Terapiafdelingen Who and where are we Presenter: Tonny Jæger, Development-physiotherapist and Master of Information Technology Department of Therapy, Sygehus Fyn Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute for Production Tech. University of Southern Denmark Entertainment Robotics Danish Centre for Health Telematics
Terapiafdelingen Once upon a time In the summer 2000, professor Henrik Hautop Lund and Thomas Klitbo from the Maersk Institute started a collaboration with Kompan playground systems and equipment Together they thougt out the idea of body games from passive vertical soft- ware games to active horizontal ”play- ware” games
Terapiafdelingen The playware
Terapiafdelingen From playing to training A summerschool at the Maersk Institute The group of Intelligent Robotics in the Hospital sector took action. If it is possible to make children move, why do we not try to use the same principles to make our patients train? And maybe it is possible to document the physio- terapeutic treatment too? ”We want to develop and test a prototype of a new rehabilitation tool”
Terapiafdelingen From then to now The end of 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 ”Group 4” took action Heart- patients and project- leader chosen. Ideas + wishes to the prototype Prototype develoment and cross-sectional brainstormings Prototype tiles nearly ready. Initiate ideas + wishes.
Terapiafdelingen Ideas + wishes to the prototype On the basis of 3 weeks trying out the playground-version Both floor and wall-based tiles More light (direction) Plain surface Easy to model
Terapiafdelingen Prototype development The designer at work The programmer at work
Terapiafdelingen The prototype tiles Both floor and wall-based Magnetic connections Plain surface More light Colour shift with heavier weight Possibilities in direction making Easy to model No plugs Magnetic and infrared connections Easy to recharge
Terapiafdelingen The prototype tiles
Terapiafdelingen Ideas from the physiotherapists
Terapiafdelingen Wishes from the patients Searched in Pub-Med: What motivates heart patients in their rehabilitation Anxious patients need tests and output about the training effect (eg. heartrate) The training needs to be done ”con amore”! Goal-directed and meaningful activities motivates ie. a tennisplayer would find it motivating to make movements associated with real tennis games, preparing him to start up with the activity again.
Terapiafdelingen Which issues are chosen Exercise Step Long step Color race Cross crawl Balance Output / effects Steps/min. + heartrate Returning time Light ”picked up”/min. Steps/min. + heartrate Light ”picked up”/min.
Terapiafdelingen From now to then Summer of 2006 August 2006 Autumn of 2006 Winter Implementing the ideas and wishes. Develop software issues. Final prototype. Prototype test starts. See you in Finland Prototype testing Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Data-collection HTA evaluation. Report + Decision