Tips for Draft Two of your Essay
Follow, Follow, Follow the “Yes” Test The “Yes Test” describes all the requirements of the essay. Make sure you quiz yourself before turning in your final draft. Works Cited page using MLA format 5 Reliable Sources 4 – 6 pages Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced. MLA formatted (header, hanging format on Works Cited page, page number, etc). No noticeable convention errors on the first page. 5 different Rhetorical Devices
Organization Introduction: Hook, Thesis, Subtopics Body Paragraphs: -Body Paragraphs 4-5: Other Side and Counterargument. Each subtopic must include at least 1 source. Conclusion: restate thesis and subtopics with concluding remark.
Rhetorical Devices Subtopics 1 – Distinctio Subtopics 2/3 – Parallelism, Metonymy, Ethos, Pathos, Logos Subtopic 5 - Procatalepsis
Breakdown of Sources in your essay Paragraph 1: Hook Paragraph 2: Support Subtopic 1 Paragraph 3: Support Subtopic 2 Paragraph 4: Support Subtopic 3 Paragraph 5: Support Subtopic 4
Citations In-Text Citations: Citations within the essay itself. You should have at least one citation per body paragraph (your subtopics). Works Cited Citations: Entire MLA information listed in the back of your essay with sources alphabetized. ALL sources referenced in your essay must be listed in your Works Cited page.
Examples of In-Text Citations - Website Formula: sentence + citation (web address) + punctuation. Website: According to 3 out of 4 twelfth graders suffer from Senioritis ( - Book Formula: sentence + citation (author and page) + punctuation. -Book: Christine Haughney reports that shortly after Japan made it illegal to use a handheld phone while driving, "accidents caused by using the phones dropped by 75 percent" (Haughey, 8).
Example of Works Cited Page Must follow: Sources in Alphabetical order Hanging Format Fuss-Reineck, Marilyn. Sibling Communication in Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conflicts between Brothers. Miami: Speech Communication Assn., 1993. ERIC Document Reproduction Service Shayon, Robert Lewis. "The Interplanetary Spock." Saturday Review 17 June 1967: 46. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. 3. Must be part of your essay: If your essay is 4 pages, your Works Cited Page is page number 5.
Setting Up Sources (Citation Sandwich) Step 1- Set-Up: Explain the context for using the source. Step 2 - Evidence: Cite the source. Step 3- Analysis: Analyze how the evidence supports your thesis.
Setting up a Source The Set-Up: The discovery of penicillin has helped reduce the number of deaths caused by influenza. The Source: According the World Health Organization, since 1907, 1 out of 3 adults treated with penicillin were cured of the flu within a week ( The Analysis: This statistic is significant because it explains how penicillin over the past hundred years has helped save the lives of people suffering from influenza around the world.
Common In-Text Citations Website (cite the simple URL): EX: Abraham Lincoln's birthplace was designated as a National Historical Site in 1959 ( CD ROM (Title and Date of Publication): EX: Heart Disease is the number one ailment in America (Encarta, 2007). Book with Author (Last name and Page number): EX: The tendency to come to terms with difficult experiences is referred to as a "purification process." " (Sennett 11). Work with no author (List the Organization/Company): EX: Several critics of the concept of the transparent society ask if a large society would be able to handle the complete loss of privacy ("Surveillance Society"). Interview (List the person interviewed and date): According to Johnson “sleep deprivation has ruined my life” (Johnson, Jan 12, 2006).
Transitions Connect paragraphs together. Paragraph one: One of the causes of WWII was the domination of Japan in Asia. Transition: Like the Japanese in Asia, the Germans dominated most of Europe. Paragraph two: Another reason that brought upon WWII was Germany’s control of Europe.
Transitions At the end of a body paragraph, add a transition to connect body paragraph 1 with paragraph 2. COMMON WAYS PARAGRAPHS CONNECT: -Similarities -Opposites -Degradation (one event building on the next) -Sequence of Events (First, Second, Third) -Space (Left, Right, North, South) -Cause & Effect (Because, Therefore, In Conclusion)
In this example please identify the set-up, quote, analysis, and transition In his book Analysis of Traumatic Experiences, Harvard professor and social historian Richard Sennett names the tendency to come to terms with difficult experiences a “purification process.” As Sennett puts it “whereby "threatening or painful dissonances are warded off to preserve intact a clear and articulated image of oneself and one’s place in the world" (11). Sennett argues that humans need to “purify” their past trauma through the way they project themselves to the outside world. Similarly, to Sennett, Stanford psychologist Don Conpletelynutz unpacks how victims of a violent crime need to go through a “catharsis” to recover from their trauma.
In his book Analysis of Traumatic Experiences, Harvard professor and social historian Richard Sennett names the tendency to come to terms with difficult experiences a “purification process.” As Sennett puts it “whereby "threatening or painful dissonances are warded off to preserve intact a clear and articulated image of oneself and one’s place in the world" (11). Sennett argues that humans need to “purify” their past trauma through the way they project themselves to the outside world. Similarly, to Sennett, Stanford psychologist Don Pletelynutz unpacks how victims of a violent crime need to go through a “catharsis” to recover from their trauma. Set-Up Evidence Analysis Transition
MLA formatted Essay Heading Header and Page # Title
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