The Cold War Mr. Munoz “There be no shelter here, the front line is everywhere!”
Note: You will be expected to add your own notes, as this lecture will be primarily a timeline of the Cold War.
Germany Split into 4 Occupied Zones Soviet vs Western Allies Tension for 4 decades
United States1946 Churchill warns of “Iron Curtain” in Europe Stalin calls speech an act of War- Official start of Cold War
Western Europe 1947 The Marshall plan gives financial aid to European nations Rebuilt Western Europe, threatened Communism
Berlin, Germany1948- Stalin cuts off access to Berlin, US sends airplanes with supplies Stalin backs off, Victory for West
Western Europe/North America1949- NATO is created, an alliance against Soviets USSR creates Warsaw Pact created in 1955 in response
USSR1949- Soviets develop A-bomb Starts Arms race between US and USSR
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China Mao Tse Tung and Chinese Communists take control of China China becomes the largest Communist nation, ally of USSR
Korea Communist North Korea invades South Korea The UN and US aids S. Korea, China aids N. Korea, China aids N. Korea, The Korean War The Korean War
Hungary 1956 Hungarian leader Imre Nagy takes Hungary out of Warsaw Pact Khrushchev sends troops to regain order
USSR Soviets launch Sputnik Starts Space Race between US and USSR
Vietnam The U.S. actively starts sending troops to aid S. Vietnam against Communist Ho Chi Minh Start of Vietnam War
Cuba 1959 Fidel Castro’s Communists take over Cuba Cuba becomes an ally of USSR
Berlin Germany1961- East Germany builds wall, cuts off access for East Germany to West Berlin Berlin Wall became a symbol of the Cold War
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Cuba Soviets attempt to place missiles in Cuba President Kennedy blocks Cuba with ships, Closest to Nuclear War ever.
US and USSR 1970s- A series of Arms treaties to reduce weapons levels A period of relaxation (detente)
Afghanistan 1979 USSR invades US boycotts Moscow Olympics, increased tensions
Poland Lech Walesa leads workers Union Solidarity against Communist Government Series of strikes and crackdowns. By 1989, Solidarity was legal in Poland, helped gain free elections
USSR 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Premier of USSR Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Premier of USSR Gorbachev starts a series of reforms and freedoms in Russia
Berlin Germany Nov Berlin Wall falls after Hungary opens its borders Start of the collapse of the Eastern Bloc
USSR 1991 Political turmoil in USSR Gorbachev resigns, Boris Yeltsin becomes President, USSR collapses Boris Yeltsin becomes President, USSR collapses
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