GER/RUSS 600 Electronic Resources for Literature and Film H. Calogeridis B. Menich UW Library October 20, 2006
Objective To provide an overview of electronic resources supporting research in literature and film studies To provide an overview of electronic resources supporting research in literature and film studies Journal Databases (UW) Journal Databases (UW) Newspaper Databases (UW) Newspaper Databases (UW) Internet Resources Internet Resources
Session Outline Subject specific journal databases Subject specific journal databases Interdisciplinary journal databases Interdisciplinary journal databases Newspaper databases Newspaper databases Internet resources Internet resources Searching and finding tips Searching and finding tips
Journal Databases Access from UW Homepage, right navigation bar, under Research Databases Access from UW Homepage, right navigation bar, under Research Databases Browse by Title Browse by Title Browse by Subject Browse by Subject
Journal Databases
Subject Specific Databases German: Germanistik, BDSL Online German: Germanistik, BDSL Online Russian: ABSEES Russian: ABSEES
Interdisciplinary Databases Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Humanities Abstracts Humanities Abstracts Humanities FT Humanities FT IBZ IBZ JSTOR JSTOR MLA MLA Web of Science Web of Science
How to Search with Keywords Analyze your search topic: Treatment of laughter in literature from a feminist perspective Analyze your search topic: Treatment of laughter in literature from a feminist perspective Identify the key concepts Identify the key concepts LAUGHTER LITERATURE FEMINIST Provide other terms that are similar in meaning (synonyms) or related terms Provide other terms that are similar in meaning (synonyms) or related terms LAUGHTER MIRTH FUN FEMINIST FEMINISM Combine terms using AND to narrow and OR to broaden Combine terms using AND to narrow and OR to broaden (laughter OR mirth OR fun) AND literature AND feminis* Note: Umlauts and transliteration make a difference e.g. für/fuer; tolstoy/tolstoi e.g. für/fuer; tolstoy/tolstoi
How to Search with Keywords (cont’d) Note the various database interfaces and search feature differences. Use ONLINE HELP. truncation truncation descriptors descriptors Boolean combination procedures Boolean combination procedures thesauri thesauri indexes indexes limiting features (date, publication type, language, format, etc.) limiting features (date, publication type, language, format, etc.)
Interpreting Search Results (Hits) If the number too high, limit by language, date, type of material, etc. If the number too high, limit by language, date, type of material, etc. If the number too low, expand by simplifying the search statement OR re- formulate you search statement OR switch to a different database If the number too low, expand by simplifying the search statement OR re- formulate you search statement OR switch to a different database Check "peer-reviewed" hits Check "peer-reviewed" hits
Getting the Research Material 1. Click on Get link to access the full text or print information from TRELLIS 2. Search TRELLIS by the source title, e.g. the journal title, NOT the article title 3. For print sources, note the library holdings, call number and location
IBZ Journal Articles from European journals Journal Articles from European journals Multilingual, mostly English and German Multilingual, mostly English and German Interface in English and German Interface in English and German
JSTOR Electronic archive Electronic archive Full-text articles Full-text articles Coverage excludes current 3-5 years (moving wall) Coverage excludes current 3-5 years (moving wall)
Web of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation Index Journal articles and reviews Journal articles and reviews Search by citations Search by citations Multilingual Multilingual
Web of Science
BDSL only only Equivalent of Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (Eppelsheimer/Köttelwesch) Equivalent of Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (Eppelsheimer/Köttelwesch) Key database for German Studies Key database for German Studies
ABSEES American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies Includes book reviews Includes book reviews
Pit Stop
Newspaper Databases interdisciplinary interdisciplinary popular sources of information popular sources of information good source of reviews good source of reviewsFactiva Searchable in Latin and Cyrillic alphabets Searchable in Latin and Cyrillic alphabets Lexis/Nexis Academic
Factiva News Pages Germany: Suddeutsche Zeitung Suddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Berliner Zeitung Berliner Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Frankfurter Rundschau Frankfurter Rundschau Stuttgarter Zeitung Stuttgarter ZeitungAustria: Die Presse Die Presse Wirtschafts Blatt Wirtschafts BlattSwitzerland: Neue Zurcher Zeitung Neue Zurcher Zeitung Basler Zeitung Basler Zeitung Tages Anzeiger Tages AnzeigerRussia: Vedomosti Vedomosti Kommersant Kommersant Rossiiskaia gazeta Rossiiskaia gazeta Izvestiia Izvestiia Ekspert Ekspert
Subject Guides
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