Kennedy Assassination Mr. Jeff “Gumshoe” Rainer Mr. Jerry “One-Shooter” Judd 10/18/2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Kennedy Assassination Mr. Jeff “Gumshoe” Rainer Mr. Jerry “One-Shooter” Judd 10/18/2012

The Kennedy File 11/22/1963

November 22, 1963 JFK was in Dallas trying to get support for next year’s election. JFK was in Dallas trying to get support for next year’s election. Dallas had an unfriendly reputation towards JFK because of his support of the Civil Rights Movement. Dallas had an unfriendly reputation towards JFK because of his support of the Civil Rights Movement.

Prime Suspect Lee Harvey Oswald Shown here in Oak Cliff, Texas. Shown here in Oak Cliff, Texas. Tried to defect to the Soviet Union and Cuba. Tried to defect to the Soviet Union and Cuba. Mysterious Person Mysterious Person

Scene of the Crime School Book Depository LHO got a job in this building. He would eventually shoot JFK from the sixth floor. LHO got a job in this building. He would eventually shoot JFK from the sixth floor.

6 th floor

Sixth Floor of the School Book Depository

Sniper’s perch This is Lee Harvey Oswald’s view from the 6 th floor of the School Book Depository This is Lee Harvey Oswald’s view from the 6 th floor of the School Book Depository

Zapruder’s film was the most famous evidence

He was filming from here.

3 rd shot 1 st shot Sniper perch

This plaque sits next to where he was fatally shot.

Kennedy was rushed to Parkland

Oswald fled the scene He checked into his boarding house on 1026 Beckley. He checked into his boarding house on 1026 Beckley. Officer J. Tippit stops on the street to talk to Oswald. Officer J. Tippit stops on the street to talk to Oswald. Oswald shoots him 4 times to death Oswald shoots him 4 times to death

Lee Harvey Oswald walked 8 blocks to Texas Theatre on Jefferson Blvd.

Arrested The Cops beat him up after Oswald resists arrest at the theatre. The Cops beat him up after Oswald resists arrest at the theatre.

LBJ was sworn in at Love Field

LHO was being escorted to another jail.

Oswald transferred to another jail. Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, shoots Oswald on live TV. Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, shoots Oswald on live TV. LHO will never go on record why he did what he did. He is now dead. LHO will never go on record why he did what he did. He is now dead.

LHO killed “You killed the President, you rat!” “You killed the President, you rat!”

Case Closed? Oswald fired 3 shots (missed the first one) Oswald fired 3 shots (missed the first one) The assassination was filmed (Zapruder) The assassination was filmed (Zapruder) The government investigated the murder known as the Warren Commission and concluded that Oswald acted alone. The government investigated the murder known as the Warren Commission and concluded that Oswald acted alone.

80% of people today believe JFK was killed by someone else!!!!

To make matters worse... Oliver Stone made a movie called JFK in Oliver Stone made a movie called JFK in The movie is full of errors, lies and bad science. The movie is full of errors, lies and bad science.

A Great Detective “Gumshoe” Rainer and his trusted sidekick “One-Shooter” Judd, examine the Kennedy Assassination

Inspired by Two Great Books

One Shooter’s Opinion Like the Warren Commission says, Oswald acted alone and Ruby killed Oswald so poor Jackie Kennedy didn’t have to go through a trial…… CASE CLOSED!!!!! but not so fast boy wonder says Gumshoe….

What is this Magic Bullet The Warren Commission couldn’t Explain Kennedy/Connally Wounds Pristine Bullet

Who is Jack Ruby? Conspiracists believe Jack Ruby was a mobster who killed Oswald to silence him. Conspiracists believe Jack Ruby was a mobster who killed Oswald to silence him. Ruby died in jail a couple of years later, supposedly with some deep dark secret, and ask to be taken to Washington DC Ruby died in jail a couple of years later, supposedly with some deep dark secret, and ask to be taken to Washington DC

However... Jack Ruby was connected to the Mafia Jack Ruby was connected to the Mafia He was a night/strip club owner. He was a night/strip club owner.

