DAC Back-to-School Training WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test™ (W-APT), ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 ® and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs ® Presented By: Chris Williams 1 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
W-APT™ 2 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
W-APT™ Give each new student in the district the Home-Language Survey (HLS). If the answer to any of the 4 required HLS questions is any language other than English, then administer the screener, W-APT. The W-APT™ is downloadable free to districts from the website: Contact Chris Williams for a password. The results of the W-APT™ must be shared with parents within the first 30 days of enrollment or 2 weeks of enrollment during the school year. 3 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
Identified EL Students A program services committee will design a Program Services Plan (PSP) for each identified EL student. The teacher will provide services throughout the year with appropriate instructional and assessment accommodations for each individual EL student. All identified EL students are required federally to be assessed annually with an English Language Proficiency test. 4 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
W-APT™ Scores – Grades 1-12 For Grades 1-12, if a student scores an overall composite proficiency level of less than a 5.0 on the W- APT™ the student is considered an EL and will be placed in an EL program. The student will take ACCESS for ELLs® in January. For Grades 1-12, if a student scores an overall composite proficiency of a 5.0 on the W-APT™ the student is considered Initially Fully English Proficient (IFEP). The student is not an EL and will not take ACCESS for ELLs® in January. 5 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
W-APT™ Scores – Kindergarten Since the K-WAPT™ assesses only listening and speaking and yields only an oral proficiency score (1-30), all kindergarteners regardless of their K-WAPT™ raw score, must be administered ACCESS the following January in order to assess reading and writing. Kindergarten students cannot exit an EL program until after taking the first grade ACCESS for ELLs ®. Parents can refuse EL services but the student will still have to take ACCESS for ELLs ® in January. 6 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
Kindergarten K-WAPT™ Program Options Listening & Speaking Domains 7 Demonstrates Oral Competency Exceptional Skill Level Composite Raw Score Posted in IC LEP and SEI-Structured English Immersion until 1 st grade ACCESS scores received PSP designed and implemented for kindergarten school year ACCESS administered in January Demonstrates Limited Oral Proficiency Low, Mid or High Skill Levels Composite Raw Score < 29 Posted in IC LEP with appropriate service type PSP designed and implemented for kindergarten school year ACCESS administered in January KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
ACCESS FOR ELLs 2.0 ® 8 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
9 ACCESS 2.0 Administration Dates ( ) ACCESS For ELLs 2.0 Testing Schedule Start DateEnd Date Test Materials Ordering10/5/201510/30/2015 Online Test Setup12/9/20152/12/2016 Districts Receive Test Material12/9/2015 Additional Test Material Window12/10/20152/5/2016 Test Window1/4/20162/12/2016 Districts Pack and Ship Completed Test Material2/12/20162/19/2016 All Test Material Received at DRC2/26/2016 Pre-Reporting Data Validation Window3/21/20164/1/2016 Districts Receive Reports - Printed and Online4/18/2016 Post-Reporting Data Validation Window4/18/20164/29/2016 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs ® A paper-pencil test for grades 1-12 Individualized Education Program (IEP) team determines whether the student takes Alternate ACCESS To participate in Alternate ACCESS Classified as an English Learner (EL) Has a significant cognitive disability Participates or is expected to participate in the Alternate K-PREP Disability precludes taking the ACCESS for ELLs® with accommodations 11 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
Timeline for W-APT (August) Within the first 30 days of enrollment at the beginning of the school year: – Give the HLS – Administer the W-APT – Create a current PSP – Enter the W-APT scores in Infinite Campus (IC) – Kindergarten W-APT (date administered), Grades 1-12 (date administered and scores) 12 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
Timeline for ACCESS 2.0 Online (August) Update test administrators spreadsheet for ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS Attend training on new process for ACCESS username and passwords DACs complete surveymonkey with district contacts for ACCESS 13 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
ACCESS 2.0 Online AdvantagesDisadvantages Reduced material shipments No paper copies of materials (except kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS) Set up of workstations for testing Reduced scoring by proctor Listening, reading, writing and speaking domains are completed online and scored by vendor not by proctor (except writing for grades 1-5) May have to purchase additional headsets Reduced test administration by proctors Only monitor and help the students gain access to the online system Elimination of quizzes for proctors Only complete checklists 14 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15
Division of Support and Research Jennifer Stafford, Director Casey Duvall, Branch Manager Joy Barr, Program Consultant Kevin O’Hair, Program Consultant Pam Powers, Systems Consultant IT Cindy Warren, Program Consultant Chris Williams, Program Consultant Teresa King, Support Staff 15 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw:7/17/15 (502)