Police in America Chapter Five Peacekeeping and Order Maintenance
Calling the PolicePublic Expectations in non-crime situations n Why do citizens call? To maintain a social boundaryTo maintain a social boundary To relieve unpleasant situationsTo relieve unpleasant situations CounterpunchingCounterpunching To obtain an emergency serviceTo obtain an emergency service n Typical police response Informal handling with no official actionInformal handling with no official action
Types of non-criminal calls for service n Traffic enforcement Most common type of order maintenanceMost common type of order maintenance Low-level but significant friction between citizens and the policeLow-level but significant friction between citizens and the police Risk of injury or death to officerRisk of injury or death to officer n Drunk Driving Question over whether crackdowns reduce drunk drivingQuestion over whether crackdowns reduce drunk driving Risk of arrest for drunk driving is lowRisk of arrest for drunk driving is low Arrest is very time consumingArrest is very time consuming
Domestic Violence n 1 million violent domestic violence crimes in 1998 n Victims call only about 50% of the time n Lower income victims call more often than upper or middle class victims n Danger to police Ranks low for deathRanks low for death Controversy over assaultsControversy over assaults
Domestic violence n Police response ArrestArrest MediationMediation Separating the partiesSeparating the parties Referral to social service agenciesReferral to social service agencies No actionNo action n Factors influencing arrest Seriousness of crimeSeriousness of crime Preference of victim for arrestPreference of victim for arrest Relationship between victim and suspectRelationship between victim and suspect Disrespect to policeDisrespect to police
Other order maintenance crimes n Vice ProstitutionProstitution –Street walkers Ancillary crimeAncillary crime –Call girl GamblingGambling –victimless crime NarcoticsNarcotics HomelessHomeless –Old –New n Alcoholics Detoxification programsDetoxification programs n Mentally ill HospitalizationHospitalization ArrestArrest Informal dispositionInformal disposition n AIDS High concern of infections, buy relatively low number of casesHigh concern of infections, buy relatively low number of cases n Juveniles Strict enforcement versus counseling and advisingStrict enforcement versus counseling and advising