FOREST MONITERING APPLICATION USING WSN By Lakmi Ray C.S.E. Dept. , 4th Year 13003410043
What is WSN?? A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensor to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure etc. and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. The more modern networks are bi-directional, also enabling control of sensor activity.
A sensor node might vary in size . The WSN is built of “NODES" – where each node is connected to one (or sometimes several) sensors. Each such sensor network node has typically several parts:- Radio transceiver- with an internal antenna or connection to an external antenna. Microcontroller- an electronic circuit for interfacing with the sensors Energy source, usually a battery or an embedded form of energy harvesting. A sensor node might vary in size .
Size and cost constraints on sensor nodes result in corresponding constraints on resources such as energy, memory, computational speed and communications bandwidth The topology of the WSNs can vary from a simple star network to an advanced multi-hop wireless mesh network. The propagation technique between the hops of the network can be routing or flooding.
INTRODUCTION Forest monitoring application using WSN has various uses, most importantly:- Temperature or weather change detection. Forest fire. Oil spills.
Detection of weather change in forests using WSN Habitat and environmental monitoring represent a class of sensor network applications with enormous potential benefits for scientific communities. Life scientists are increasingly concerned about the potential impacts of direct human interaction in monitoring plants and animals in field studies. At best, it is possible that chronic human disturbance may distort results by changing the behavioral patterns of the animal.
Habitat monitoring studies install one or a few sophisticated weather stations an “insignificant distance” (as much as tens of meters) from the area of interest. Instead of large data loggers, weather stations, and invasive physical monitoring, a revolution for biologists would be the ability to monitor the environment on the scale of the organism, not on the scale of the biologist by deploying sensors. In order to deploy sensors densely to monitor a habitat, the sensors must be small in size to minimize the disturbance effects caused by traditional methods.
Presently such forest monitoring using WSN is being done in Great Duck Island, Maine, on Atlantic. Some of the related data graph made on basis of Habitat and weather information collected are:
Some other such are as follows:-
Sensor nodes being setup for weather monitoring in the Forests.
System Level Architecture for the habitat and weather monitoring The system architecture for habitat monitoring applications is a tiered architecture. Samples originate at the lowest level that consists of sensor nodes. These nodes perform general purpose computing and networking in addition to application-specific sensing. Sensor nodes will typically be deployed in dense sensor patches that are widely separated. Each patch encompasses a particular geographic region of interest. The sensor nodes transmit their data through the sensor patch to the sensor network gateway. The gateway is responsible for transmitting sensor data from the sensor patch through a local transit network to the remote base station that provides WAN connectivity and data logging. The base station connects to database replicas across the Internet.
FOREST FIRE DETECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM USING WSN The architecture of the precision Forest fire detection system based on wireless sensor networks consists of the monitoring nodes, base stations, communications systems, Internet access and the structure of monitoring hardware and software system. A large number of the different sensors can be placed in the field and constructed a self-organized network to monitor the value change including temperature, humidity, smoke or gas detector etc. The collection data is send to the sink by wireless mode. The control center can send the control information to any node in the network.
Forest Fire To control forest fire sensor Nodes being set up.
Basic structure for WSN for forest fire control. Hardware design of sensor nodes
Fire Characteristics diagram Various parts of the hardware system used for fire detection process are:- 1)Understanding fire characteristics 2) Temperature and humidity sensors-The capacitive humidity and temperature sensors provide digital and fully calibrated output which allows for easy integration without the need for additional calibration.
Smoke detector diagram 3) Optical smoke detector -A smoke detector is a device that detects smoke, typically as an indicator of fire. When smoke enters the optical chamber across the path of the light beam, some light is scattered by the smoke particles, directing it at the sensor. Smoke detector diagram Optical chamber Cover Case molding Photo diode Infra red LED
4) Microcontroller Unit- Microcontroller like ARM (LPC 2148) performs tasks, processes data and control the functionality with other components in the sensor node. This also sends the data to the RF transceivers for the transmission of data to the base station. The microprocessor has a number of functions including: 1) Managing data collection from the sensors 2) Performing power management functions Interfacing the sensor data to the physical radio layer. 5) RF Tranceivers- Zig-Bee is a Technological Standard Created for Control and Sensor Networks based on the IEEE 802.15.4 The main features of this standard are network flexibility, low cost, very low power consumption, and low data rate in an ad-hoc self-organizing network among inexpensive fixed, portable and moving devices.
Details of software design of Sensor nodes used in fire detection. Software design of the sensor node Details of software design of Sensor nodes used in fire detection. Software Architecture: The software architecture of sensor node is divided into embedded OS kernel layer and API layer. Embedded module provides tasks, power management and communication protocol. The kernel also provides a low-level node driver of all hardware devices. API layer provides sensor acquisition module and RF communication module.
