Welcome to Year 3! Mrs Browne and Mrs Nicholson Mrs Webb, Mrs Smith and Mrs Forte Mrs Woodcock and Mrs O’Hara
Year 3- general differences Greater expectations of independence and responsibility. Greater expectations of independence and responsibility. Longer morning session (1 hr for lunch). Longer morning session (1 hr for lunch). No free fruit snack. No free fruit snack. Lunch in hall. Lunch in hall. PE- 1 outdoor and 1 indoor session. PE- 1 outdoor and 1 indoor session.
Numeracy Taught in ability sets. Taught in ability sets. Differentiation within sets to meet learning needs. Differentiation within sets to meet learning needs. Clear focus on daily assessment opportunities. Clear focus on daily assessment opportunities. Flexibility of movement between sets based on assessment and teacher judgement. Flexibility of movement between sets based on assessment and teacher judgement. Practical, fun activities (not always book work!!!) Practical, fun activities (not always book work!!!) Intervention to target underachievement. Intervention to target underachievement. Cross curricular learning opportunities. Cross curricular learning opportunities. Relating maths to everyday contexts – how, why and where would they use their skills? Relating maths to everyday contexts – how, why and where would they use their skills? Maths talk and reasoning. Maths talk and reasoning.
Numeracy Framework Split into 5 units Split into 5 units Counting, partitioning and calculating Counting, partitioning and calculating Securing number facts, understanding shape Securing number facts, understanding shape Handling data and measures Handling data and measures Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Securing number facts, relationships and calculating Securing number facts, relationships and calculating Units are covered each and every term. Units are covered each and every term. Teaching sequence Teaching sequence Review and activate prior learning Review and activate prior learning Introduce new learning Introduce new learning Practise and consolidate Practise and consolidate Apply, secure and extend Apply, secure and extend Review and evaluate progression in learning Review and evaluate progression in learning
Keeping one number whole and partitioning the other is an efficient strategy and works for all numbers = Number lines
Vertical methods can result in errors in additions, as well as subtractions, because children lose sight of the value of the digits Vertical methods can result in errors in additions, as well as subtractions, because children lose sight of the value of the digits
Literacy Taught in mixed ability classes Taught in mixed ability classes Secure knowledge of abilities and consistency of literacy skills in all subjects Secure knowledge of abilities and consistency of literacy skills in all subjects Flexibility in the timetable Flexibility in the timetable Cross curricular topics and opportunities Cross curricular topics and opportunities Clear differentiation to suit learning needs. Clear differentiation to suit learning needs. Opportunities for individual, paired and group work and Guided Writing. Opportunities for individual, paired and group work and Guided Writing. Talk for learning. Coverage of texts - fiction, non-fiction and poetry Talk for learning. Coverage of texts - fiction, non-fiction and poetry E.g. familiar settings, myths fables and legends. E.g. familiar settings, myths fables and legends. Allows us to teach a sequence of key skills (speaking and listening, thinking, drama, reading, writing) that build up to… Allows us to teach a sequence of key skills (speaking and listening, thinking, drama, reading, writing) that build up to… Big Writing Big Writing Guided writing Guided writing Drama Drama Presentation Presentation Weekly: phonics, spelling rules/conventions and grammar.
Big Writing Very successful and has helped to raise the standard of writing. Very successful and has helped to raise the standard of writing. Every other week, or when linked to a theme week. Every other week, or when linked to a theme week. Calm atmosphere, brain breaks, music. Calm atmosphere, brain breaks, music. Work shared with children, linked to Success Criteria. Work shared with children, linked to Success Criteria.
Handwriting In Key Stage 2 we will continue to use the cursive handwriting style that the children are already familiar with. In Key Stage 2 we will continue to use the cursive handwriting style that the children are already familiar with. A fluid style of handwriting enables children to concentrate on the content of their writing and not become stuck on thinking about where a letter starts. A fluid style of handwriting enables children to concentrate on the content of their writing and not become stuck on thinking about where a letter starts.
Reading In Key Stage 1 a huge emphasis is based on phonics – breaking down individual sounds - as the method to accessing unknown words. Our alphabetic code is complex and some children ‘crack’ this code earlier than others. Therefore in Year 3 some children will need to continue to become more confident with the individual letter and vowel sounds in order for their reading to progress. Some children will be involved in additional phonics groups. In Key Stage 1 a huge emphasis is based on phonics – breaking down individual sounds - as the method to accessing unknown words. Our alphabetic code is complex and some children ‘crack’ this code earlier than others. Therefore in Year 3 some children will need to continue to become more confident with the individual letter and vowel sounds in order for their reading to progress. Some children will be involved in additional phonics groups.
