Communication technology today is incredible…..with , for instance, we can stay connected to people around the world. BUT…..unintentional error or mistake can have serious consequences. Consider the case of a Chicago man who left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida…..
Know the Plan Pastor Leaves Leading a church from Anxiety to Anticipation Interim Decision Know Your Church Know Your Community Know the Plan Know God Know the Path New Pastor Assessment Renewal Planning Anxiety Anticipation Transitional Interim Pastor Implementation
Know the Plan 1.Understanding the Refocus Process 2. Working with a Transition Team
Transition…… “A passing from one condition, form, stage, place to another…”
Pastor Leaves Leading a church from Anxiety to Anticipation Interim Decision Know Your Church Know Your Community Know the Plan Know God Know the Path New Pastor Assessment Renewal Planning Anxiety Anticipation Transitional Interim Pastor Implementation
Here is what we want that ANTICIPATION to look like…the desired outcomes for the Post Interim Church….. Unity Resolution of Conflict Agenda Harmony Spiritual & relational vitality A healthier church
Greater Lay Involvement New love for, and commitment to, the denomination Improved facilities & grounds/ready for company A new heart to reach lost people Understand the need for change Understand components of a Strategic Action Plan
A heart for multiplication Beginning Core values/Driving Mission statement Optimistic/Excited about the future Ready for Refocus
TRANSITION…… “A passing from one condition, form, stage, place to another…” TEAM…… “A group of people working together in a coordinated effort.”
In the 1980 Olympics, the United States Ice Hockey team beat the Mighty Red Machine from the Soviet Union with a bunch of college players and pro ”wanta-be’s”. It was considered to be the greatest sports achievement of the 20 th century. One of the Newspaper headlines read….
“College Kids perform Olympic Miracle”
Key Points “I’m not looking for the best players, but the RIGHT players”
Agenda Harmony Warning #2 “Under the normal time and money crunch in a church, all too often we compromise our core values, let the wrong people on our leadership team, and pay a terrible price for it long-term!”
Key Points “I’m not looking for the best players, but the RIGHT players” “We do not have enough talent to win on talent alone” “We cannot be a team of common men” It is amazing what a real TEAM can do.
Remember who we play for, and what is at stake. Building a Team is hard work It is not about us, our agenda, our preferences, our glory, but His Glory. When victory comes…. What a celebration – in the church, in your heart, and in Heaven
“I’m not looking for the best players, but the RIGHT players”
#1. See with different eyes. People who Build Anticipation…..
“I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking God to give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Ephesians 1:16-17
“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope...” -- the Apostle Paul Ephesians 1:18
#2. Hear with different ears. People who Build Anticipation…
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” -- Jesus Mark 4:9
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church.” -- The “Ascended” Jesus Revelation 2:7,17,29; 3:6,13,22
“The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’” 1 Samuel 3:10
#3. Think with a different mind. People who Build Anticipation…
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2
“This is what we speak, in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truth in spiritual words… we can have the mind of Christ.” The Apostle Paul (1 Cor 2:13,16) People who Build Anticipation for God’s Continued Anointing…
#1. See with different eyes. #2. Hear with different ears #3. Think with a different mind People who Build Anticipation…..
Allow the Holy Spirit to regularly change their thinking to align with Jesus. They seek to always be guided by His agenda, and his values. People Who Build Anticipation...
“At every meeting of the TT, my heart will cry out, “Lord, would you teach me, guide me, correct me, reveal to me the changes that you want me to make in my life, and in our church. Give us your plan. I am committed to seeking the mind of Christ.” People who Build Anticipation have this attitude….
“The Holy Spirit can do more in a five minute divine moment to build anticipation for our future than we can do in five years of meetings” People who Build Anticipation know that….
People who Build Anticipation during the Interim time have decided to….. Always see, hear & think spiritually Always seek agenda harmony with others above their own opinion Prepare for God's Anointing on the church by asking God to fill their spirit anew with the His Spirit
How is the Transition Team selected? Three possible methods: 1.) The team is selected by the DS/Judicatory leader working with the Governing Board prior to the arrival of the TIP Not Recommended
How is the Transition Team selected? 2.) The Church Governing Board Serves as the TT Not Recommended
How is the Transition Team selected? 3.) The team is nominated by the Transitional Interim Pastor, approved by the Judicatory leader, and appointed by the Church Board. Recommended
How is the Transition Team selected? PRAY …PRAY….PRAY Observe Ask the DS/Judicatory leader for input Ask key/godly influencers
How is the Transition Team selected? The TT should be made up of both Board, and Non-Board members. When possible, a balance is a good target Staff
How is the Transition Team selected? MARK THIS DOWN: The TT team needs to be a good cross section of trusted church members who have no agenda of their own.
ALWAYS REMEMBER….. We are seeking those who will surrender the church into the hands of “the Lord of the Church”, and seek only to find His heart.
What size should the Transition Team be? It is recommended that size of the TT team be, somewhat determined by the size of the church. In a smaller church, that number might be 6-7. In a larger church, perhaps
Introduce the Transition Team to the Congregation Secure commitment to pray for them. Install the team After the Team is selected………
Good, Consistent Communication is critical 1.With the Church Board 2.With the Congregation
How do I keep the Church Board informed? Monthly reports Board members who are on the team share the progress Informal conversations
How do I keep the Congregation informed? Occasional Sunday Morning Reports Bulletin Newsletter Bulletin Boards
Transitional Team Orientation Meeting Agenda is in your notebook p. 91
How often do we meet? 2-3 times a month
What do we do at the meetings? The bottom line – Create a shared vision and plan that is owned and communicated by the team!
What part does my coach play in all this?
In conclusion….. Build a great TEAM….. “go for the Gold “in the Power of the Holy Spirit, and watch the church move “from ANXIETY to ANTICIPATION”