What is innovation? For some people innovation is the modern form of alchemy creating value out of nothing For other people innovation is the contemporary form of gold rush But in its essence innovation is something new which creates meaningful value Innovation is an idea embedded in deep knowledge and professional know-how
IDEAS SOCIAL CAPITAL Creative Solutions Overall Innovation Framework for the Comprehensive Innovation CASH & ECONOMIC VALUES KNOWLEDGE Social innovation Business Innovation Science Innovation Case Implementation Creation & invention COMPETENCIES & TALENTSEducation Innovation NEW SOLUTIONS Daily life & personal Innovation CULTURAL CAPITALCultural Innovation KNOW-HOWTechnology Innovation
Business innovation
1.Incremental Innovation: Improving what we already exists, e.g. processes, ways of work, existing products and solutions 2.Classic Innovation: Creating something new, e.g. new products, new services, new business models, start-ups 3. Advanced innovation: New forms of change and development for the creation of new value, e.g. projects across industries, smart specialization Converging technologies BING, converging industries: Health care, telecommunication Reverse innovation India, Jugaad New social and economical models: circular economy, the Venus Project; Cyberness Three levels of innovation
Challenges: Marine & offshore the century of the sea The oceans are playing a vital role in globalization of the world’s economy, making this century the most maritime-focused in history. Today, with 90% of the world’s merchandise transported by sea, totalling €1,500 billion in revenues The flow of shipments increased five-fold in the past 30 years, and will double again by 2020 Besides these economic stakes, the sea is the earth’s future, especially in areas such as energy, food, pharmacology, and mineral resources available deep in the oceans Today, only 10% of the ocean’s flora and fauna and 5% of underwater soils have been discovered. But humans are dumping 6 million tons of garbage in the Earth’s waters every year, and plastic waste that totals billions in the Mediterranean sea alone – of which 80% originates from individuals²– environmental protection is clearly an essential concern.
Challenges: Disruptive technologies Source: McKinsey Global Institute, Impact of economic value on large parts of the economy Innovative solutions redefining every industry at both the strategic and operational levels Impact on mining and smelting industry
Challenges: Smart Specialization Pomorze
Innovation Framework and Innovation Process INNOVATION FRAMEWORK (1)KEY ISSUES AND FOCUS DOMAIN (2) DISCOVERY AND CREATION (3) INNOVATION BUSINESS CASE (4) IMPLEMENTATION (5) COMMERCIALIZATION INNOVATION PROCESS INNOVATION STRATEGY WS Assignments for the time between the milestone workshops IDEAS WS / Creative solutions Assignments between the milestone workshops OPPORTUNITIES WS Assignments between the milestone workshops EXECUTIVE PRESENTATION WS Assignments between the milestone workshops ACTION PLANNING WS Assignments between the milestone workshops MARKETING PLAN WS Assignments for the milestone workshops
The ‘case’ is providing the translation from the creative ideas to business rationale Innovation is a transformation process
INDIVIDUALS INNOVATION TEAMSCOMPANY Innovation Framework and process Collaboration and partnership Constructive feedback Innovation partnership
Role of Top Management Innovation is an investment into the future of the company. It secures competitiveness and growth. Innovation is part of the top management responsibility Today a well developed corporate strategy needs to have a portfolio of innovation options and a process for development and implementation Top managements needs to: -Put innovation on the corporate agenda; on the strategic and the operational level -Take the strategic lead and give the necessary support -Set priorities and secure risk management -Provide constructive feedback and necessary resources
… but they are so damned unpredictable! Peter Drucker Miracles are great …
Innovation Initiative Developing a culture of creativeness and innovativeness Creation an Innovation Center for the development of the necessary innovation capacity Training and development of Innovation Leaders, i.e. people capable to develop and to implement innovation projects Training and development of Innovation Masters, i.e. people ready, willing and able to train and to develop Innovation Leaders and to contribute to the development and sustainability of the spirit of creativeness and innovativeness in the region Launching and supporting large array of innovation projects across the whole spectrum of comprehensive innovation Creative Bay a unique project focused on comprehensive innovation for the Pomorskie Region.
We are living in an age of fast changes and global transformation. Everything is being reviewed and reinvented If something is feasible and is promising to create value, it will be done! Innovation is all over the place!
Calm down Darling. I can explain everything!