A way to teach and learn that encourages students to use knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom to meet real community needs – both locally and globally both locally and globally.
Students collect trash out of an urban streambed. Community Service:
Students... Investigate the problem of pollution in class Decide together to collect trash from an urban streambed Analyze their findings to determine possible sources of pollution Share their results with residents of the neighborhood Reflect on how the project is connected to what they are learning in class Service-Learning:
Investigation Planning & Preparation ActionReflection Demonstration & Celebration
Identify Sparks and Fires Identify Sparks and Fires Get smart about the issue Get smart about the issue and potential solutions Propose a project with Propose a project with a measureable outcome
Consult issue experts Consult issue experts and partners Map out a plan Map out a plan Gather resources Gather resources
Awareness Awareness Service (direct) Service (direct) Advocacy Advocacy Philanthropy Philanthropy
What? So what? Now what? What? So what? Now what? Connect service to learning Connect service to learning Multi-sensory Multi-sensory
Demonstrate learning Demonstrate learning Celebrate accomplishments Celebrate accomplishments
Teacher Workshops and Consultations
Youth Workshops
Encounters with Global Change-makers
Sarah Kubetz Doug Savage