Arlington Science Focus School Gifted Services 2014 - 2015 MS Power Point Arlington Science Focus School Gifted Services 2014 - 2015 John Kirkman, Resource Teacher for the Gifted School Phone: 703/228-7670 Point out to parents that if they have not heard from me in 24-48 hours, then the email may not have reached me. Please call or send a note in via your child.
MS Power Point Information Cards: On each table, you will find cards for you to complete providing me with your contact information. If I am not able to answer your question tonight, write it on the back of the card, and I will contact you via email or phone. Questions: Please ask any GENERAL questions as we move through the presentation. Raise your hand or shout them out… If you have a specific question you wish to ask about your child, please see me following the meeting or contact me via email or phone. THIS IS WHEN YOU WILL DISTRIBUTE YOUR SCHOOL BROCHURE IF YOU HAVE ONE: OPTIONAL: RTG says, “This brings us to the end of our evening. I would like to take this time to answer some general questions (while I distribute a brochure to you). “ Take general questions. Distribute index cards on which parents can write specific questions about individual students. Explain parents may also email you with questions and should indicate a good time for you to call them.
Gifted Services at ASFS MS Power Point Gifted Services at ASFS I work in partnership with the classroom teachers and other area specialists in collaborative instruction. Daily Differentiation to meet the needs of our students is the goal. Infusing higher-order thinking skills and critical & creative thinking skills into our lessons. Our method of delivery for gifted services at ASFS vary by grade-level and the needs of the child. - classroom-based instruction (push-in) - breakout groups (pull-out)
Enrich and extend Supplemental materials allow students to: MS Power Point Enrich and extend Supplemental materials allow students to: build upon their own prior knowledge engage in activities to demonstrate that knowledge participate in higher order thinking respond to assignments according to their diverse learning styles (choice)
Gifted Services target specific areas of strength… MS Power Point Gifted Services target specific areas of strength… Specific Academic Aptitude, K-12 English Mathematics Science Social Studies Visual or Performing Arts, Grades 3-12 Visual Art Vocal Music (Chorus) Instrumental Music Band/Orchestra Clarify that we begin identification for academics in kindergarten. Formal identification for the arts begins in grade 3. Read from the slide
English/Language Arts MS Power Point English/Language Arts Reading Matched to student skill level, including robust vocabulary study and critical-creative thinking responses. Writing/Grammar Developing deeper levels of elaboration and depth in student writing either by student interests or responses to reading choices. Word Study Spelling and vocabulary leveled to student skill and designed to further extend their working vocabulary.
Mathematics Curriculum and Beyond… MS Power Point Mathematics Curriculum and Beyond… Beyond the Textbook: - Hands-on-Equations - Continental Math League - W&M units - Project M² or M³ - Hands-on Geometry - Math Dice Number Sense Computation and Estimation Measurement Geometry Patterns, Functions, Algebra Probability and Statistics
Scientific Extensions MS Power Point Scientific Extensions APS: Outdoor Lab (day or overnight) Planetarium visits ASFS: Investigation Station Outside the Box Day (November) Science in the School Yard Elementary Engineering Habitat Day (April) Student driven research-centered projects Lego Robotics (after school enrichment)
Social Studies Extensions MS Power Point Social Studies Extensions Exploring historical events and the world around us: Student-centered research projects on topic of choice Exploring program – National History Bee – as possible option for ASFS students National Geographic Geography Bee (Grades 4 & 5) ASFS sent a fourth graders two years ago to the Virginia State Bee. Before school Geography club to build interest prior to the classroom and school-wide Geography Bee.
Art Enrichment This year we continue to work to develop our art talent here at ASFS. We have a group of fifteen students who have been identified by our Art Teachers. These students will explore an art skill that is outside of the regular art curriculum. The group meets every Wednesday morning, in our Art Studio,
Student Ability Testing MS Power Point Student Ability Testing Naglieri Non-Verbal Ability Test Given to all APS second graders 30 minute timed test Computer based Parent report of scores Parent Coffee held at ASFS to discuss the test Cognitive Abilities Test Given to all APS fourth graders in November Computer based To assess students’ abilities in reasoning and problem solving using verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal (spatial symbols) areas Parent report of scores Parent Coffee held at ASFS to discuss the test
Gifted Services Identification Process MS Power Point Gifted Services Identification Process The window to refer a student for gifted services begins in March 2015. I will present the specifics of the process at the March PTA meeting and separate Parent Coffee. Teachers will receive materials for referral prior to the March Parent-Teachers conferences to ensure the topic is discussed at that time. Please contact Mr. Kirkman to discuss this process at any time.
Role of Parent – Supporting Differentiation for Student MS Power Point Role of Parent – Supporting Differentiation for Student Resources for Parents: National Association for Gifted - Virginia Association for Gifted - Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted - Support your child’s interest to pursue social and cultural opportunities within and beyond his/her strength area(s) Maintain communication with your child’s classroom teachers, Mr. Kirkman, as well as Mrs. Hawthorne to monitor social development.
Parent Book club The book address the needs of gifted children and their parents. If you are interested, please complete an interest slip and leave it with me or on the tabletops. Emailing me works, too.
Gifted Services Advisory Committee (GSAC) Arlington Public School’s Parent Advocacy Group Part of Advisory Council of Instruction Monthly meetings If interested in serving on this committee, please contact Michele Ginnerty (co-chair of GSAC) at or Cheryl McCullough (Supervisor, Gifted Services) at
Arlington Public Schools Gifted Services MS Power Point Arlington Public Schools Gifted Services Visit the Arlington Public Schools – Gifted Services link on the APS Web Site Cheryl McCullough, Supervisor, Gifted Services 703-228-6160 or