our DUTY protect RAS from harmful interference FIGHT and share with other Active Services Our RIGHT Free From man-made interference  RAS = passive service Our DUTY protect RAS from harmful interference FIGHT and share with other Active Services Our RIGHT Free From man-made interference  RAS = passive service Freedom is not FREE F reedom is not FREE

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Regulatory Structure  Part IWHY? Needs of APT  Part IIAPT  Part III RAFCAP World Radiocommunication Conferences

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Radio Regulations (RR) The Radio Regulations (treaty status) incorporates the decisions of the World Radiocommunication Conferences, including all Appendices, Resolutions, Recommendations and ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference.

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, Frequency allocations  Article 5  5.2For the allocation of frequencies the world has been divided into three Regions 1 as shown on the following map and described in Nos. 5.3 to 5.9: 1  It should be noted that where the words “regions” or “regional” are without a capital “R” in these Regulations, they do not relate to the three Regions here defined for purposes of frequency allocation. 1

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 May 31, rd IUCAF Summer School,Tokyo 7 Regions 1, 2 & 3 APT CEPT CITEL ATU RCC ASMG

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 I – Fighting with Six Regional groups for WRC Regional Preparation Six regional groups: For the preparation of common and coordinated proposals

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Regional preparation for WRC-12 CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) ATU (African Telecommunications Union) RC C (Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications ASMG (Arab Spectrum Management Group) CITEL (Inter-American Telecommunication Commission) APT (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity)

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, CORF CRAF RAFCAP Worldwide RA frequency committees IUCAF = IAU + URSI + COSPAR

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Updates the Radio Regulations (treaty status) Spectrum Allocation Coordination and Notification procedures Administrative and operational procedures Adopts Resolutions Held every 3-4 years World Radiocommunication Conferences WRC RR

Preparation for WRC-12

2 nd Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM)  7 month before WRC-12 (prepare CPM Report) RA(Radiocommunication Assembly, RA-12)  one week before WRC-11 Study of the WRC-12 agenda items ( ITU-R responsible groups (WPs/JTG) WRC-12 (Geneva, 2012) 31 July Feb Jan. -17 Feb Feb Main steps toward WRC-12

I - WRC within the ITU-R Sector CPM:Conference Preparatory Meeting Rec:ITU-R Recommendation RoP:Rules of Procedure RR:Radio Regulations (treaty status) WRC SC and Study Groups: SG-1: Spectrum management SG-3: Radiowave propagation SG-4: Satellite services SG-5: Terrestrial services SG-6: Broadcasting service SG-7: Science services CPM-2 RRB:Radio Regulations Board SGs:Radiocommunication Study Groups SC: Special Committee (Regulat. & Procedural) RA:Radiocommunication Assembly WRC:World Radiocommunication Conference Rec RoP Radiocommunication Bureau Director RRB Final Acts ITU Member States (including Regional Groups, Informal Group) Revisions to RR, Resolutions & Recommendations Technical bases Next WRC Agenda ITU Council CPM-1 RA

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC) WRC-07 ( ) -30 agenda items, 2500 proposal, 3000 del.! -almost all services (terrestrial: FS, MS, BS, Amat.S, RAS, RLS, space: FSS, BSS, MSS, EESS, SRS, SO, MetSat, Amat.Sat) -several applications: IMT, HAPS, HF, GMDSS WRC-12 ( – ) -33 agenda items, -again almost all services (terrestrial: RLS, AM(R)S, passive S, FS, BS, MS, Maritime MS, Amat.S, space: AMS(R)S, SRS, BSS, MSS, MetAids, RDSS, MetSat) and other issues (Res.951, SRDs, Cognitive Radio) -and many applications and systems : UAS, ENG, HAPS, oceanographic radar, …

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Regulatory Structure  Part IGeneral Status  Part IIAPT   Part III RAFCAP World Radiocommunication Conferences

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Asia-Pacific Telecommunication See: APT will harmonize regional views on standardization matters and present them at the relevant global forums (WRC, WTSA, WTDC etc.)

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Introduction Established in Bangkok in July 1979 The APT is an Intergovernmental Organization operates in conjunction with telecom service providers, manufacturers, and research and development organizations active in the field of communication. The APT covers 34 member countries, with 4 associate members and 121 affiliate members. Preparation of Global conferences - World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP), World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA) and the ITU meetings. APT is also involved in promoting regional harmonization of their programmes and activities in the region.

