Corporate Motivation to Respond to Sustainable Development A Comprehensive Approach Steve Waddell – MBA, PhD Senior Fellow Tellus Institute Presentation to: 2003 Harvard International Development Conference
Basis for the Model 1)Empirical Work Dozens of case studies globally International Youth Foundation research: What motivates business to become engaged in youth employment initiatives? 2)Theoretical Work Business and societyBusiness and society Inter-organizational/network/sectoral relationshipsInter-organizational/network/sectoral relationships Large system changeLarge system change
Business and Society Perspectives Philanthropy Philanthropy (Corporate) Social Responsibility (Corporate) Social Responsibility Corporate Citizenship Corporate Citizenship Mutual Gain Mutual Gain Societal Change Societal Change
Intersectoral Perspectives Political System Government Economic System Business Social System Community-Based Organizations Natural Environment
Change Perspectives Results Purpose, Beliefs and Assumptions Systems and Processes Doing the Work Third Order: Rethink Why Second Order: Change How First Order: Change What
Five Motivational Frameworks Philan-thropic(C)SR Corporate Citizenship Mutual Gain Societal Change Relational System GiftObligation Rights and responsibil- itiesExchange Societal Roles Power Relations Bus:+++ Gvt: + CS: + Bus: +++ Gvt: + CS: ++ Bus: +++ Gvt: +++ CS: ++ Bus: ++ Gvt: ++ CS: ++ Bus: +++ Gvt: +++ CS: +++ Corp. Relation Inciden- tal PeripheralStrategicOperationalVisionary Key Vehicle Grant- making Norm- making Corporate- focused collaborating Stakeholder focused collaborating Society- focused collaborating Change Type First Order Second Order Second – Third Order Third Order Fourth Order Base Social Contract Negotiating/Development
Key Conclusions Different people, parts of corporations and corporations respond to different motivations. Different people, parts of corporations and corporations respond to different motivations. The most significant potential is to develop synergies between the different motivations. The most significant potential is to develop synergies between the different motivations. Development of synergies requires (1) analyzing for motivations, (2) establishing relationships, (3) experimenting, and (4) large system application. Development of synergies requires (1) analyzing for motivations, (2) establishing relationships, (3) experimenting, and (4) large system application.