English 11 Unit 17
1st Activity- 1 minute 1. burrow 6. row 2. consort 7. tempest Write the following words in your study guide: 1. burrow 6. row 2. consort 7. tempest 3. consume 8. tolerant 4. hue 9. vicinity 5. opt 10. vivacious
Sentence Examples 1. The rabbit began to burrow a hold in the ground that would become his new home. 2. Kim’s mother wasn’t pleased when her daughter began to consort with a loud group of girls. 3. The students who buy their lunch from the school cafeteria will consume a large amount of pizza this year. 4. When the sun sets, the sky turns a beautiful hue of pinkish-orange. 5. If given the choice, Ben will opt to go out with his friends instead of staying home to rake the leaves.
Sentence Examples 6. It took a great deal of energy to row the raft up the river against the rapids. 7. The hikers struggled to survive the tempest that beat them with heavy rain and strong winds. 8. A kindergarten teacher must be very tolerant to deal with the behavior and constant needs of small children. 9. Steve’s house is in the vicinity of the neighborhood where I used to live. 10. The vivacious children wanted to sing and dance for hours without stopping.
2nd Activity- 10 minutes 1. Work with a partner or alone and match the definitions to the words (with the word strips provided) 2. Once they are checked for correctness, you will write the definitions into your study guide. 3. You may use your book to read the word in a sentence.
Unit 17 English 11
The penguins poked their heads out from their burrow.
1. burrow 1. POS- verb Definition- to dig a tunnel Synonym- dig, tunnel Antonym- cover, fill 2. POS- noun Definition- a hole in the ground used as shelter by an animal The penguins poked their heads out from their burrow.
The dog’s closest consort was the family kitten.
The dog’s closest consort was the family kitten. 1. POS- verb Definition- to keep company Synonym- associate, accompany Antonym- ignore 2. POS- noun Definition- a companion The dog’s closest consort was the family kitten.
The boy consumed the hamburger in three big bites.
3. consume POS- verb Definition- to use goods; eat Synonym- absorb, devour Antonym- renew, replace, restore The boy consumed the hamburger in three big bites.
Any given color can be described in terms of its value and hue.
Any given color can be described in terms of its value and hue. POS- noun Definition- a shade of a color Synonym- color, shade, tint Any given color can be described in terms of its value and hue.
He opted to go to college rather than looking for a job.
He opted to go to college rather than looking for a job. POS- verb Definition- to choose; decide Synonym- choose, elect Antonym- disown, reject He opted to go to college rather than looking for a job.
The old man decided to row out to sea to go fishing.
The old man decided to row out to sea to go fishing. 1. POS- verb Definition- to move a boat forward with oars Synonym- paddle, move 2. POS- noun Definition- a loud quarrel Antonym- agreement, peace The old man decided to row out to sea to go fishing.
The boats tried to fight the tempest as best as they could.
The boats tried to fight the tempest as best as they could. POS- noun Definition- a violent storm; an uproar Synonym- blizzard, chaos Antonym- shower, drizzle The boats tried to fight the tempest as best as they could.
We all must be tolerant of one another no matter who they are.
We all must be tolerant of one another no matter who they are. POS- adjective Definition- patient; accepting of differences Synonym- open-minded, charitable Antonym- impatient, annoyed We all must be tolerant of one another no matter who they are.
Lake Mead is in the vicinity of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Lake Mead is in the vicinity of Las Vegas, Nevada. POS- noun Definition- a nearby or surrounding area or place Synonym- area Antonym- faraway Lake Mead is in the vicinity of Las Vegas, Nevada.
The vivacious, energetic woman loved to dance.
The vivacious, energetic woman loved to dance. POS- adjective Definition- energetic and lively Synonym- active, alert Antonym- tired, dull The vivacious, energetic woman loved to dance.
Roots, Prefix, and Suffix viv means “live” (vivid, vivacious, revitalize) opt means “choose” (opt, option, optional, optimal) Prefix re means “back” or “again” (revive, relive, revitalize) Suffix al means “having the qualities of” (optional, general, optimal)
Homework Exercise 2, 3, 6 10 sentences BONUS: Flashcards Due Wednesday Quiz Friday