Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7-10 April 2009 FORUM ON NEXT GENERATION STANDARDIZATION (Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7-10 April 2009) Bharat Bhatia President TEMA & Regional Director Motorola SESSION 3: “The Asia Pacific region development issues and case studies related to NGN” Objectives: This session focused on ITU-D activities to help ICT development and implementation in developing countries with special reference to NGN. In addition, the activities of the ITU-D Regional offices were highlighted.
Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7-10 April Highlights from Presentation 1 “Launching an NGN commercial service - NTT’s approach” By Tatsuro Murakami NTT Information Sharing laboratory Group Covered NTT’s history and plan for the NGN Since NTT first provided an IP network service for Internet access, NTT has promoted optical access and triple play services. To meet its timetable to get a 9M optical access subscriber base and establish revenue source from triple play, NTT has just started NGN commercial service. The NGN started in limited areas such as Tokyo and Osaka as an upgrade of the existing IP network service. The NGN will cover a wide area in short time frame and create new services aimed at new business areas. NTT’s approach to launching the NGN NTT’s approach is based on synchronizing the development of services and infrastructure. NTT’s subscriber base and revenue source will be migrated from IP broadband to the NGN
Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7-10 April Highlights from Presentation 2 “Developing NGN Ecosystem for emerging markets: India case study” By Satya N. Gupta, ITU Expert, (Chief Regulatory Advisor, BT GS, India and SAARC): Introduction to NGN Ecosystem in Asia Regulatory Challenges for NGN Existing licensing regime - India NGN in India – SWOT analysis of present framework Regulator’s consultation process Way forward Unified Licensing Phased Migration Functional Separation – Wholesale concept NGN Regulatory ecosystem for emerging markets
Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7-10 April Highlights from Presentation 3 “Overview of ITU-D Sector: Participation in NGN Standardization Activities” By Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, ITU-D is actively involved in NGN planning and standardization activities taking several steps including Guidelines on Migration Strategies towards NGN Regional Development Forums on NGN Study Group Questions on NGN Trainings Courses on NGN Direct Country Assistance on NGN Planning Enhancing role of developing countries in the process and use of standardization through bridging the standardization gap by close collaboration among stakeholders Global standards are only truly global if developing country needs are taken into account Active participation and contribution from Developing countries is key to NGN standardization process
Colombo, Sri Lanka, 7-10 April Conclusions / Recommendations Some AP countries, particularly Japan and Korea are well ahead in NGN implementation and can be used as a role model for NGN implementation in other countries. Regulatory changes are key to successful implementation of NGN. ITU-D should develop standard practices and model regulations to promote NGN standardization in Asian countries ITU-T should organize more workshops in Major Asian countries to promote standardization. Administrations need to keep the following in mind while redesigning their regulations for NGN: Unified Licensing Phased Migration Functional Separation