REGULAR DAILY CLASS SCHEDULE 7:45 – 9:15 BLOCK A7:30 – 8:20 SINGLETON 1 8:25 – 9:15 SINGLETON 2 9: :52 BLOCK B 10:59 – 1:08 BLOCK C1st LUNCH 10: :20 2nd LUNCH 11: :56 3rd LUNCH 12:04 – 12:32 4th LUNCH 12:40 – 1:08 1:15 – 2:45 BLOCK D 1:15 – 2:05 SINGLETON 7 2:10 – 3:00 SINGLETON 8
Country Chicken Basket Hamburger / Cheeseburger Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Broccoli, Carrots, Fruit Pizza / Chicken Poppers
D-B Outside Little Theatre -2 nd Floor Activities /Gym Lobby near Restrooms Field House near Kevin Trivette’s office Lobby of CTE Building
Monday3-4: Math / English / Biology (Library) Tuesday3-4: English (Library) Wednesday3-4: Math / English / Biology (Library) 3-4: Chemistry (Library & 204) Thursday3-4: Math (Library) Friday3-4: Physics (Library)
SENIORS! If you ordered a cap and gown and have not picked it up in the Counseling Office, please do so as soon as possible!
Volunteers are desperately needed to help with "Walk for Wellness", Saturday, April 25 in Downtown Kingsport. This is perfect opportunity for students who need community service hours! Volunteers are needed from 7:15am - 12:15pm.
Congratulations to all of our students! All 12 competitors placed at the Skills USA Regional competition. Cosmetology: Tori Deal - 2nd place Nails: Hope Bledsoe - 2nd place Esthetics: Tia Tranbarger - 2nd place Action skills: Malaya Swafford - 1st place MLR 4: Troy Culbertson - 1st place Paint and Finishing: Xavier Galvan - 2nd place Body Repair: Jon Isley - 1st place CSI: Savannah Hunter, Emily Smith, Dakota Clifton - 2nd place Criminal Justice: Kerri McQueen - 1st place Job skills: Keia Wright - 1st place
Business Math 1 st Isaac Ick 3 rd Jordan Guest Hospitality Management (team) 4 th Matthew Parnell & Josh Siguenza Future Business Leaders of America State Competition April 13-15, 2015 Accounting I 2 nd Hannah Burgess Banking & Finance (team) 2 nd Hayden Correll & Spencer Murphy Business Calculations 4 th Parker Wilkins
Dobyns-Bennett Volleyball Team is looking for 2 female managers to work the 2015 season. If you are interested in this position please see Coach Baker for information.
Please return all library materials not needed for class by May 8 th. Summer checkouts will begin on May 15.
Congratulations to Aaron Johnson and Lukas McCrary who came in FIRST IN STATE in Duet Acting. Congratulations to Devin Hooven who came in FIRST IN STATE in Pantomime. Also placing at the state level: Mikaela Lifford in Solo Acting Moose Odom in Pantomime Kelli Frawley in After Dinner Speaking Ethan Addlestone in Humorous Interpretation Congratulations to D-B Dramahawks at Tennessee High School Speech and Drama League state tournament in Knoxville! 41 schools present. 22 D-B students were able to compete at the state level. Ms. Humphrey is extremely proud of their efforts!
Lunch Visits to D-B Army - April 20,27 Navy - April 21
Attention Robotics Team Important Team Meeting Wednesday, April 22 3:00-4:30 Please be here to talk about important demo dates and to clean up!!!
Any Senior who has given blood three times and should receive a Red Cord for graduation needs to check with Ms. Watson in room V 307 by May 1 st.
Volunteer Opportunities! Painting and light construction to renovate an old building in downtown Kingsport that will become the new Bellafina Chocolates manufacturing facility. Help make and package chocolate. Interview a representative of a local children's charity and write a blog piece highlighting their work, how they use Bellafina Chocolates donations. Must have recommendation from English teacher or submit a writing sample. Sew clothing for underprivileged children and orphans using denim donated by a local company. Must have access to a sewing machine.
