Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN ‘Aman’ A special report on the water situation in relation to elephants and people in the Gourma, Mali
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Mali Elephants in number Isolated and northern most population in Africa Last population of Sahelian elephants in West Africa Desert dwelling and extremely rugged Live on edge of what is ecologically viable Valuable national heritage for Mali
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Mali Elephants
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Migration
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN “Survival Lakes” Very few water sources exist by month of May, especially for females with young Difficult to quantify water extent but know it is very limited at end of dry season Survival of most of population is based on access to water and forest at Banzena Elephants know to stay away until necessary
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Banzena
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN “Survival Lakes” In normal years Indaman West would have water until April and Indianatafane until May. Banzena always has water This year Indaman and Indianatafane will be dry by end of January Banzena could dry up by April or May Water is at same level it was in 1983 when the last major drought occurred and lake dried completely Rains won’t come until June
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Quick bird Image ( ) Yellow track: ( ) Red track: ( ) Banzena
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Failed rains Uneven rainfall has prevented ground water refill of Banzena, Indaman or Indianatafane Rest of country has experienced high rainfall, even 60 km to North-West at Bambara Maounde (302mm in 2008 vs 287 mm in 2007)
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Human Populations Large human and livestock populations rely on Banzena for water This year is particularly bad because there were good rains to north meaning good pasture which will attract more people Massive pressure on Banzena leading to severe degradation of environment – soil erosion, loss of forest and desertification
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Current Water Sources Forage at Banzena – last used in nd Forage at Banzena – last used in 2001 Forage at Indaman – never used 2 diesel pumps are no longer working from old age Potable water well at Banzena is deteriorating from unknown causes
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Immediate Problem To ensure adequate water supply for people and elephants To prevent human-elephant conflict by minimizing overlap if Banzena dries completely To reduce load on Banzena by distributing livestock and elephants over larger area
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Short-term urgent needs Verify operation of 2 forages at Banzena Purchase new solar pumps for their operation and build secure areas for housing them (administered by Bambara- Maounde) Verify operation of forage at Indaman West Purchase solar pump and provide protection (Administered by Indianatafane) Dig one new forage at Mar Mar and purchase solar pump (administered by Indianatafane) Dig 2 new wells for herders away from Banzena One backup diesel pump Close monitoring of situation
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Longer-term problems Volume of livestock/people in Gourma Soil erosion from overgrazing Settlements within areas heavily used by elephants Deforestation Climate change and drying of Sahel Unmanaged tourism Connectivity within the elephant range
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Exclusion zone south of Bambara-Maounde illustrating the impact of livestock.
Jake Wall - Save the Elephants El Mehdi Doumbia - DNCN Summary Verification by experts of 3 forages Purchase of 4 new solar pumps Dig one new Forage for elephants (Mar Mar) Dig two new wells for people north and south of Banzena, outside of Conservation Area One backup diesel pump Continued and close monitoring of current water situation Management plan for people and elephants at Banzena and other “Survival” lakes including connectivity amongst regions Establishment of effective conservation areas and eco-tourism as revenue for DNCN and local community Long term environmental monitoring of soil erosion, water levels, rainfall and climate patterns, forest cover, livestock numbers, elephant numbers and spatial distribution