The Rise of the Roman Empire #1 *Pg : directions- copy these notes inside the box that is labeled above onto your graphic organizer 117 A.D. Trajan expanded the empire 410 A.D. the Goths sacked Rome 476 A.D. the last emperor overthrown 527 A.D. Justinian and Theodora came to power in Constantinople 1453 A.D. the Byzantine Empire was defeated
Augustus, the first emperor of Rome = #2
The Emperor’s Powers 2 facts here 2 facts 2 facts here
The Emperor’s Powers Declare war Raise taxes Punish lawbreakers Nominate public officials Influence the Senate Lead religious festivals
“Civis Romanus Sum” = I am a Roman citizen? “Pax Romana” = “Roman Peace” People abided by the laws because it was an honor to be a Roman citizen; pride;respect Laws were put on public display so people could read them and hold others accountable for their behavior #4
Engineering = #6 roads Stadiums and arenas Domes and arches columns
#7 ARCHITECTURE Strong buildings Copied the Greeks The USA copied the domes, arches and columns for gov. bldgs. (capitol bldgs.) ARCHITECTURE
#8 Barbarian Invasions See the next slide to copy the facts inside the box Write small and very neat
1)The barbarians who invaded the Roman Empire during A.D. were the Visigoths, Vandals, Burgundians, Franks, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Huns, Visigoths, and Ostrogoths. 2). Attila was the leader of the Huns who were barbarians that came from Asia. They raided Constantinople, Greece, Gaul and northern Italy. They did not destroy southern Italy because they were told that diseases ran wild here.
Barbarian Invasions continued 3) In 410, a group of Germanic barbarians sacked or destroyed Rome. 4) Around 480 A.D, A Frankish king named Clovis built a huge kingdom in Gaul which is present-day France.
Color the graphic organizers 1.Be neat 2.Choose various colors for each 3.Don’t color to dark to hide your words 4.Use the Twistable crayons to color, they work the best