Ruby However, the House Select Committee on Assassinations in its 1979 Final Report opined: However, the House Select Committee on Assassinations in its 1979 Final Report opined:House Select Committee on AssassinationsHouse Select Committee on Assassinations …Ruby's shooting of Oswald was not a spontaneous act, in that it involved at least some premeditation. Similarly, the committee believed it was less likely that Ruby entered the police basement without assistance, even though the assistance may have been provided with no knowledge of Ruby's intentions… The committee was troubled by the apparently unlocked doors along the stairway route and the removal of security guards from the area of the garage nearest the stairway shortly before the shooting… There is also evidence that the Dallas Police Department withheld relevant information from the Warren Commission concerning Ruby's entry to the scene of the Oswald transfer …Ruby's shooting of Oswald was not a spontaneous act, in that it involved at least some premeditation. Similarly, the committee believed it was less likely that Ruby entered the police basement without assistance, even though the assistance may have been provided with no knowledge of Ruby's intentions… The committee was troubled by the apparently unlocked doors along the stairway route and the removal of security guards from the area of the garage nearest the stairway shortly before the shooting… There is also evidence that the Dallas Police Department withheld relevant information from the Warren Commission concerning Ruby's entry to the scene of the Oswald transfer

The Mob? The mob supposedly wanted to murder Kennedy. The mob supposedly wanted to murder Kennedy.

JFK, Mafia, CIA, and Castro Motive: The CIA tried several times to kill Fidel Castro. In August 1960, Colonel Sheffield Edwards, director of the Office of Security of the CIA)proposed the assassination of head of state Fidel Castro by Mafia assassins. Between August 1960 and April 1961, the CIA, with the help of the Mafia, pursued a series of plots to poison or shoot Castro. Those allegedly involved included Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Santo Tranficanti Jr. and John Roselli Motive: The CIA tried several times to kill Fidel Castro. In August 1960, Colonel Sheffield Edwards, director of the Office of Security of the CIA)proposed the assassination of Cuban head of state Fidel Castro by Mafia assassins. Between August 1960 and April 1961, the CIA, with the help of the Mafia, pursued a series of plots to poison or shoot Castro. Those allegedly involved included Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Santo Tranficanti Jr. and John Roselli Operation Mongoose considered poisoned cigars, poisoned diving suits, mafia rub out. Operation Mongoose considered poisoned cigars, poisoned diving suits, mafia rub out.

Afterwards…RFK The mob was upset about Robert Kennedy’s pursuit of organized crime. The mob was upset about Robert Kennedy’s pursuit of organized crime. RFK was the Attorney General (top cop) RFK was the Attorney General (top cop)

Carlos Marcello After becoming President, JFK appointed his brother Robert Kennedy as Attorney General. The two men worked closely together on a wide variety of issues including the attempt to tackle organized crime. In March 1961 Attorney General Robert Kennedy, acting on requests which had been first made to the Eisenhower Administration by former Louisiana state police superintendent Francis Grevemberg, the CIA abducted Marcello and forced him to jump from a C-130 (at night) over Central America. Their plan backfired when Marcello reappeared in New Orleans just two weeks later. On April 4, of that year, Marcello was arrested by the authorities and taken forcibly to Guatemala. Once again, he reappeared in Baton Rouge just two weeks later.Francis Grevemberg

Sam Giancana connections Supposedly upset about JFK’s lack of support for killing Fidel Castro. Supposedly upset about JFK’s lack of support for killing Fidel Castro.

1959 Castro conquers Cuba Forces out Mafia of country 1960 JFK win president election, some say with Mafia contributions 1961 JFK invades Cuba and fails. CIA and Mafia upset Carlos Marcello Santo Trafficante lose millions of dollars when casinos close Sam Giancana and JFK share a mistress 1961CIA Hires the Mafia to kill Castro Bay of Pigs Failure..JFK turns to RFK as top aide..He pursues the Mafia RFK Captures and dumps Marcello in the jungle Trafficante is jailed in Cuba where he meets Oswald Jack Ruby is apart of Carlos Marcello’s New Orleans Operation JFK ends pursuit of Castro and shuts down Operation Mongoose 11/22/63 JFK assassinated by Oswald