Drs’ Induction Training (Health and Safety) H&S Advisor (OHSAS)
The principle piece of health and safety legislation for healthcare is: 1.The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, The Health and Safety at Work etc Act, The Offices, Shops and railway Premises Act, The Factories Act, The Hospitals Act, 1989
Which of the following statements is correct: 1.Poor manual handling technique can lead to musculoskeletal disorders. 2.Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to hearing damage. 3.Stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, sleep/eating disorders 4.All of the Above
You must revisit risk assessments if you are informed that one of your staff is pregnant and… 1.They use a computer workstation for a significant period every day. 2.They carry out moving and handling operations. 3.They handle cytotoxic drugs. 4.They work irregular and variable shifts. 5.All of the above.
…Means 1.Flammable. 2.Highly Flammable. 3.Oxidising agent. 4.May set your hair on fire!
Roughly how many sharps injuries are there in the UK every year? 1.1, , , ,000
Roughly how many of these sharps injuries are to non-clinical staff? 1.5% 2.10% 3.40% 4.60%
Hazard The ability or potential to do harm
Risk... The likelihood that harm of a particular severity will occur
Control Measure... The solution used to reduce risk to an acceptable level Remember not all sharps are needles
When it does go wrong and there is a sharps injury In office hours Mon-Fri … CALL OHSAS and ask for an Occupational Health Nurse. Any other time go straight to A&E. DO NOT DELAY ! ! ! Go within the hour Do not do your own risk assessment (GMC!!)
5 New Chemical hazard symbols
What is the potential for error here? Is this better?
Where do you get help? Your Line manager or Supervisor OHSAS H&S Advisors, OH doctor /nurses Other competent NHS professionals e.g. Fire, Security, Manual Handling, Control of Infection …
H&S Advisors NHS Fife OHSAS Navy House King James IV Road Rosyth Industry Park, Rosyth Fife KY11 2BJ Telephone
Any Questions?