Jesus Heals Chapter 12
Introduction Miracles: special signs of God’s presence and power in him and in human history Ex. Jesus walked on water Jesus’ miracles help… 1/ people to have faith in him 2/ relieve people’s suffering
Did You Know? Response to Christ’s Miracles Some people react with joy to Christ’s miracles. Others refuse to believe; some even say Jesus uses the power of the devil to heal.
A History of Healing Today, many disciples of Jesus continue his work of healing, seeing Christ in each person who suffers.
Jesus Heals the Body The Common points of all Jesus’ healing – 1/ Jesus helps people of all kinds – 2/ Jesus often ties the cures to belief in him The healing of Jairus daughter – 3/ Jesus often cures the body to improve a person’s soul The healing of a blind man – 4/ Jesus does not try to cure all physical evils; his main work is to cure spiritual evils The healing of a paralyzed man
Jesus Heals the Soul The soul is the spiritual part of human beings. If our souls are sick, we are stuck in sinful actions and desires, such as our pride, laziness, self-seeking, and bad desires. The cure can hurt because… – It has to change wrong acts and thoughts.
Fun Fact What is the name of the saint that is both an evangelist and a doctor?
Jesus Heals the Soul cont’ Jesus always seeks out people whose souls need healing. – The story of Zacchaeuus Jesus’ healing reconciles sinners. – Reconciliation gives us peace within us and restores our relationships with God and other people
Jesus is always ready and able to heal us. – He just needs us to desire to be sorry for our sins and to be reconciled with God, the Church, others, and ourselves. We show our desire and are healed by Jesus through… – Prayer – The Eucharist – Acts that show our sorrow We are healed in a special ways through the two Sacraments of Healing – 1/ the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation – 2/ the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
Did You Know? The Early Christians Heal The Acts of the Apostles tells stories about the first Christians healing people physically. Paul lists “the power to heal” as one way the Holy Spirit might be present in a person “for the good of all” (1 Cor 12:7, 9).
Jesus Sends Us to Heal Jesus calls all Christians to help in his healing mission. Works of mercy: acts of charity by which we help others meet their basic needs
– Corporal Works of Mercy: help others in their physical needs Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Shelter the homeless. Clothe the naked. Care for the sick. Help the imprisoned.
Spiritual Works of Mercy: help others in their spiritual needs – Share knowledge. – Give advice to those who need it. – Comfort those who suffer. – Be patient with others. – Forgive those who hurt you. – Give correction to those who need it. – Pray for the living and the dead.
Live It! We are called to heal people in our daily lives. What are some ways you can help heal others in ordinary life?