You will need to wear athletic clothing for this event. No previous experience required – however, a dance, cheer, or gymnastic background is beneficial! The 2015 D-B Band Fall Color Guard Tryout Dates are HERE! Buck Van Huss Dome at Dobyns-Bennett Monday April 20 – Friday April 25 3:30pm – 6:00pm For more information please contact Assistant Band Director Tom Padgett
Award – Varies Eligibility – Male enrolling at TTU Fall 2015, 3.0 GPA or better Applications are available in the Counseling office Deadline: May 1 st Tennessee Tech University Sigma Phi Epsilon – Balanced Man Scholarship
ETSU – Sigma Phi Epsilon – Balanced Man Scholarship Award – one $500 and one $1,000 scholarship Eligibility – Male enrolling at ETSU Fall Applications are available in the Counseling office Deadline: May 1 st
utc.edu/business-summer Experience college life, interact with expert faculty and business leaders and explore Chattanooga during the UTC Summer Business Experience. The six-day residential summer program is designed for academically talented rising high school seniors who are interested in a career in business. Apply now at utc.edu/business-summer University of Tennessee Chattanooga Summer Business Experience: June 15 th – June 20 th
Athnet Sports Recruiting Scholarship Award: $1,000 Eligibility: Current or former athlete at the high school or college level and must be a current college student or high school senior entering college. How to Enter: Write a word essay describing how the lessons learned through playing sports have positively impacted you as you pursue your college education. Essay due June 1 st Information and entry available at
Awarded to MTSU bound high school seniors. Academic achievement, financial need, good work ethic, community outreach, and valuing education are taken into consideration. Award Amount: $500 for an academic year. Deadline: May 8 th Applications are available in the scholarship box in the Counseling office. Middle Tennessee Network Association MTSU Alumni Scholarship
MTSU Mechatronics Engineering Scholarship Award: $10,000 per year for 3 years and enhanced activities such as a trip to Berlin, Germany For: New freshman Mechatronics Engineering majors at MTSU, US Citizenship, full-time student, high school GPA 3.0 or better, ACT Math subscore 24 or better, demonstrate financial aid, willingness to participate in the MT cohort program. Further information for applying is available in the Counseling office Scholarship box and at Deadline: before May 18th
April 20Daniel BooneAway6:00 April 21CrockettHome6:00 April 23Morristown WestHome6:00 April 27Sullivan EastHome6:00 April 28Unicoi CountyHome6:00
April 20Science HillAway4:30 April 21 Tennessee High Away 4:30 &6:00 April 23 Boone –Sr. Night Home4:15
Pentathlon/DecathlonApril Morristown West Big 7 ConferenceApril 23-24Science Hill Times-NewsMay 1Science Hill SectionalMay 9Hardin Valley State Pent/DecathMay 18-19MTSU StateMay 20-22MTSU
Gay-Straight Alliance meets every Wednesday in either Mr. Jon Tully’s Room (W-272) or Mr. Adam Hall’s room (E-102).
Check out our Facebook page: Dobyns-Bennett High School Anime Club
Tickets on sale beginning NOW through Friday April 24th before and after school (ONLY) in the D-B Activities office. Tickets are $25.00 each and financial obligations to D-B and attendance will be verified before tickets will be sold.
D-B’S TARDY / ABSENCE POLICY REMINDER Please remember that participation in prom and graduation ceremony are tied directly to attendance. Students who accrue instances of tardiness or absenteeism greater than 10% of the time in any one class will be ineligible for these activities.
Colorguard Tryouts Monday April 20 through Friday April 24 3:30 to 6:00pm Dobyns-Bennett Buck Van Huss Dome. For more information please contact Assistant Band Director and Colorguard/Visual director Tom Padgett at
PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE CONCERT: Thursday, April 23 rd at 6:30PM at the IMB. ALL ARE WELCOME. Come watch a very entertaining and talented group of students perform.
Percussion Tryouts May 4 th – May 7 th D-B IMB after school. Contact Dave Whaley at if you have any questions.
Dobyns-Bennett Band SPRING CONCERT will be held at the Toy F. Reid Employee Center on May 5, 2015 at 7:00PM.