Reading Guided reading Guided reading Differentiated work/activities. Differentiated work/activities. Technical reading and comprehension. Technical reading and comprehension. Home reading Home reading Selection of reading books in each class (not 1 particular scheme) Selection of reading books in each class (not 1 particular scheme) Reading cards Reading cards Allocated time daily for changing – reminded, but expected to do this independently Allocated time daily for changing – reminded, but expected to do this independently Read for a variety of purposes. Look for the opportunities around you! Read for a variety of purposes. Look for the opportunities around you! Library Library School library visits weekly to supplement home reader School library visits weekly to supplement home reader Interventions Interventions Better readers Better readers Rapid readers Rapid readers
Cross Curricular learning Cross curricular links between subjects Literacy, Numeracy, Science, PE, ICT, R.E, Geography, History, Music, Art, Design Technology, French and PSHE are all now linked together. Cross curricular links between subjects Literacy, Numeracy, Science, PE, ICT, R.E, Geography, History, Music, Art, Design Technology, French and PSHE are all now linked together. More emphasis on using Literacy and Numeracy skills More emphasis on using Literacy and Numeracy skills e.g. writing as a historical figure in History e.g. writing as a historical figure in History Graph work, measuring in Science Graph work, measuring in Science This year’s topics are: This year’s topics are: Robots Robots Hinduism/Divali Hinduism/Divali France France World War II World War II Survival Survival Droitwich Detectives Droitwich Detectives Tudors Tudors Trips/visitors Trips/visitors
Talk Homework ‘Talk homework’ for big writing and maths will be explained on paper and is given out on alternate weeks. The children have all been given a book to stick their homework sheets in to keep them safe. ‘Talk homework’ for big writing and maths will be explained on paper and is given out on alternate weeks. The children have all been given a book to stick their homework sheets in to keep them safe. Big writing talk homework will usually be given out on a Wednesday and will prepare the children with what to write about on the Friday. It gives them the opportunity to orally rehearse what they want to write and have a mental plan in their heads. Big writing talk homework will usually be given out on a Wednesday and will prepare the children with what to write about on the Friday. It gives them the opportunity to orally rehearse what they want to write and have a mental plan in their heads. Maths talk homework will usually be given out on a Friday and may be a game, problem or ‘real Maths’ that needs to be discussed at home. This will help to extend or consolidate your child's understanding and will be directly linked to learning in maths. Maths talk homework will usually be given out on a Friday and may be a game, problem or ‘real Maths’ that needs to be discussed at home. This will help to extend or consolidate your child's understanding and will be directly linked to learning in maths. No written outcome is expected however it is important! When talk homework has been carried out we see the results in class e.g. in big writing, during maths talk and game playing. No written outcome is expected however it is important! When talk homework has been carried out we see the results in class e.g. in big writing, during maths talk and game playing.
Homework projects Half termly independent ‘topic’ investigations linked to current learning. Half termly independent ‘topic’ investigations linked to current learning. They must include some writing, but can include a variety of other skills (maths, DT, art etc) They must include some writing, but can include a variety of other skills (maths, DT, art etc) We want the children to enjoy these projects and have an element of freedom over what skills they choose to use and how they present their work. We want the children to enjoy these projects and have an element of freedom over what skills they choose to use and how they present their work. Work is shared so the children can see a variety of ideas and skills. Work is shared so the children can see a variety of ideas and skills. Children’s efforts are acknowledged and rewarded with a certificate. Children’s efforts are acknowledged and rewarded with a certificate.
What can you do to help? Reading opportunities: books, comics, recipes, signs, shopping lists etc. As the children move into key stage 2 the emphasis begins to shift from learning to read, to reading to learn. Reading opportunities: books, comics, recipes, signs, shopping lists etc. As the children move into key stage 2 the emphasis begins to shift from learning to read, to reading to learn. Maths opportunities: counting games, measuring, weighing (cooking), shopping with money, telling the time etc. Maths is everywhere…just look for it in order to equip your child with valuable life skills. Maths opportunities: counting games, measuring, weighing (cooking), shopping with money, telling the time etc. Maths is everywhere…just look for it in order to equip your child with valuable life skills. Times table cards. Reward system. Times table cards. Reward system. Speaking and listening opportunities: chatting to your children, talk homework, word games, listening games etc. Speaking and listening opportunities: chatting to your children, talk homework, word games, listening games etc. Plus loads more!!
Thank you for your continued support!