We Hold the Keys “The courage of conviction, the strength to persevere, the hope that survives disappointment – these are the keys to success.”
ADMINISTRATORS Dr. Almeida - Principal Mrs. Whitehead – Assistant Principal Mr. Gomes – Assistant Principal
SUPPORT STAFF Mrs. STURDAHL –Behavior Specialist OFFICER JASON BURLINGAME –School Resource Officer MRS. DARCY –School Nurse
SUPPORT STAFF Dr. Lou Turchetta –School Psychologist Mr. Felix Sarubbi –Social Worker Ms. Sue Davis –Student Assistant Counselor
GUIDANCE COUNSELORS GRADE 6 – Mrs. Cheryl Fram GRADE 7 – Mrs. Patricia Dorchies GRADE 8 – Mrs. Carolyn Colaluca
“Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted.” (Garrison Keillor)
Teachers Administrators STUDENTS Parents Students are central to the educational process!
PURPOSE OF OPEN HOUSE Meet the new principals Meet your son/daughter’s teachers Learn about class procedures and expectations Get acquainted with the building Learn about, sign-up, & become an active member of the PTSA Sign up for the parent listserv
Teams Grade 6 6A - Discovery6B - Unity 6C - Inspiration 6D - Blizzard Grade 7 7A – Element 7B – Majestic 7C - Evolution 7D – Velocity 7E - Dynasty Grade 8 8A - Fusion 8B - Panthers 8C - Mustangs 8D – Synergy 8E - Huskies
ADVISORY PROGRAM What? A program in which a group of students and an advisor (teacher) get together… Goal? To establish relationships for learning between students and teachers… When? Once a week (mainly on Tuesday) 50 minutes
“The only real difference between they and we is me.” (Steve Ventura)
Administrator Teacher Parent Student
Create and Maintain a Positive Culture Shared Decision Making Establish Open Lines of Communication Be Visible Review and Evaluate Policies, Practices, & Programs Be Consistent & Follow-Up w/ Student Discipline Support Teachers Have An Open Door Policy
Be Approachable Support & Facilitate Successful Co-teaching Relationships Have A Sense of Humor Provide Feedback Be Professional Establish Clear/High Expectations for ALL Build Capacity by Effectively Delegating Responsibilities
Have Fun! Differentiate Instruction Continue to Learn & Grow Establish Positive Relationships Continuously Communicate w/ Parents Develop a Student-Centered Classroom Maintain Instructional / Academic Focus Support and Collaborate with Colleagues
Engage Students in Higher Level Thinking Integrate Literacy Strategies Across Curriculum Implement School Improvement Plan Initiatives Personalize the Learning Environment for Students Actively Participate Be “Responsible”, “Reliable” & “Respectful” Please – Be Patient & Flexible to the New administration - Please
“The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones.” (Somerset Maugham)
Get involved with PTSA Communicate with teachers & administrators Check your son/daughter’s agenda nightly Ensure your son/daughter reads at home Provide him/her with a quiet workspace Ask your son/daughter about his/her day Encourage your son/daughter to get involved in extracurricular activities
Do Your Best “What could be more important in life than to know in our hearts that in everything we have tried to do, we have done our very best.”
Responsible –Bringing all your materials to class. –Having your homework done. Reliable –Being on time to class. –Always being honest. Respectful –Treat others the way you would like to be treated. –Keep hands and feet to yourself.
ATTENDANCE ABSENCES –Parent must call school –Note must be brought in TARDIES –5 tardies = written warning from administrator –6+ = detention / retention TRUANCY COURT –Absence for 10 days w/o medical excuse
DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES SOCIAL SUSPENSION – No dances / school events TEACHER DETENTION - 1hour OFFICE DETENTION – 1hour (Tuesday & Thursday) RETENTION – 2 – 3 hours (Tuesday & Thursday) ALTERNATIVE LEARNING CENTER – 1 class period to 5 days SUSPENSION – 1-10 days (Parent must reinstate you)
SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS Cameras are in the school in the hallways and outside the building monitoring all activity.
Extracurricular Activities Sports: Fall: Coed Soccer Winter: Wrestling & Basketball (Boys & Girls) Spring: Softball & Baseball Cheerleading Student Council Yearbook Robotics Club Showcase (Cabaret) Band Chorus
LUNCH PROGRAM All free / reduced lunch applications are due by September 28 th.
BREAKFAST PROGRAM 7:35 – 7:55 AM Multipurpose C
LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER Susan Murphy Erica Horlbogen
Systematic Training for Effective ParentingS.T.E.P. Ms. Sue Davis
HEALTH ISSUES Mrs. Linda Darcy (School Nurse)
PTSA Contributions to the School Membership Drive Fundraiser
PTSA MEETING DATES 6:30 PM October 2, 2007 November 5, 2007 December 4, 2007 January 7, 2008 February 5, 2008 March 3, 2008 April 1, 2008 May 5, 2008 June 3, 2008
AVENUES OF COMMUNICATION Telephone (401) –Team mailbox School website - Asfms.netSchool website - Asfms.netAsfms.net Parent ListservParent Listserv Student agenda Parent conferences PTA meetings
Essential Points We are a “High Performing” middle school We need a strong / active PTSA Our instruction and programs are among the very best Our teachers, faculty and staff are highly qualified and certainly among the highest level of professionals
Essential Points Our commitment to student learning is not only a priority, but second only to student safety. FMS is a safe, nurturing environment with rigorous academic expectations. We strive to seek continuous improvement. We expect you to hold us accountable.
EVENING SCHEDULE Principal’s Presentation Team Teacher Presentation Visit Elective Teachers Sign Up for the Parent Listserv (library) Sign Up to be a Member of the PTSA
“Words to live by are just words unless we live by them.” (Eric Harvey )