WCJAM News October 20, 1937
Bounce House Accident
Murderous Woodland Critters
Ernest Rutherford ( )
Rutherford’s Nuclear Atom
J.J. Thomson
J.J. Thomson’s Atomic Model
Where Rutherford Got His Idea
Niels Bohr
Niels’ Atomic Model
Where Bohr Got His Idea
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Ashton: Welcome to WCJAM 8:00 o’clock news! Chelsea: You’re #1 station for news that counts! Ashton: Today on WCJAM, over twenty people injured in a collapsing bouncy house… Chelsea: And what can you do to prevent your children from being mauled by small fuzzy woodland critters? Ashton:*Josh runs in and gives Ashton a piece of paper* But first, this just in, a tragic event has occurred in the science world. Famous Noble prize winner, Ernest Rutherford, passed away yesterday due to a tragic woodland critter attack. Chelsea: Are you serious? Ashton: Of course not! No it was really the result of delays in operating on his partially strangulated umbilical hernia! *laughs* Did you seriously think it was a woodland critter attack? Chelsea: Well, you never know. Ashton: They only attack small children, do you ever pay attention!? *rolls eyes* Well, back to the news! Ernest Rutherford made several discoveries involving atomic theory. Chelsea: He was born in New Zealand on August 30, He was first to convert nitrogen into oxygen, determine the structure of an atom, and he even invented the smoke detector by blowing tobacco smoke into his ionization chamber and observed the change in ionization. Ashton: On top of all that, he developed an apparatus that could detect electromagnetic waves over a distance of several meters, discovered emissions from radioactive atoms called alpha and beta rays, worked with J.J. Thompson in experimenting with electrical conductivity of gases, and discovered his own element aptly named Rutherfordium. Chelsea: Wow, that guy was busy! Ashton: Do you think he even had a life? Chelsea: Psh, doubt it! Ashton: Well on a personal note, he was married in 1900 to Mary Georgina Newton and they had a girl named Eileen. Chelsea: He was also knighted in 1914 and became a Lord in Ashton: Does that make him like royalty?
Chelsea: Hmm…Yes, yes I believe it does. Ashton: His ashes are scheduled to be interred in Westminster Abbey later this week. Chelsea: And J.J. Thompson will be interred next to him in three years. Ashton: *pauses & stares* How do you know that? Chelsea: *continues to stares forward* I’m psychic. *looks at Ashton* Ashton: *long pause* Anyway, J.J. Thompson was Rutherford’s mentor and his efforts to estimate the number electrons in an atom from measurements of the scattering of light, X, beta, and gamma rays initiated Ernest Rutherford’s research. Chelsea: Did you understand any of that? Ashton: Of course! I have two master’s degrees in advanced physics and chemistry. Chelsea: *stares* Why are you here? Ashton: I can’t resist the small screen! Chelsea: Alrighty then. Niels Bohr is now working in Rutherford’s laboratory in Manchester, England. He is continuing Rutherford’s work on radioactivity. Ashton: He, too, is being mentored by J.J. Thompson. Chelsea: Wow that man gets around. Ashton: Indeed he does. Chelsea: Do you also know he’ll be featured on the 1992 $100 banknote of New Zealand? Ashton: Um…no, no I did not. Psychic much? Chelsea: Jealoussss. Ashton: Well, we have now used up our whole news cast on Ernest Rutherford’s death. Chelsea: Looks like several small children are going to die from small woodland critter attacks. Ashton: Pity we didn’t get to that. Well, this is Ashton Brown. Chelsea: And this is Chelsea Proulx saying ‘good night, New Zealand’.