2)The Function of WSN Protocol- Wireless network communication protocol provides the wireless communication standards between the cluster-head nodes and nodes. It achieves registration, sleep the node, data acquisition, device controller, parameter Settings and debugging. 1) Registration:- When the nodes work on, the node registers MAC to the cluster-head node and accesses to the network subnet number. It is assigned to a node ID. 2) The Node Sleep- The cluster-head node sends a data packet to notify the next node sleep time. 3) Data Collection:- According to testing requirements, the cluster-head node assigns the task of data collection, such as temperature, humidity, light intensity and gas concentration.
data and makes decision. The packet of control instructions 4) Equipment Control: The cluster-head node analyzes the data and makes decision. The packet of control instructions is sent to the node 5) Parameter Settings: The cluster-head node sends the modified equipment parameters to the child nodes. 6) Debugging: It is the equipment development and debugging functions. 3) Wireless Sensor Network Protocol Stack-Software component is the gateway and sensor nodes. The function of gateway software is processing and management data from sensor nodes. The operating system is Tiny OS.
Wireless Sensor Network Protocol Stack
Prospect and challenges faces by this system:- The software of sensor node is to receive the instruction from the cluster-head node and send the data to the sensor gateway. There are the wireless sensor network protocol stack consists of the the physical layer, medium access control layer, network layer and other components. Prospect and challenges faces by this system:- Due to a larger monitoring area of forest , the sensor network has a large number of nodes while it ensures the cost of the network. Because the sensor node energy is limited, the possibility of node failure is very large. In short the following problems needs to be resolved: i) The Large-scale High-density Network Structure-The network Nodes must be a large-scale, high-density deployment method to keep monitoring the area coverage and connectivity.(contd.)
A large number of nodes in the network will inevitably increase the cost which will affect the network in the practical application. The premise of agriculture application is to design an available and economic deployment mechanism for WSN. ii) Data Processing and Node Energy-Communication is the maximal energy consumption. Each node has data independent processing ability. It reduces network transmission cost by processing and extracting the original data. A well-designed network networking, data transfer and data integration algorithms are important to the lifetime of the network. iii) Network redundancy and tolerance-Network fault tolerance includes node failure detection and failure recovery. Node failure needs to locate. If each node has the portable GPS devices, it will inevitably increase the cost of the entire network.
From scalar field to discreted , WSN approximation. Latest Report on Fire detection System in forest using WSN:-This project is designed the hardware and software based on WSN protocol which includes Sensors such as temperature, smoke, humidity along with the processor LPC 2138 and Zigbee as a RF device. Our hardware works on battery operated system, in future we will use solar power for the same. The forest fire monitoring system was developed which detects fire in the forest.
OIL SPILL CONTROL IN FORESTS USING WSN Dynamic geographic phenomena, such as forest fires and oil spills, can have dire environmental, sociopolitical, and economic consequences. Mitigating, if not preventing such events requires the use of advanced Spatio -temporal information systems. One such system that has gained widespread interest is the wireless sensor network (WSN), a deployment of sensor nodes – tiny unethered computing devices, which run on batteries and are equipped with one or more commercial off-the-shelf or custom-made sensors and a radio transceiver.
This research deals with initial attempts to detect topological changes to geographic phenomena by an environmentally deployed wireless sensor network (WSN). After providing the mathematical and technical preliminaries, we define topological change and present in-network algorithms to detect such changes and also, to manage the WSN’s resources efficiently. The algorithms are compared against a resource-heavy continuous monitoring approach via simulation. The results show that two topological changes, hole loss and hole formation, can be correctly detected in-network and that energy is greatly saved by our event-driven approach. In future work, we hope to test the algorithms over a broader range of topological changes and to relax some of the network assumptions.
Sensor node used for Oil spill identification in forest
CONCLUSION The aspects of using wireless sensor networks for forest tree monitoring and alerting using rare event detection with ultra low power consumption. In this prototype, two sensors (mercury sensor & temperature sensor) which work well for the detection of fire and tree theft were selected and mesh protocol was used for alert routing and event detection. Network lifetime and latency estimation for the deployment scenario showed the implementation feasibility of such a monitoring system for deforestation application. However, as the sensor nodes are battery powered, issues related to battery life and ease of battery replacement are major concerns for WSN applications that involve long term monitoring of vast area especially hostile areas. It is therefore necessary to have some means of recharging the batteries of the sensor node to increase the network lifetime. For this, one of the most common ways is to extract the energy from the surrounding environment.
Forest Monitoring System using WSN Life time of network is increased by adopting RF energy harvesting technique for recharging the sensor nodes. In addition to RF technique various other energy harvesting techniques are available that can be used for this purpose. The various energy sources which can be used for this prototype implementation have been explored here. A detailed description of solar and RF energy harvesting is given which can be used to charge the batteries and hence increase the lifetime of the deployed WSN system. Forest Monitoring System using WSN