October 2, 2012 AGENDA 7:00 - Welcome 7:05 - Budget 7:20 - Bylaws 7:30 - Testing 7:40 - Online Textbooks 7:50 – Treasurer’s Report/Friends of Lees Corner proposal 8:00 - Principal Time Next Meeting – December 4, 2012
Survey Highlights from (or 41% of the population) responded Role of PTA: –80.9% - purchase support to purchase technology –74.9% - conduct fundraising events –72.5% - support after school programming 48% are “somewhat satisfied” with afterschool events Programs that need to expand (those receiving 30% or higher): –Foreign Languages –Science –Math –Computers –Lego Robotics Most Reliable Sources of Information (both school and PTA announcements): –Wednesday Folders –KITS
Goals for Sponsor at least two large events and other creative fundraising activities that earn money for cultural arts, field trips, and other purchases that make Lees Corner a great place to go to school 2. Recruit parent and teacher volunteers to manage a diverse afterschool program that includes foreign languages, arts, science, engineering, and physical activities 3. Support the school in its goal to raise awareness around bully prevention and enforce other positive behaviors 4. Support the community's desire to raise money to purchase technology (e.g. netbooks) for classrooms
LCES Bylaw Proposal President1st Vice President2nd Vice PresidentTreasurer Executive CommitteeBook FairClothing DriveTax Forms Cafeteria CleanlinessBox TopsCultural Arts DirectoryFamily FunChess Club Franklin LiaisonTrackAThonGirls on the Run GiftsGrocery Loyalty ProgramFLEX GroundsSchool SpiritFrench Club Membership6th Grade BasketballLego Robotics Minority Liaison6th Grade LunchMad Science NominationsSURF Parliamentarian School Supplies Special Needs Students Teacher Appreciation Volunteers Website Ways and Means Welcoming
Updates Fundraising –Spirit Wear – fall spirit wear orders completed September 30 –Dining Days – earned $811 from Chick-Fil-A night; next up – October 11, Subway and Vocelli’s night November 12 and 13 –Grocery Loyalty – received a check for $532 from Target; 117 Giant cards registered After School Programs –Chess Club – over 100 kids registered for 84 slots; starts October –Cultural Arts – Anti-Bullying, Chinese Acrobats, and Franklin Institute are the assemblies being funded by PTA –French Club – French I and II up and running –Mad Science – Two classes of 20 students –Little Einsteins – Twenty four children registered –FLEX – there was tremendous interest in starting an afterschool foreign language program
Updates Events –Hallowingo – October 26 –Book Fair – 1 st week of December –Movie Night – January 2013 –6 th Grade Basketball – March 2013 against Oak Hill; working with other PTAs in determining interest in competing with other schools; need volunteers for planning Committees –Directory – imminent; will be posted to BlackBoard –Cafeteria Cleanliness - addressing issue around disinfectant wipes –Membership – successful campaign – over 200 people joined PTA –School Supplies – supplies delivered successfully –Teacher Appreciation – Welcome Back lunch held last week of August –Volunteers – using online signups; recruited assistance for Library and Art –Welcoming – sent Welcome letter to new families
Volunteers Needed Chairpersons Needed –Nominations Chair –School Supplies (shadow for 2013 order, Chair for 2014) –Mad Science 2013 –Grounds Beautification 2013 –Volunteer – Co-Chair for Volunteers for Events –Hallowingo –Book Fair –Movie Night –6 th Grade Basketball –TrackAThon