WW I Dominik Haž
Basic facts Also known as the Great War or The War to end all wars First global military conflict About 10 million combatants killed, 20 million wounded
Reasons Rivalship between Great Britain and Germany Rivalship between Germany and France End of the Austrio-Russian alliance Rise of new alliances: Allies (Great Britain, France and Russia) and Central Powers (Germany and Ausria-Hungary)
th June - Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo by Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip 28th July - Austria declares war on Serbia 1st August - Germany declares war on France 3rd August - Germany declares war on Russia 4th August - German invasion to Belgium, Great Britain declares war on Germany September - first Battle of the Marne, German drive stopped 25 miles from Paris
1915 February - German submarine blokade of Great Britain April - Germans first use gas at second Battle of Ypres 7th May - Lusitania sunk by German submarine (1198 lost) May – Italy passes from Central Forces to Alliance 6th September - German and Austrian „Great offensive“ on Eastern Front – conquers all of Poland and Lithuania, Russians lost 1 million men 14th October – Great Britain and France declare war on Bulgaria
1916 February – Battle of Verdun – Germans and French each lose about men May – British-German naval Battle of Jutland July-November – Battle of the Somme – Great Britain first use tanks 27th August - Romania declares war on Austria-Hungary
1917 6th April – USA declares war on Germany October – Russian revolution – armistice and negotiations with Germany October-December – Battle of Caporetto on Italian Front – Italians retreat November – On Western Front Battles of Arras, Champagne and Ypres 7th December- USA declares war on Austria- Hungary
1918 March-June – Great offensive by Germans June – Battle of Chateau-Thierry – French and Americans stop Germans July-August – Battle of the Marne-start of Allied offensive September – British offensive in Palestine 4th October – Germans ask for armistice October – British armistice wit Turkey 11th November – end of war
Technology Trenches were defended by mines, machnie guns and artillery First were used tanks, aircraft and gas (as weapons)
Field Marshal Douglas Haig 1st Earl Haig Commander of British Expeditionary Force Battle of Somme and 3rd Battle of Ypres One of the most controversial commander in British history
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