Tired of Theory, Ready for Practice Kari Garcia-Northern Michigan University, Moderator Luis Caballero-Oakton Community College Aliza Gilbert-Highland Park High School DeEnna Holohan-Loyola Academy By PresenterMedia.comPresenterMedia.com
NACAC Resources – Guiding the Way to Higher Education Families, Counselors, Communities Together (FCCT) Prepared Programs for Parents Step-by-Step to College 3 Separate curriculums – middle school, early high school, late high school
Provide information to parents and guardians that will help them become informed, confident advisors to their children about postsecondary academic options. FCCT Purpose
FCCT - Layout Overview Using the Guide Essentials Objectives, Message, Introductions, Discussion Questions, Activities Essential Resources Resource Bibliography ** Workshop Evaluations included**
Essential I: Building a foundation for Educational Success Goal: Create a friendly, informal atmosphere where parents feel comfortable and welcome. Encourage full participation in the workshop Acknowledge family members as important care providers Help parents and guardians learn how to get the most put of school for the benefit of their students
Essential I: Building a foundation for Educational Success Discussion Questions Why did you come to this workshop? What are some examples of how you helped your students prepare for school or practice good study habits? What problems have you experienced in getting your student to study, read, and engage I other educational activities at home Computer games and Internet are major distractions for many students. What other distractions are present in your home or in your community?
Essential I: Building a foundation for Educational Success Activities Invite educators or community representatives to serve as consultants during Essential I *Elementary/middle school principal or counselor *Librarian (school or community) *Community resource people (i.e. tutors) Resource Steps to Encourage Student Achievement (hand out and discuss)
Connecting Step-by-Step and FCCT Empower parents to be knowledgeable partners in their child(ren)’s academic achievement at school PPTS are prepared Invite counselor(s), principal, learning support specialist, community resource people (advocates, tutors) to help present Share student activities with the parents
Step by Step to College minute student centered lesson plans with optional parent sessions Sequential program middle school students in grades 7 and 8 early high school students in grades 9, 10, and first semester grade 11 late high school students in the second semester of grade 11 and grade 12
Middle School Curriculum Challenge students to see college admissions and attendance as a goal Help students assess their interests, strengths, and academic habits Explain concepts about college options and financial aid Provide a template for building a college preparatory curriculum Encourage students to build a profile and support network to help them reach their college goals
Early High School Curriculum Instill the belief that college is accessible and affordable Demonstrate ways for students to build a strong curricular and extracurricular foundation Develop an understanding of and a plan for standardized testing
Late High School Curriculum Develop a strategic plan for the college search and application process and the transition to college Review standardized test questions and schedule test dates Provide more in-depth analysis of career interests Guide students through the application and essay process Walk students through the financial aid process
Early High School-Session 1 It’s All About Me: My Future Plans Activity #1: Common Interests and Connections Handout: College Bound Bingo Activity #2: What’s Your Dream? Handout: Long-Term Dreams/Goals Activity #3: Why College? Handout: Personal College Counseling Questionnaire
Web Resources FCCT Powerpoints-Available in both English and Spanish! etplace/student/Pages/fcct.aspx Step by Step Curriculum and Powerpoint Available for Free Download place/student/Pages/GuidingEducation.aspx