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Geographic Scope

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 SWAT Analysis StrengthsWeakness > APT is a intergovernmental organization> Weak industry and private sector focus > Has strong support from Governments (34 members) > Budget limitations especially given increasing costs > Close relationship with UN bodies (UNDP, ESCAP, ITU etc.) > Management yearly reporting (versus quarterly reporting) > 29 years of operation> Sluggish to react organization > Regional and global recognition> Lack of outside promotion > Wide range of members from developed to developing countries > Small number of professional staff > Extensive HRD training program OpportunitiesThreats > Increase Affiliate membership by providing more value for private sector members > Number of new organizations sprouting up competing for membership (especially in the IP area) > Restructure to more business orientated structure > Becoming irrelevant unless APT changes with the sector > New trends in market services give APT room to grow its portfolio > New technologies evolving faster than APT can adapt. > Opportunity to strengthen further the relationship with UN bodies > Convergence gives APT ability to grow its programs

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010Radiocommunication  APT Radiocommunication Program composed of two major Work Programs:  APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC (APG): APG, one of the most successul work program in APT, has been playing a significant and successful role to harmonize the regional views to ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC). More.... APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC (APG) More....  APT Wireless Forum (AWF): AWF assists the region to make the best possible use of the newly acquired knowledge in wireless technologies in telecommunication and to facilitate the effecient use of the spectrum resources by regional harminization initiatives.APT Wireless Forum (AWF)

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 APG2012 meeting  APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-12 (APG2012)  The main objectives of APG are as follows:  To develop APT Common Proposals for WRCs  To develop APT Common Views on the matters related to ITU Radiocommunication Assemblies (RAs), ITU-R Conference Preparatory Meetings (CPMs) and the ITU-R Special Committee for Regulatory and Procedural Matters (SCRPM)  To assists APT Member countries, specially developing countries, in their preparations for WRCs, RAs, CPMs and the SC so that the interests of the region are protected

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Principal Tasks of APG meetings 5 th meeting (Final) - Develop APT common proposals for WRCs e.gWRC process 4 th meeting - Develop APT common proposals for CPM e.g. CPM process for WRCs 1 st – 3 rd meeting - Develop APT Preliminary Views for WRCs

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 APG2012 meeting  The 3 rd APT Conference Preparatory Group Meeting for WRC-2012 (APG2012-3), The 3 rd APT Conference Preparatory Group Meeting for WRC-2012 (APG2012-3), - March , Bangkok, Thailand  4 th APT Conference Preparatory Group Meeting for WRC-12 (APG )  Dec , Hong Kong, China

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 APG2012 Structure

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Table of contents of the CPM Report to WRC-12 WPCPM Report Chapter WRC-12 Agenda Items Chairman WP1 Chapter 1: Maritime and Aeronautical Issues 1.3, 1.4, 1.9, 1.10 Mr. Darrell Ninham Mr. Darrell Ninham (Australia) WP2 Chapter 2: Radiolocation and Amateur Issues 1.14, 1.15, 1.21, 1.23 Prof. Ahmad Faizal Bin Mohd ZainProf. Ahmad Faizal Bin Mohd Zain (Malaysia) WP3 Chapter 3: Fixed, Mobile and Broadcasting Issues 1.5, 1.8, 1.17, 1.20, 1.22 Dr. Hyansuk SeongDr. Hyansuk Seong (Rep. of Korea) WP4 Chapter 4: Science Issues 1.6, 1.11, 1.12, 1.16, 1.24 Mr. Zhou Xingguo Mr. Zhou Xingguo (P.R. China) WP5 Chapter 5: Satellite Issues 1.7, 1.13, 1.18, 1.25, 7 Mr. Muneo Abe Mr. Muneo Abe (Japan) WP6 Chapter 6: Future Work Program and other Issues 1.2, 1.19, 2, 4, 8.1, 8.2 Mr. Taghi Shafiee Mr. Taghi Shafiee (Islamic Republic of Iran)

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 APT Preliminary Views (APG12-3 rd meeting)  RAS related Issues WP7D/SG7 is listed as a contribution group - AI 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 1.19, 1.22, 1.25 WP7D/SG7 is listed as an interested group - 1.3, [1.5], 1.7, [1.10], [1.13], 1.14, 1.15, 1.20, 1.21 ([ ] – low priority) Summary – Refer to Coordination in the APT

