I, Joseph Bruce Ismay, born at Crosby, Liverpool, on 12 December 1862, am very excited to board the Titanic. I’m Chairman of Asiatic Steam Navigation Company and Liverpool Steamship Owners Protection Association. The Titanic has made me remember my Father, the founder of the White Star Line. I have been bragging about it all week to my co-workers. I’m also very sad about leaving my 4 children and my beautiful wife Julia Florence Schieffelin.Pirrie and I have decided that we will find the beautiful lastest ship. We also hope to trade with immigrants.This is the last dinner I will have with my family before I leave with my valet,Richard Fry, and my secretary, William Henry Harrison. Also, my employee Ernest Freeman will come along. Going on this trip, / feel like I’m connected with my father again. Joseph Bruce Ismay
Dear Julia, I can’t believe I am aboard this amazing ship! The view of the ocean is wonderful. It even has its own pool, elevators, and gym. In my opinion, the grand Staircase is magnificent! I talked to one of the builders, and he said that it was constructed from polished oak, wrought iron, and an assortment of boutique glass. I also talked to one of the crew members, and they said that they use about 825 tons of coal a day and there are 4 funnels. Did you also know that the top speed of the Titanic (in knots) is 23? As I walked around, I started to count all of the decks, at the end there are 9 decks. These are just some of the facts I learned. This would all be better with you and the kids! Love, Joseph Bruce Ismay Julia Ismay 47 Kingdom Road Liverpool, United Kingdom
The Unsinkable Ship Has Sunk Lots of People have died while aboard the Titanic. Some could even be your loved ones. On April 14, 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg. As many as 1300 people are missing. The ones that have survived are on the Carpathian, heading to New York. The ship sank at latitude 41:46 north and longitude 50:14 west, in the Atlantic Ocean. Once the iceberg hit the Titanic, the Titanic couldn’t be saved. The first to flood was THE NEW YORK TIMES the coal room. Before long, the water was up to the deck. People who didn’t make it to a lifeboat most likely died. Some even tried jumping off the ship. Families are devastated about this wreck. We will let you know about any more information we get. April 16, 1912
The Beautiful night The splash of the water sooths me to sleep. Right as i’m about to go to slumber An iceberg hits the haul Cries and wails come from everywhere I get up to see what happened Families were huddled around the kids trying to get to a raft I looked down the hall to see water rapidly coming towards me I raced to top deck A man in a raft pointed at me I jumped in just in time as the Titanic broke into two
When we crashed into the iceberg I was in the first class smoking room. A big shock went through the hole ship, everybody got up to see what had happened. I too went to see what happened. A man called out “Iceberg has passed astern!” Once I heard that man, I rushed to get Mrs. Candee to safely. I met her outside her stateroom. I tried to get Mrs. Candee into the first lifeboat I saw. After I knew she was safe, Stefansson and I needed to help as much people off the ship as I can. We then, got another boat to get some men to safety. Once there was no one on the lower deck, Stefansson and myself needed to get on a raft. We saw a opened raft close to the ship, and jumped. Stefansson jumped first landing in the raft. When I jumped, my chest hit the gunwale. I then slipped backwards, falling into the water. Once we were safe in the raft, we saw a man swimming in the freezing the water. We lifted him into the raft. The next day I boarded the carpathian headed to New York. It was a different way of getting to New York, but i’ll take it. Mr Hugh Woolner First Class Passenger
Joseph Bruce Ismay,eldest son of Thomas Henry Ismay, grew up in Dawpool, Cheshire. He went to school at Elstree School and at Harrow. After he graduated, Joseph went to France to be tutored before being appreciated by his father, Thomas Ismay, for four years. Joseph then went on a one year of the world, then returned to be an officer of the White Star. Soon becoming the company Agent. To might be his biggest accomplishment was marrying Julia Florence Schieffelin, having 2 sons and 2 daughters. His Father then dies Ismay led a thriving life as a business man. Ismay agreed terms with John Pierpont Morgan under which the White Star Line would form part of the International Mercantile Marine Company. He was also chairman of the Asiatic Steam Navigation Company, chairman of the Liverpool Steamship Owners Protection Association and the Liverpool and London War Risks Association as well as the Delta Insurance Company. On 10 April 1912 he boarded the Titanic with his valet Richard Fry and his secretary William Henry Harrison. Ismay was rescued from the Titanic in in Collapsible C. Joseph Bruce Ismay died on October 17, Birth: December 12, 1862 Death: October 17, 1937
Could More People be Saved More people could have been saved by not reducing the number of lifeboats from 32 to 20. This could have saved ⅔ more crew members and passengers. The ship actually had enough to carry 64 lifeboats. Each lifeboat could hold 65 people. Fourteen of the Titanic's 20 lifeboats were standard Harland and Wolff types used in many boats of the era. The four boats were special Englehardt “collapsible” lifeboats. More people could also be saved if captain Smith didn’t cancel the lifeboat drill. If they practiced the drill they could have saved more people because they would have know where to go and panic to get to lifeboat. But, many people also think that they saved as many people as they could. They say that there all the lifeboats were full. Some also said that the lifeboat couldn't support the weight of 65 passengers. More people could have been saved by not reducing the number of lifeboats to 20, practicing the Drill, and making the lifeboat quality better.