Evolution Of A Grant Program Shaping and sharing a better South Carolina – South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism
Re-engineering The Program New name New structure New requirements New process
Program Enhancements Easier application process Electronic guidelines and forms Program timeline accelerated Private sector match incorporated More competitive process Increased program flexibility Expanded fundable items Removal of “baseline” formula
Program Mission Advance economic benefits of tourism Provide Financial Assistance to qualified partners Support Tourism Marketing Initiatives Attract Visitors Encourage Visitor Spending
Program Goals Generate a return on the state’s investment; Carryout the tourism marketing and economic development mission of SCPRT; and Support our tourism industry partners.
Program Structure Tourism Partnership Fund Sports Marketing $50K – 1:1 Attraction Marketing $40K – 1:1 Festival & Event $20K – 1:1 Sponsorship Grant $500 – 1:1 Established Market $500K – 2:1 $400K – 2:1 Developing Market $200K – 1:1
Eligible Applicants Federal Non-Profit (501)C Federal Identification Number (FEIN) Organizations specifically charged with marketing tourism to their specific city, county or region.
ESTABLISHED MARKET Counties collecting > $900K ATAX Beaufort, Greenville, Charleston, Horry, Georgetown and Richland Score 90 or better Two Grant Levels: $500K and $400K
ESTABLISHED MARKET LEVEL ONE : Maximum Award - $500,000 (2:1 Match) Matching Funds - Strictly from Private Sector. 100 % Out-of-State Marketing
ESTABLISHED MARKET LEVEL TWO : Maximum Award $400,000 (2:1) Matching Funds from Public and/or Private Sector 100 % Out-of-State Marketing
Fundable Components Interactive Marketing Print Media Web Development/Enhancement PR: Media Marketplace, Press Kits Broadcast Media Sales: Tradeshows, Meetings & Conventions, Group Tours Other (new, creative marketing strategies)
DEVELOPING MARKET 40 Counties collecting under $900K ATAX Maximum Award Amount: $200,000 1:1 Match Out-of-State and/or In-State (Outside 100 Mile Radius) Score 85 or better
Fundable Components Interactive Marketing Print Media Broadcast Media Web Development/Enhancement PR: Media marketplace, Press Kits Sales: Tradeshows, Meetings, Conventions, Group Tours Other (new, creative marketing strategy)
SPORTS MARKETING All 46 Counties Attract Sporting Events Maximum Award Amount: $50,000 1:1 Match Out-of-State Marketing Score 85 or better
Fundable Components Interactive Marketing Web Development/Enhancement Broadcast Media Advertising PR: Media Marketplace, Press Kits Sales: Tradeshows, Meetings & Conventions, Group Tours Other (new, creative marketing strategies)
ATTRACTION MARKETING All 46 Counties Attractions that charge admission Maximum Award :$40,000 (1:1 Match) Out-of-State and/or In-State (Outside 50 Mile Radius) Score 85 or better
Fundable Components Interactive Marketing Web Development/Enhancement Broadcast Media Advertising Billboard PR: Media Marketplace, Press Kits Other (new, creative marketing strategies)
FESTIVAL and EVENT All 46 Counties Maximum Award Amount $20,000 Match 1:1 Out-of-State and/or In-State Marketing (50 Mile Radius) Score 80 or better
Fundable Components Advertising Billboard Web Development/Enhancement Interactive Marketing PR: Media Marketplace, Press Kits Other (new, creative marketing strategies)
SPONSORSHIP GRANT All 46 Counties Maximum Award Amount $500 Match 1:1 In-State Marketing Score 75 or better
Fundable Components Print Media Broadcast Media Billboard Web Development/Enhancement Other (new, creative marketing strategies)
APPLICATION (Cover Page) City of Yonderville Chamber of Commerce 1205 Pendleton Street Columbia, SC Phone: (803) FAX; (803) Project director: Dottie Fisher Richland
APPLICATION (Cover Page) Marketing Yonderville: A step Back In Time Date of Festival/Event: October 6, 2007 (Applies to Festival & Event Only) Print Media-$8,000; Broadcast Media-$5,000; Tradeshows-$4,000 Requested Amount: $8,500 ($17,000 x 50%)
APPLICATION (Cover Page) Attachments: 501 Exempt Letter Federal Employee Identification Number SC Code of Law designation (Applies only to Tourism Commissions) Affix your signature
Application Requested information includes a brief comprehensive overview of your project, what your marketing needs are, responsibilities of all marketing partners, estimated costs, and projected economic benefits. Overview Give a brief description of your organization. Outline project goals. Indicate strategies to obtain goals. Identify market segments (consumer, meetings/conventions, group tour, sports marketing, etc). Identify and explain your target audience – Demographic target (women, families, couples, seniors, etc.) and Geographic target (Mid-West, Southeast, etc.) Are you incorporating new markets in this initiative? If so, please identify these markets. If not, please explain why. Outline the organization’s overall marketing campaign, identifying those items seeking TPF grant support. Performance Measures/Accountability How will this project positively impact tourism tax revenue in your area/region? How will you measure the economic impact? If the applying organization plans to satisfy the match requirement using any private-sector or other third-party funding support, please provide a letter from all private-sector and other partners describing their involvement, their financial contribution and any other commitment or resources.
