Motolani Shenbanjo May 23, 2011 World History Period 3
Issue Issue The United States and its allies have been combating in the War on Terror for ten years up to this point, the main objective, is to bring forth the downfall of Al-Qaeda and eliminate important leaders such as, Osama Bin Laden (deceased) and Ayman Al-Zawahiri that brought forth one of our most infamous catastrophes of all time, 9/11. ? EliminatedWhereabouts Unknown Osama Bin Laden Ayman Al-Zawahiri Issue Facts The War on Terror has become the longest running war in American history, 10 years up to this point. To this day it has been reported, 15 U.S. soldiers were killed while fighting Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan. While there is no exact number of the total casualties for Americans in the War on Terror, some estimate about 54,800 civilian and military deaths combined.
Maps Maps Map of major terrorist attacks committed by Al-Qaeda. 1.The Pentagon, U.S.- Sep. 11, World Trade Center, U.S.- Sep. 11, Istanbul, Turkey- Nov.15, 2003; Nov Aden, Yemen- Oct. 12, Nairobi, Kenya- Aug. 7, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania- Aug. 7, 1998 A map of recent strikes on Al- Qaeda in Pakistan that succeeded in eliminating prominent leaders in This map represents the locations and deaths of major leaders linked to Al-Qaeda, but it has not yet been confirmed whether Libi and Yazid are deceased.
Al-Qaeda’s flag design consists of the basic jihadist black flag with a yellow circle surrounded by additional text. It has been reported that Saif al-Adel has become the new leader of Al- Qaeda. Diagram of Osama Bin Laden’s hideout. Images
Facts Facts The total cost of expenditures for the War on Terror is said to be $1.283 trillion. Operation Neptune Spear concluded with Osama Bin Laden’s death in Bilal Town, Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 2, Al-Qaeda has been labeled as an international terrorist group by a few of the following countries and organizations, Australia, Canada, EU, France, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, NATO, Philippines, Russia etc. It has been said more than 25 Al-Qaeda operatives and leaders have been killed, out of the supposed 50 to 100.
Argument Argument The U.S. and its allies need to employ resistance towards terrorist acts that are committed. In addition, eliminate any and all terrorists that lurk on the face of our planet.
Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups are chiefly responsible for some of the world’s most infamous tragedies, being the reason they’re recognized as a terrorist threat all over the planet. People like Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri need to be terminated in order for our world to be purified of their wicked nature. This would mostly likely topple Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
1.What Country was Osama Bin Laden killed in? 2.Name 2 locations of major attacks carried out by Al-Qaeda. 3.What color was the background of Al- Qaeda’s flag?
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