Strategic Philanthropy Advisors, LLC New York University May 2, 2008
Measuring Teacher & Student Success: The Funders’ Perspective
Panelists Julia Bator, The Heckscher Foundation for Children Cyrus Driver, The Ford Foundation John MacIntosh, SeaChange Capital Partners Moderator Michael Feller, Strategic Philanthropy Advisors
Teachers Network Vision Our leadership will empower all teachers to transform public schools into creative learning communities so every student will succeed and contribute to the public good.
No Child Left Behind Teachers Network Online Survey ● Only 1% of teachers find NCLB an effective way to assess the quality of schools ● 69% report it is pushing teachers out of the profession.
Public Elementary/Secondary Education Revenues/Expenditures: 2005 – 2006 ● Revenues = $520.6 Billion – 90.9% State & local government – 9.1% Federal government ● Current expenditures for day-to-day operation of schools = $449.6 Billion ● Per pupil expenditures = $9,154 – 25.1% increase since FY 95 Source: National Center for Education Statistics
Total Giving = $19.1 Bn $4.3 Bn for Education Foundation Giving Trends, 2008 The Foundation Center
How Many Billionaires Does It Take to Fix a School System?
The Heckscher Foundation The primary aim of the Heckscher Foundation's grantmaking is to "level the playing field" for needy youth by providing access to education and the varied experiences that make for a richer, forward-reaching life.
The Ford Foundation Meaningful citizenship and democratic practice cannot thrive without strong public schools and higher educational institutions that are accessible and equitable in providing challenging educational opportunities. Our work supports educational institutions at all levels to expand access, innovate in the classroom, evaluate their efforts and share best practices.
SeaChange Capital Partners SeaChange Capital Partners seeks to enhance the flow of growth capital from wealthy donors to select high-performing nonprofits. We will do so in collaboration with foundations, venture philanthropy firms, and others, and contribute to the vital long-term effort of creating more efficient financial capital markets for the social sector.
Goals for Today ● Gain a better understanding of program evaluation metrics of traditional funders and of social entrepreneur investors. ● Examine the perspectives of funders as well as fund- seekers on metrics, such as growth metrics and impact metrics. ● Generate ideas on how to measure teacher and student success/creativity beyond quantitative test scores, with additional focus on teacher quality, teacher retention, student learning (i.e. how do funders look for/measure success in these arenas?) ● Generate ideas on how to “sell” creativity as a metric and how to transform schools into creative learning environments.