Distributed e-Learning Environments 1 st Learning Grid SIG Workshop March Vico Equense (NA) Pierluigi Ritrovato
Structure of the Talk The Kaleidoscope project Aim Activities SIG Facts The Vision The Research Programme The Expected Outcomes The Participants SIG Performed Activities Performed Activities Summary Released Deliverables Focus on… Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning The Observatory on Learning GRID The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments The SIG Web Site Plans for 2005
ò Kaleidoscope “Concepts and methods for the future of TEL” Bridges between educational, social and cognitive sciences and technologies have a pragmatic existence (they work “together”) but a weak foundation what results in: fragility of interdisciplinary research on TEL difficulty to learn from the projects lack of clear grounds for the evaluation of TEL contingent transfer to R&D “Learning”, “Knowledge, “Teaching” have different meaning across the different TEL culture and different national organization Need for a shared understanding of the differences and commonalities at a conceptual and methodological level, across disciplines, across cultures and research practices
Key challenges for the development of an European Research Area on TEL To establish processes which enable academic research to share a common reference To understand, formulate and address the intrinsic complexity of research on TEL at both a computational and an epistemological level To build with producers, providers and users a vision of the research needed ten years ahead To ensure the best understanding of basic research on TEL for a more efficient transfer to industry and a better users appropriation To strengthen the image of what research in TEL is in the academic world at large and for decision making bodies at a political level
Integration SIG : Special Interest Groups ERT : European Research Teams Backbone VDS : Virtual Doctoral School SVL : Shared Virtual Lab ATA : Advanced Training Activity JEIRP : Jointly Executed Integrating Research Projects Academy-industry digital alliance Users’ Group Enhanced Learning… o CSCL / Inquiry learning / Learning at work/ … Advanced technologies o learning Grid / Semantic web / Mobile support / … Participatory design Assessment and evaluation Epistemology of TEL Kaleidoscope Activities to leverage research integration
Structure of the Talk The Kaleidoscope project Aim activities SIG Facts The Vision The Research Programme The Expected Outcomes The Participants SIG Performed Activities Performed Activities Summary Released Deliverables Focus on… Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning The Observatory on Learning GRID The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments The SIG Web Site Plans for 2005
The Vision Contribute to the achievement of a breakthrough in European (e-)learning practices … … with the creation of open, distributed and pervasive environment for effective human learning … … where learning is a social activity consumed in dynamic Virtual Communities based on communications and collaborations … … and learners, through direct experiences, create and share their knowledge in a contextualized and personalized way
The Research Programme Definition of challenging scenarios for distributed service-oriented e-learning Analysis of technologies and definition of an approach for creating distributed, service-oriented e-Learning environments Analysis of learning paradigms able to exploit distributed, service-oriented e-learning environments Definition of an evaluation methodology to assess the efficacy and the effectiveness of distributed, service oriented e-learning models and environments
The Expected Outcomes (4 years) The GRID technologies for TEL handbook including: distributed service-oriented e-learning scenarios an evaluation of different technologies and the definition of a methodology for creating distributed service-oriented e- learning scenarios Analysis of the learning paradigms able to exploit distributed, service-oriented e-learning environments An evaluation methodology able to assess the efficacy and the effectiveness of distributed, service-oriented e-learning models and environments Establishment of an observatory on GRID technologies for learning Dissemination Activities (workshops, round tables, seminars/tutorials)
The Participants SIG Leader Pierluigi Ritrovato Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Italy Steering Group Members Giovannina Albano DIIMA, University of Salerno, Italy Nicola Capuano Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Italy Atanasi Daradoumis Open University of Catalunia, Spain Agathe Merceron Engineering School Leonard de Vinci, France Lydia Montandon ATOS Origin, Spain Fionn Murtagh Queen's University of Belfast, UK Alexandra Poulovassilis London Knowledge Lab, UK 68 Participants: see listsee list
Structure of the Talk SIG Facts The Vision The Research Programme The Expected Outcomes The Participants SIG Performed Activities Performed Activities Summary Released Deliverables Focus on… Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning The Observatory on Learning GRID The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments The SIG Web Site Plans for 2005
Performed Activities Summary Research Definition of a Shared Research Programme Definition of Scenarios for Distributed Service-Oriented e- Learning Establishment of an observatory on GRID technologies Dissemination Establishment of the Learning GRID SIG Web Site Publication of a quarterly newsletter Organization of the 1st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments Meetings Kick-Off Meeting 11 March 2004 1st Learning GRID SIG Annual Meeting 14 March 2005
Released Deliverables Year 2004 D : Learning GRID SIG shared research programme D : JEIRT 1 definition and proposal D : Detailed Workplan (V1) D : Web site and information sharing instruments D : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.1 D : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.2 Year 2005 D : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.3
Structure of the Talk SIG Facts The Vision The Research Programme The Expected Outcomes The Participants SIG Performed Activities Performed Activities Summary Released Deliverables Focus on… Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning The Observatory on Learning GRID The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments The SIG Web Site Plans for 2005
Defined Scenarios Open University of Catalonia: Using GRID computing for processing and analyzing information from on-line collaborative learning teams School of Computer Science Queen’s University Belfast Parallel Computing Cooperative Learning A Collaborative Research Environment Ecole supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci Département de génie Informatique Collaborative lab A distance programming course based on practice
Observatory on Learning GRID 1/2 The main dissemination mean is a quarterly newsletter Three numbers of the SIG Newsletter released till now Four Featured Articles GRID for Dummies by Giuseppe Laria A Vision about the Learning GRID by Damian Mc Randal and Theo Dimitrakos Virtual Learning Communities by Nadia Romano Pedagogical Models for VLC by Giovannina Albano
Observatory on Learning GRID 2/2 Four Surveyed Research Projects ELeGI, Diogene, GRASP, Akogrimo Seven Surveyed Enabling Technologies OGSA, Web Services, IMS Simple Sequencing, IMS Learning Design, Web Service Resource Framework, OWL, OWL-S Several News and Events reported Past issues can be found on the Kaleidoscope Web site and on the SIG web site Next issue: April 2005
The SIG Web Site
Structure of the Talk SIG Facts The Vision The Research Programme The Expected Outcomes The Participants SIG Performed Activities Performed Activities Summary Released Deliverables Focus on… Defined Scenarios for Distributed e-Learning The Observatory on Learning GRID The 1 st Workshop on Distributed e-Learning Environments The SIG Web Site Plans for 2005
Next Deliverables Year 2005 D : Learning GRID SIG Shared Research Programme (V2) D : Proceedings of the 1st Learning Grid SIG Workshop D : Survey on Service Oriented Frameworks for e-Learning D : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.4 D : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.5 D : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.6 JEIRT proposal "Requirements for e-learning Knowledge and Semantic Grid" Year 2006 D : Learning GRID SIG Shared Research Programme (V3) D : Proceedings of the 2nd Learning Grid SIG Workshop D : Course Material on Distributed Architectures for e-Learning D : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.7 D : Learning Grid SIG Newsletter N.8