Interdisciplinary Transition Team Planning & Other Approaches for Transition-Age Young Adults who are Deaf-Blind Amy T. Parker, Ed.D. & COMS National Center on Deaf-Blindness
Transition To increase the ability of educational and adult service systems to be responsive to the unique transition needs of deaf-blind youth and their families, supporting them in achieving valued life outcomes.
Diversity of Deaf-Blind Experiences Deaf-Blind Deafblind Deaf, Visually Impaired Hard-of-Hearing, Visually Impaired Dual sensory loss Dual sensory impaired sensory impaired Combined hearing & vision loss Your term?
The federal government defines deaf-blindness as: "concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination that creates such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education in programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness." FR Dept. of Education, 34 CFR Parts 300 & 303. Vol. 64, No. 48.3/12/99
Types of Deaf-Blindness Significant variability in life experience, communication and overall development: Congenitally Deaf, Adventitiously Blind Congenitally Blind, Adventitiously Deaf Adventitiously Deaf-Blind Congenitally Deaf-Blind
Transition Age Young Adults All students have diverse vision and hearing loss, with the presence or absence of additional disabilities. Some individuals go on to college and/or live independently while others will require varying degrees of lifelong support. Interdependence is a theme that should be explored in transition planning for all young adults.
What is the same? Access Barriers What binds people who are deaf-blind are the unique communication needs and the challenges experienced with limited access to the social and physical world that surrounds them.
Best practices in transition planning for young adults who are deaf-blind Student centered (preference based) Comprehensive and interdisciplinary Long term and Evolving Build Social Capital Planning Process Begins Early
Individual Examples- Let’s explore a bit about transition with two young adults Two young men who are deaf-blind sit in lawn chairs at an outdoor event. One is touching the other’s arm and leaning forward.
Student and Family Centered- example of interest based assessment A young adult stands in a greenhouse with a job coach. He is placing eggs in a carton.
Kenny at Work Yrw Yrw (a portion of this video will be shown and it is in the process of being audio described)
Sharing of Captioned and Described Videos otPM (will share a portion of this video) otPM OIE (will share and discuss a portion of this video) OIE
System Approaches Now, let’s look at two examples of approaches that have been tried to address transition needs of young adults who are deaf-blind. The Transition Toolkit- Developed out of a collaborative multi-state effort The Interdisciplinary Transition Team Initiative (community of practice)
Transition Toolkit: Enhancing Self Determination for Young Adults Who are Deaf-Blind This Transition Toolkit is a free repository of information, tools, resources, and information about a suggested model for hosting a workshop for deaf-blind teens ages and their families. This model was devised after eight years of hosting Transition Institutes for this traditionally underserved population.
Let’s Watch and Discuss a Few Videos EX7I EX7I mnBZY mnBZY 4k_k 4k_k
Interdisciplinary Transition Team Initiative (ITTI) The Interdisciplinary Transition Team Initiative (ITTI) is a transition planning initiative that incorporates evidence based practices for young adults who have combined vision and hearing loss, their families, and educational team members. Began as a pilot project and now has become a multi-state initiative.
Interdisciplinary Transition Team Initiative (ITTI) The ITTI is a multi-year long process with a hybrid design Two large-scale face-to-face sessions Webinars for content Monthly web-based meetings Monthly transition planning tasks Face to face transition team meetings Online Community of Practice Technical Assistance Agreement
Requirements for ITTI Participation The team is centered around a student who is deaf-blind between Commitment on behalf of the family, transition team members and administrator Permission to use school/agency technology Access to high speed internet, webcam & computer Participation in online community of practice
ITTI Community of Practice Now, let’s explore a bit about an online community of practice that is growing
Benefits of Collaboration Enhanced interdisciplinary collaboration Smoother IEP planning process Person-centered goals designed to meet the student and family’s wishes Enhancement of self-determined behaviors Increased knowledge for families of the planning process and services outside of the educational environment Enhanced quality of life for the student.
Transformation for Parents and Young Adults AWX0 AWX0 hKks hKks GPCg GPCg