Senior Advisement August 24
Most colleges require some type of entrance exam. Additionally, exam results can be used by colleges to determine eligibility for scholarships or award college credit. Some of these include: ACT – American College Test SAT – Scholastic Aptitude Test SAT subject tests (Formerly SAT II) Advanced Placement Exams
ACT – American College Test Description: Three-hour exam; 215 questions; measures achievement in English, math, reading and science. The ACT Plus includes a 30-minute writing test. Scores on each section are averaged to create a composite score. Perfect score is 36. Students in the Midwest and South generally take the ACT. Usually Taken: Spring of your junior year or fall of your senior year (or both, if you want a practice run). Tips and Strategies: Your score is based on the number of correct answers ONLY. If you aren’t sure, take a guess – it can’t hurt you and it could help. Harder questions are worth the same amount as easy ones. Answer the easy questions first and leave the more time-consuming questions till the end.
Description: Comprised of a 70-minute critical reading section, a 70-minute math section and a 60-minute writing section. Scoring on each section ranges from points. Scores on the essay range from 1-6 points. Students in the East and West generally take the SAT. Usually Taken: Spring of your junior year or fall of your senior year (or both, if you want a practice run). Tips and Strategies: The SAT carries a “wrong answer penalty.” If you guess right, you gain a point; if you guess wrong, you are penalized. Eliminate the answers you know are wrong before guessing. You can retake the test to improve your score, but your college will send all available scores to your prospective college, including the results of tests you have taken previously. The SAT does not allow students to send only their latest and/or best scores.
SAT Critical thinking and problem solving are emphasized. Focuses more on vocabulary. Broken up into more sections. Colleges look at the individual scores more than the total Guessing penalty Content based Includes a science section – but it’s more to test your reading skills. Tests more advanced math (includes Trig). Writing section is not required. Composite score more important than individual scores. No guessing penalty ACT
College/About-the-Tests/SAT/sat-vs-act.html College/About-the-Tests/SAT/sat-vs-act.html
Consider your strengths and weaknesses. Compare that to the areas tested on each test. Check if the schools you plan on applying to accept both or prefer one. Consider taking both and seeing which one you do better on.
Online Need a credit or debit card By mail you'll need an SAT Paper Registration Guide, which is available at your school counselor's office A registration form and return envelope are included with the SAT Paper Registration Guide pay by check or money order (payable to "The College Board") You cannot pay cash with either option.
Who is eligible? High school students in the United States who cannot afford to pay the test fees are eligible. What do they cover? covers the registration fees for a single test date, either for the SAT or for up to three SAT Subject Tests. four additional flexible score reports can be ordered any time after you register, even after you've seen your scores. Waivers cover either the Question-and-Answer Service or the Student Answer Service (for the SAT only) when ordered during registration. A discount on The Official SAT Online Course™ is available when ordered during online registration.The Official SAT Online Course™
You cannot use fee waivers for late registration, so make sure you apply early! How do I apply for one? Only your counselor or authorized agency can grant you a fee waiver. How many do I get? Four total waivers are available — two for the SAT and two for the SAT Subject Tests.
Test Date November 3, 2012 March 9, 2013 Registration Deadline October 4, 2012 February 8, 2013
If you qualified for an SAT fee waiver, you also qualify for FOUR application fee waivers for college.
questions questions
How to register for the ACT Online (Costs the same) By mail Lets you choose preferential seating Need other accommodations (like extended time)
How many do I get? You can apply for up to two fee waivers How do I get one? This information is only available thru your guidance office Anything it won’t cover? Does not cover late registration fees
Test dates: October 27, 2012 December 8, 2012 February 9, 2013 April 13, 2013 Registration Deadlines: September 21, 2012 November 2, 2012 January 11, 2013 March 8, 2013