Middle School Outreach Summer 2011 Anna, Kellee, Latana, and Zac
Our Mission We aim to help middle school aged children in science summer camps explore their options about the future and use their interests to guide their paths!
Goals Visit the Florida State University Magnet Lab and the Challenger Center to give short presentations and survey the students on their interests Create a comprehensive contact list of local middle schools Contact local middle schools to establish a connection for future outreach groups
What We Accomplished Visited the Challenger Center’s Robotics Camp on July 12 Created four presentations to provide to the fall outreach group Collected information on the interests of the students to sculpt a further curriculum Contact list including the addresses of principals and technology teachers at the middle schools [including the Metropolitan Cathedral of Truth group of students at Rickards High School]
Challenger Center 7/12
Curriculum What is IT?
Graphic Design & Technology
Metrics -100% of the students were interested in computers - 85% interested in games - 46% interested in graphics -61% of kids help fix technology issues in their homes -61% of the children had mobile devices -100% enjoyed science experiments and projects -61% of the kids were interested in at least three of the listed areas of science
What does it mean? Most of the interest lay in gaming and graphics, as well as technology development and security The combination of strong interest in both science and technology provides ample opportunities for career and future development If the students continue to pursue their interests, the opportunities they will have as they grow will be exponentially greater than what is present today – awesome!
Questions or comments?