Delivering an effective elearning program for psychiatrists in Ireland – a framework for other health professionals Aoife Lawton, Systems Librarian Health Service Executive Dr. Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 8.
Background Training – key function of HSE Library services – Group & one-to-one training Training & CPD – key function of College of Psychiatry – Up until September 2010 training delivered in person
Rationale Elearning: College moving towards elearning completely as of Sept standardisation of content completion monitoring easier HSE Library: Better use of librarian time, upload content once: teach many promote use of costly journals and databases facilitate evidence based practice contribute to life long learning
Target trainees All doctors who have completed formal study in psychiatry, currently in post – Basic Specialist Trainees (not yet specialized) Currently between in Ireland
Health Information Literacy MLA “Health Information Literacy is the set of abilities needed to: recognize a health information need; identify likely information sources and use them to retrieve relevant information; assess the quality of the information and its applicability to a specific situation; and analyze, understand, and use the information to make good health decisions.” [July 23, 2003] 5 Steps: (Ask, Acquire, Appraise, Apply, Assess)
Translating traditional to e-environment Traditional lecture/classroom: demo, questions, hands on, tasks (usually half a day/1 hour) Elearning (5+ hours): Looked at MLA and other library information literacy offerings, HRB, Assistance from 2 HSE librarians – one trainer, one librarian based in St. Ita's Hospital – specialist knowledge (peer review)
Collaboration is key Team E-learning co-ordinator at College of Psychiatry (upload of files to Moodle, design, layout) HSE Psychiatrist & E-Learning Lead (content review & suggestions) Psychiatrist of College of Psychiatry (Lead content review) HSE Librarian (content provider) Timeframe Aug-Nov 2010 (4 meetings: 2 to record all audiovisual)
Launch Page
Main Login Screen
Introduction Video
Featured slides
Learning objectives for each lesson
Each Lesson has learning outcomes
Online tutorials
Zoom in and callout functions
Step 1: Ask
Each lesson has do’s and don’ts
Matching MCQ’s
E-learning as an andragogical method PROS For learner: Access anytime, anywhere Interactive Ability to replay For trainer: Create content once: make available to many Tutorials well suited to audio screencast recording For Organisations Good ROI VFM CONS For learner: No personal interaction/can't ask questions For trainer: Time consuming Trial & error For Organisations: Inpersonal / less contact with trainees
Measures of effectiveness Attendees at Trainee Conference % were aware of, and 34% had used the HSE library site. Feedback on course Uptake (will be mandatory)
Learning from project Module is suitable for all health professionals – nurses, doctors, health & social care professionals, with customised searches Knowledge and skillset of librarian is unique and is key contributor Tutorials and online demos very suited to elearning Elearning is appropriate in current economic climate