Service/Support Array, Provider Network, Natural Helpers and Financing Track 1- Early Developmental Stages Michelle Zabel University of Maryland Carrie Johnson United American Indian Involvement Rob Abrams Wraparound Oregon: Early Childhood Lisa Conlan Rhode Island Parent Support Network
Caregiver Peer-to-Peer Support Provided to the caregiver of a youth enrolled in a CME by a family support partner (FSP) who: Assists in describing the program model Supports the family and/or participant to participate effectively in the Child and Family Team (CFT) meetings and in the POC development and implementation; Works with the Care Coordinator, participant and family to develop the plan of care; and, Assists in accessing services and removing barriers to care. Are legacy family members (individuals who have current or prior experience as a caregiver of a child with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) or a young adult with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) who are 21 or older, have completed the required training programs, and are employed by a Family Support Organization
EBP IMPLEMENTATION CENTER o Obtain data on existing EBPs in Maryland o Conduct a “sizing” of the EBPs to determine which EBPs should be expanded or brought into the state o Provide training on identified EBPs o Identify funding mechanisms to support the ongoing implementation and sustainment of EBPs o Conduct fidelity monitoring on EBP implementation o Evaluate outcomes of EBPs
Be both strategic and opportunistic Link grant and other funding/policy opportunities together (as they arise) to build upon one another and leverage further systems change: CMHI Grants – MD CARES and Rural CARES Mental Health Transformation and Block Grants PRTF 1915(c) Demonstration Waiver Healthy Transitions Grant (Transition-Aged Youth) National Child Traumatic Stress Network Grants Children’s Bureau Grants to Child Welfare OJJDP Grants to Juvenile Justice State Agency Initiatives Legislative Mandates
United American Indian Involvement, Inc Seven Generations Child and Family Services Los Angeles Carrie L. Johnson Network of Services and Supports and Natural Helpers
Implementation of Services/Supports Identifying what the needs is for our population Our System of Care- having some structure Identifying services providers and supports Training of services providers including our youth and family. Training in cultural competency
Implementation of Natural Supports A part of the assessment and plan of care Youth and Families identify these natural supports Care Coordinators identify community resources if needed Peer Supports and Mentors Specific Cultural Mentors, Talking Circles Cultural Competency and Natural Helpers
Activities to increase Collaboration/Supports Indian Day Community Gathering Mental Health Awareness Day American Indian Month Music of LA Sharing of Data, Resources, Trainings
Lessons Learned Establishing trusting relationships Developing a true level of collaboration Commitment to the System of Care Principles Time, schedules etc. is often difficult, not enough flexibility
Service/Supports Array, Provider Network, Natural Helpers and Financing Rob Abrams Project Director Multnomah Education Service District Wraparound Oregon: Early Childhood
Natural Helpers: Crisis and Safety Planning Written in partners language 24/7 Interpreter and translation standards Latino Learning Community CLC (Cultural & Linguistic Competency) activities with other agencies PI/PD Support PBS (Positive Behavior Supports) and SOC (System of Care) partnerships Facilitator and Family Partner Modeling Family/Youth Voice changes the conversation Services and Supports Array CMHI New Community Training February 11, 2010 Wraparound Oregon: Early Childhood
Collaborative planning means fewer flex funds needed Multiple agency Intake function Discharge criteria and monitoring Provider and System issues raised Intake Coordinator Provide outcomes in partners language Take on case management tasks during engagement Role of foundations and philanthropy Cost/Services study with education Governor’s Executive Order Provider Network Financing CMHI New Community Training February 11, 2010 Wraparound Oregon: Early Childhood