By: Brandy Russell Tuesday, September 14, :00 p.m.
WES will be hosting it’s 1 st annual Technology Fair this November. This event will showcase the exceptional talents of our students in grades 3 rd -6 th and provide them the opportunity to compete with their projects.
There are 6 categories in our technology fair: 1. General Applications 2. Multimedia 3. Web Site Creation 4. Video Production 5. Hardware-Robotics 6. Computer Programming Let’s take a closer look at each category:
General Applications: Word Document BASIC PowerPoint (no music or video/movie) Spreadsheets Word processing programs Desktop Publishing programs Example of previous General Application project:
Multimedia: PowerPoint (advanced) using different programs, adding music, adding video clips/movies Example of previous Multimedia project: Astound Kid Pix KidWorks Deluxe Storybook Weaver HyperStudio Word Perfect Presentations Claris Works and go to Multimedia
Video Production: Windows Movie Maker Toshiba Movie Designer Any program you have that converts video to movies. Example of previous Video Production project:
Web Site Creation: Blogs Wiki’s Google sites Ning Weebly for education and go to website creation for children is AWESOME!
Hardware-Robotics: Google search: Making a robot for kids
Computer Programming: Google search: computer programming for kids
Students can do their projects on anything they are passionate about or any subject they have a lot of knowledge about. Projects that have a school tie-in or that were directly assigned in class receive extra points at the Regional and State ACTE Technology Fair.
Students will compete in Levels Level I is 3 rd and 4 th grade Level II is 5 th and 6 th grade Students may enter more than one category, but may have only one project per category. Students may enter an individual project AND be part of a group project within a single category. Students can compete in a groups of no more than 4. The student will compete in the Level of the oldest student in that group. EXAMPLE: Suzie is in the 3 rd grade. She enters an individual project in Multimedia. She also enters a group Multimedia project with 2 of her friends and one of the friends is in the 5 th grade. Suzie will compete in Level I for her individual project and Level II for her group project.
All projects need to be saved on a USB jump drive (flash drive) All files, pictures, video clips, music, etc. will also need to be saved on that jump drive Windows Movie Maker is VERY tricky sometimes if you try to create a project on a computer and copy it to a jump drive—it is best to begin the project by saving everything to the jump drive. That way everything will pull up wherever you are!
We will have space available for you to set- up a laptop if your project requires a certain program that we would not have at school. Otherwise, your child will show their project to the judges by inserting their jump drive into a computer in the library. There will be “practice” times available the week before the fair for students to bring their projects and make sure they pull up without “glitches”.
A project notebook must accompany every project. Notebook requirements are on my website and are very detailed. When you have decided on a project and are ready to begin, you may send your child to me and they can “check-out” a DVD that will take you step by step through how to set-up your notebook. Please return it within 2 weeks.
There will be a 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd place winner in each category at our local fair. 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd place projects will advance to the ACTE Regional Technology Fair at Jacksonville State University in January, (Alabama Council for Technology in Education) There will be a 1 st and 2 nd place winner in each category at the regional level. Those projects will advance to the ACTE State Fair in Montgomery in April, 2011.
Tuesday, November 14 th Students will compete throughout the school day and awards will be given out that evening at 6pm at the PTO meeting. Judges will be teachers from other schools, employees from Calhoun County Technology Department, and Technology Sponsors. Any questions: Please me at