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Regulatory Structure  Part IGeneral Status  Part IIAPT  Part III RAFCAP  World Radiocommunication Conferences RAFCAP Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 RAFCAP – Charter  RAFCAP (Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region)  RAFCAP acts as the scientific expert committee on frequency issues for the Asia-Pacific radio astronomy and related sciences. The mission of RAFCAP is:  (a) to keep the frequency bands used for radio astronomical observations free from interference.  (b) to argue the scientific needs of radio astronomy for continued access to and availability of the radio spectrum for radio astronomy within the Asia-Pacific region.  (c) to support related science communities in their needs of interference-free radio frequency bands for passive use. RAFCAP Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 History, Mission  RAFCAP was setup during the AP-RASC meeting, held from 31 July to 4 August, 2001, in Tokyo.  The need for such a committee in the Asia-Pacific has been described in a paper by Dr. M. Ohishi (MS-Word format or Hypertext format).(MS-Word formatHypertext format)  A charter for RAFCAP was proposed and accepted by the Committee, and governs the operations of this Committee. A charter for RAFCAP  The membership of RAFCAP comes from Radio Astronomy and related organisations in the Asia Pacific region. The membership of RAFCAP  A summary of RAFCAP's mission and contacts are provided in a "RAFCAP Flyer (2004)" document (MS- Word format)."RAFCAP Flyer (2004)"  A list of operating Radio Telescopes in the Asia Pacific region (May 2005) is given in Table 1.Radio Telescopes in the Asia PacificTable 1. RAFCAP Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, th RAFCAP meeting RAFCAP Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, RAFCAP Members & Associates  Management group:  Chairperson: Tasso Tzioumis (ATNF, Australia) Secretary: Haiyan Zhang (National Astr. Obs., China)  Past chair: Masatoshi Ohishi (NAO, Japan)  Members:  6 member countries, 11 members  India (2) - GMRT  China (2) - SAO  Korea (2) – KASI  Chinese Taipei (1) - IAA  Malaysia (1) - Astronautic Technology  Newzealand (1) - Auckland University  Associates:  South Africa(Hart RAO)  India (RRI)  Japan (NAOJ)  India (GMRT, TIFR) RAFCAP Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, RAFCAP Members & Associates  Management group:  Chairperson: Tasso Tzioumis (ATNF, Australia) Secretary: Haiyan Zhang (National Astr. Obs., China)  Past chair: Masatoshi Ohishi (NAO, Japan)  Members:  S. Ananthakrishnan (GMRT, TIFR, India)  Praveen Kumar (GMRT, TIFR, India)  Jiang Dongrong (Shanghai Obs. China)  HyunSoo Chung (Korea Astr. Obs., South Korea)  Hyo-Ryoung Kim (Taeduk Radio Astr. Obs., South Korea)  Jeremy Lim (IAA, Chinese Taipei)  Nafizah G Khan (Astronautic Technology, Malaysia)  Kevin W. Sowerby (Auckland University, NZ)  Associates:  T.L. Venkatasubramani (Hart RAO, South Africa)  Uday Shankar (RRI, India)  Makoto Inoue (NRO, NAO,Japan)  Yashwant Gupta (GMRT, TIFR, India) RAFCAP Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, Worldwide RA frequency committees  IUCAF : IAU + URSI + COSPAR  Europe -- CRAF Committee for Radio Astronomy Frequencies  US -- CORF Committee on Radio Frequencies  AP region -- RAFCAP RAFCAP Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 RAFCAP - Related Organisations  Asia Pacific  APT - Asia-Pacific Telecommunity APT  PTC - Pacific Telecommunications Council PTC  Europe  CEPT - Conférence Européene des Postes et des Télécommunications CEPT  CRAF - Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies Americas CRAF  CITEL - Inter-American Conference on Telecommunications CITEL  CORF - Committee on Radio Frequencies (USA) International CORF  IAU - International Astronomical Union IAU  ITU - International Telecommunication Union ITU  IUCAF - Scientific Committee on the Allocation of Frequencies IUCAF for Radio Astronomy and Space Science  SFCG - Space Frequency Coordination Group SFCG  URSI - Union Radio Scientifique International URSI RAFCAP Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region

International Telecommunication Union 3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Soon no radio quiet zone on Earth will be free from strong, man-made signals from the sky!!!

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, Role of APT  APT will harmonize regional views on standardization matters and present them at the relevant global forums (WRC, WTSA, WTDC etc.)

3rd Summer School in Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy, Tokyo, 31 May – 4 June, 2010 Thank you!