Cabin English 民 航 乘 务 英 语 付检新 应用外语系旅游英语教研室
Unit Two Airline Personnel
Teaching Objectives By the end of this unit, Students will: Gain a knowledge of the classification of airline personnel Comprehend different responsibility of airline personnel Grasp useful words and expressions related
P Part 1 Reading P P art 2 Dialogues P P art 3 Role Play Contents
Step 1 General introduction about airline personnel Step 2 General introduction about passenger cabins Step 3 Main roles of cabin attendants Step4 New words and useful expressions Part 1 Reading
I. Division of airline personnel Air Traffic Controllers Flight Crew Cabin Crew Step 1 Airline Personnel
Team members Flight /Cabin Service DirectorFlight /Cabin Service Director PurserPurser Cabin AttendantsCabin Attendants II. Air Cabin Crew Step 1 Airline Personnel
Step 2: Brief introduction of the passenger cabins I. The Structure of a Plane
Passenger cabins are divided into three areas: First-Class cabin: 157cm seat-pitch First-Class cabin Business class cabin: 107cm seat-pitch. Business class cabin Economy class cabin: 62 cm seat-pitch. Economy class cabin II. Passenger Cabins
Step 3: Main roles of CA’s Pre-flight briefingPre-flight briefing The procedures of CA’s work before takeoffThe procedures of CA’s work before takeoff Main rolesMain roles Necessary personality traitsNecessary personality traits
aerodrome controller 机场管制 air traffic controller 空管 area controller 地区管制 charter flight 包机 flight service director 主任乘务长 ground controller 地面控制人员 long haul 长途(旅行 / 运输) pre-flight briefing 飞行前准备会 public address system 广播系统 short haul 短途(旅行 / 运输) Step 4 Words and Expressions
cross check 交叉检查 emergency equipment 急救装置 jump seat 乘务员座椅 pre-flight briefing 飞行前准备会 safety demonstration 安全演示 public relations 公共关系 seat pocket 靠背口袋 emergency chute 紧急滑梯 small folding tables 小折叠桌板 aircraft evacuation 飞机疏散 Step 4 Words and Expressions
Step 1 Useful sentences for different situations at the airport Step 2 Questions about the dialogues Part 2 Dialogues
Booking and Confirmation I'd like to reconfirm my flight. What’s your name and flight number ? You must check-in at least one hour before. Step 1 Useful Sentences
Requirements: Students are required to read the dialogues quickly and discuss with group mates to find the correct answers to the following questions. The performance of the group members will be credited. Step2 Discussion
What is the difference between a flight service director and a purser? Which is the working place for the flight crew and flight service crew respectively? What is the difference between VIP and CIP? Can you give some examples? Why is the unaccompanied child traveling alone? Questions
Group work: Students are required to divided into small groups and perform the role-play based on the following topics. Credits will be granted according to the performance of each group. Part 3 Role Play
Topics: 1. Holding a briefing 2. Attending an unaccompanied child 3. At a training class 4. After the training class 5. Checking the emergency equipment 6. At the Information Desk Part 3 Role Play