Application “Sponsorship Grant” Describe your festival/event/marketing promotion in detail. How does your organization plan to use this grant to promote your festival/event/area? Provide the community and regional organizations that support your project. How many tourists/travelers visited your area or attended your festival or event last year? What benefits will your community receive by sponsoring this project? Provide letter from private-sector partner; state the level of financial contribution and the purpose of the contribution. (Only applies if match is derived from private sector)
APPLICATION DEADLINE Deadline: February 15, 2007 Mail: 6 copies Address: SCPRT, Tourism Partnership Fund 1205 Pendleton Street, Suite 110 Columbia, SC 29201
POINT SYSTEM Total Weight Factor = 100 Strategies align to obtain goals (20) New market initiatives and/or sustaining markets credible (20) Marketing campaign attainable (10)
POINT SYSTEM Cont. Tax revenue impact (20) Measurable mechanics (10) Required documentation provided (10) Application clear and comprehensive (10)
POINT SYSTEM “Sponsorship Grant ” Total weight factor = 100 Project Description Clarity (20) Marketing Strategies (20) Community/Regional Support (20) Attendance Level (20) Community Benefit (20)
RATING SYSTEM Industry Review Panel 3 PRT Staff Members 2 or 3 Non-resident Panelist Panelist to be paid a stipend Panelist to serve for a set number of years Panelist to rotate off intermittently
Grant Fundamentals Obtain approval from TPF Coordinator prior to placement or production of any work Refer to guidelines for specific instructions regarding “approved” items Include South Carolina Logo on all work Submit reimbursement request no later than May 30, Reimbursement requests to include invoices, cancelled checks and support documentation
SUMMARY One program; Six Modules New Caps and New Thresholds Opportunity to submit creative ideas Improved Review Panel Process Attach “Letters of Commitment” f/Private Sector and 3 rd -Party Funding
SUMMARY (cont.) One “Application per Organization Attach proof of Non-profit status to originals and copies Applications: Date and Time-Stamped Deadline: Feb. 15 th New Reimbursement Deadline: May 30th
GRANT TYPE ELIGIBILITYFUNDING PARAMETERS QUALIFIERS Established Market Counties Collecting >$900,000 ATAX Beaufort, Charleston, Greenville, Horry, Richland $500,000 w/ 2 to 1 Private Sector Match, OR $400,000 w/2 to 1 Match any source Score 90 or above Out-of-State Marketing Developing Market 40 Counties Collecting <$900K ATAX, SCATR, Heritage Corridor $200,000 w/1 to 1 MatchScore 85 or above Out-of-State & In-State (Outside 100 Mile) Sports Marketing Entities w/on-going sports marketing efforts (No Sporting Events) $50,000 w/1 to 1 MatchScore 85 or above Out-of-State Marketing Attraction Charge admission$40,000 w/1 to 1 MatchScore 85 or above Out-of-State and/or In- State Marketing Festival & Event F&E that attract visitors and generate room nights $20,000 w/1 to 1 MatchScore 80 or above Out-of-State and/or In-State Marketing (50 Mi) Sponsorship Grant Organization engaged in a tourism marketing initiative $500 w/1 to 1 MatchScore 75 or above In-State Marketing